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Exploring Love and Relationships Through Literary Works

Dive deep into the themes of love and relationships through beautiful literature. Analyze quotes and poems, engage in group discussions, and explore different perspectives with stimulating oral exercises.

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Exploring Love and Relationships Through Literary Works

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  1. Lesson 4 – The Nightingale and the Rose Part Five Extension W B T L E ENTER

  2. Lesson 4 – The Nightingale and the Rose Contents Extension • Oral Work  • Quiz  • Writing • Listening Lab W B T L E

  3. Lesson 4 – The Nightingale and the Rose • Oral Work • List • Group discussion • Debating W B T L E

  4. Lesson 4 – The Nightingale and the Rose • Oral Work • In this age, to be practical is everything. Do you agree or disagree? Give you reasons. • Have you ever loved someone? Describe your feelings. • Do you agree that love is selfish? • If thou must love me, let it be for naught • Except for love’s sake only. (Elizabeth Barrett Browning) • Comment on the poem. Brainstorm in groups . The End of group discussion. W B T L E

  5. Lesson 4 – The Nightingale and the Rose • Oral Work Topics for debating: True love is like ghost, which everybody talks about and few have seen. Related quotes from scar Wilde’s Works W B T L E E

  6. Lesson 4 – The Nightingale and the Rose • Oral Work • Men become old, but they never become good.  Lady Windermere's Fan. • Mrs. Allonby: I delight in men over seventy, they always offer one the devotion of a lifetime.  A Woman of No Importance. • I sometimes think that God in creating man, somewhat overestimated His ability.  In Conversation. • How many men there are in modern life who would like to see their past burning to white ashes before them?  An Ideal Husband. To be continued on the next page. W B T L E

  7. Lesson 4 – The Nightingale and the Rose • Oral Work • No man is rich enough to buy back his past. An Ideal Husband. • A man who moralizes is usually a hypocrite, and a woman who moralizes is invariably plain.  Lady Windermere's Fan. • Rich bachelors should be heavily taxed.  It is not fair that some men should be happier than others.  In Conversation. • Men are horribly tedious when they are good husbands, and abominably conceited when they are not.  A Woman of No Importance. To be continued on the next page. W B T L E

  8. Lesson 4 – The Nightingale and the Rose • Oral Work • Lady Windermere: ...I don't like compliments, and I don't see why a man should think he is pleasing a woman enormously when he says to her awhile heap of things that he doesn't mean.  Lady Windermere's Fan. • A bad man is the sort of man who admires innocence, and a bad woman is the sort of woman a man never gets tired of.  A Woman of No Importance. • I don't know that women are always rewarded for being charming.  I think they are usually punished for it!  An Ideal Husband. To be continued on the next page. W B T L E

  9. Lesson 4 – The Nightingale and the Rose • Oral Work • One should never trust a woman who tells one her real age.  A woman who would tell one that, would tell one anything.  A Woman of No Importance. • Crying is the refuge of plain women but the ruin of pretty ones.  Lady Windermere's Fan. • Women know life too late.  That is the difference between men and women.  A Woman of No Importance. • Women are meant to be loved, not to be understood.  The Sphinx Without a Secret. • It takes a thoroughly good woman to do a thoroughly stupid thing.  Lady Windermere's Fan. To be continued on the next page. W B T L E

  10. Lesson 4 – The Nightingale and the Rose • Oral Work • Women give to men the very gold of their lives. But they invariably want it back in small change.  Picture of Dorian Gray. • I am sick of women who love me.  Women who hate me are much more interesting.   The Picture of Dorian Gray. • I prefer women with a past.  They're always so damned amusing to talk to.  Lady Windermere's Fan. To be continued on the next page. W B T L E

  11. Lesson 4 – The Nightingale and the Rose • Oral Work • I don't think there is a woman in the world who would not be a little flattered if one made love to her.  It is that which makes women so irresistibly adorable.  A Woman of No Importance. • My dear young lady, there was a great deal of truth, I dare say, in what you said, and you looked very pretty while you said it, which is much more important.  A Woman of No Importance. • She looks like a woman with a past.  Most pretty women do. An Ideal Husband. • It is perfectly monstrous the way people go about, nowadays, saying things against on behind one's back that are absolutely and entirely true.  A Woman of No Importance. To be continued on the next page. W B T L E

  12. Lesson 4 – The Nightingale and the Rose • Oral Work • People who count their chickens before they are hatched, act very wisely, because chickens run about so absurdly that it is impossible to count them accurately.  Letter from Paris May 1900 • The more one analyses people, the more all reasons for analysis disappear.  Sooner of later one comes to that dreadful universal thing called human nature.  The Decay of Lying. • The public have an insatiable curiosity to know everything, except what is worth knowing.  The Soul of Man Under Socialism. • Most men and women are forced to perform parts for which they have no qualification.   Lord Arthur Savile's Crime. To be continued on the next page. W B T L E

  13. Lesson 4 – The Nightingale and the Rose • Oral Work • Life is much too important a thing ever to talk seriously about it. Vera, of The Nihilists. • The Book of Life begins with a man and woman in a garden.  It ends with Revelation.  A Woman of No Importance. • Life is never fair...And perhaps it is a good thing for most of us that it is not.   An Ideal Husband. • You must not find symbols in everything you see.  It makes life impossible.  Salome. • We are each our own devil, and we make this world our hell.  The