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The Island Project. Lesson 1. Learning Objective: To become inspired and feel creative . Becoming Inspired!.
Lesson 1 • Learning Objective: To become inspired and feel creative
Becoming Inspired! 'As I pored upon my map of 'Treasure Island', the future characters of the book began to appear there visibly among imaginary woods... the next thing I knew, I had some papers before me and was writing out a list of chapters.'
Alice was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sister on the bank, and of having nothing to do; once or twice she had peeped into the book her sister was reading, but it had no pictures or conversations in it, ‘and what is the use of a book,’ thought Alice, ‘without pictures or conversation?’ (Alice in Wonderland)
Creating your Adventure Island • The first part of the Island Project involves you thinking up and creating your own ‘Adventure Island’. • You will need to draw a map of your island. Your island will have never been discovered before. • You will need to make up your own information for the island and even imagine what it would be like to wake up and find your self there.
Learning Objective To create a fact file about your island.
Fact file • What is the population of your island? • Which ocean is the island in? • How big is the island? (It must be very small to have remained undiscovered until now!) • How did the island get its name? • What is the main language and currency? (Remember that your island is undiscovered so you will have to make up what the language and currency is!) • Describe the weather conditions/climate. • Describe the animal and plant life that can be found in the territory. • Any other facts/information:
Invent a pictorial language using your island’s environment as inspiration.
Learning Objective Today you shall start to write a narrative description of the island. Your aim is to paint a vivid picture in your reader’s mind using words only.
Use the picture to spark your imagination… • What can you see? Azure ocean and palm lined shores • What can you hear? The ferocious roar of the four headed dragon • What can you smell? The balmy night sky • What can you taste? Tangy water melon • What can you touch? The warm and fuzzy texture of sand between my feet
Activity My Island Word Wall: Write a list (at least 15) of descriptive words about your island that you want to include in your story. Or If you are feeling super smart, write a word beginning with each letter of the alphabet and write a sentence for each word
Setting • Learning Objective: To create a vivid setting. Here you need to stretch your imagination to the absolute limit. • Check out these places from literature….
In Neverland • The mermaids live in Mermaids' Lagoon and can often be found brushing their beautiful hair. This is also the location of Marooners' Rock. It is not very safe for mortals to come anywhere near here at night, for it is the most dangerous place in Neverland. • The "Black Castle“ is an old abandoned castle, with stone dragons all over it. • Neverpeak Mountain is the huge mountain that is right in the middle of Neverland. When a child is on top of Neverpeak Mountain, he or she can see over anyone and anything and can see beyond belief. • The Maze of Regrets is a maze where all the mothers of the Lost Boys go to find their boys. This was thought to be a maze of witches. • Pixie Hollow is where Tinker Bell and her tiny fairy friends live
In Oz The Emerald City is the end of the yellow brick road, which starts in Munchkin Country. Everyone in the Emerald City is made to wear green-tinted glasses to protect their eyes from the "brightness and glory" of the city, but in effect makes everything appear green when it is, in fact, "no more green than any other city”. The Deadly Desert with life-destroying sands. Anyone who sets foot into the sand of any of these deserts turns into sand themselves. The Yellow brick road a road paved with yellow bricks.
But Miss, it doesn’t exist… How do you know that? Have you been there to see? And if you had been there to see, and had seen none, that would not prove that there were none ... And no one has a right to say that no water babies exist till they have seen no water babies existing, which is quite a different thing, mind, from not seeing water babies.
Learning Objective: • To work effectively to write a collaborative story.
Starter Activity: • From Miss Swann’s inspiration envelope, pick one place, one person and one object which sparks your imagination. • Use three words to describe each. • Present your ideas to the class.
Task • You are going to work together as a group to write five stories, each using the place, person and object you previously selected. • Each person in your groups needs a Collaborative storytelling worksheet • Start with the opening - each person should write a paragraph to start a story • Now pass your worksheet round in a circle so that each person has their neighbour's story • Read what your neighbour has written and then write the next part of the story • Keep passing the worksheets around the group after each section, until all five are complete. Be as imaginative as you can!
Alfred Hitchcock said “A good story is life, with the dull parts taken out."
Discovering your island • http://www.teachers.tv/videos/writing-an-adventure-story-desert-island • Imagine you have just woken up on the beach of a mysterious island. • Perhaps you fell from a passing boat and the sea washed you ashore. • Complete the opening passage of a story describing what you see, hear, smell and feel. I loudly coughed myself awake; I could taste salt and sand in my mouth. I sat up and looked around me as I realised I was a long, long way from home…
Desert Island Discs • Choose eight records, a book and a luxury to take with you to the mythical desert island. • Listen: http://www.bbc.co.uk/podcasts/series/did
Learning Objective: • Develop effective characters which bring your story to life and give them interesting names. • Literature is flooded with characters with great names: Scarlet O’Hara, Miss Havisham, The one-eyed bagman. • The names you choose should reveal something about your characters: who they are, where they come from or where they are going. • What about: Argus Bellamy, Cap'n Logan Graybeard, Rancid RadleySmithe, Pear-Shaped Jack, Thiefin' Casey Scarr?
Ignatius J Reilley A green hunting cap squeezed the top of the fleshy balloon of a head. The green earflaps, full of large ears and uncut hair and the fine bristles that grew in the ears themselves, stuck out on either side like turn signals indicating two directions at once. Full, pursed lips protruded beneath the bushy black moustache and, at their corners, sank into little folds filled with disapproval and potato chip crumbs.
Captain Cuttle A gentleman in a wide suit of blue, with a hook instead of a hand attached to his right wrist; very bushy black eyebrows; and a thick stick in his left hand, covered all over (like his nose) with knobs.
“And the wild things roared their terrible roars and gnashed their terrible teeth and rolled their terrible eyes and showed their terrible claws."
Task: Discovering a friend • Imagine that you meet only one friendly person on the island. (There might be other people but only this one person is friendly). • The person has lived on the island away from civilization for many years and they don’t speak English but they help you by sharing food and showing you where to find water. • Draw a picture of your friend and write a brief description underneath.
Alice in Wonderland A girl named Alice falls down a rabbit-hole and discovers an amazing word of strange creatures like the Cheshire Cat, the Mad Hatter and a giant caterpillar.
Alexander Selkirk- The real Robinson Crusoe • a Scottish sailor who survived on a deserted island for four years • He spent four years and four months of isolation on the island.
Learning Objective: • Today you will make your characters speak. • Dialogue brings characters to life and adds interest
Task- How many words for ‘speak’ can you think of? • babble • murmur • mutter • comment • tittle-tattle • holler • address • teasing • chitchat • scream • chatter • mumble • stutter • remark • gossip • preach • lecture • banter • whisper • shout
But don’t overdo ‘he said’ and ‘she said’… • "You're late again, Clarence!" Petunia looked at her watch. "How much time does it take to put on your shoes, anyway?“ • "Didn't anybody do the homework?" Miss Smith tapped her ruler menacingly on the desk. "There will be a test on this chapter tomorrow."
Watch Bitesize - Better Writing Skills - 3b. Punctuation - Speech Marks
‘It’s not as good as the ordinary kind,’ he said, talking with his mouth full. ‘Because it was worms!’ cried Mrs Twit, clapping her hands and stamping her feet on the floor and rocking with horrible laughter. ‘What can have happened?’ Mrs Twit said, staring at her old walking stick. ‘You’ve got the shrinks!’ cried Mr Twit, pointing his finger at her like a pistol. ‘You won’t last long if you don’t,’ said Mr Twit, giving her another grizzly grin. ‘Very well my angel,’ said Mr Twit and with a ghoulish grin on his lips he knelt down at her feet.
"But I don't want to go among mad people," Alice remarked."Oh, you can't help that," said the Cat: "we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad.""How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice."You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn't have come here."
Learning objective: You now have your setting and your characters. Now you are going to write an enthralling and entertaining plot.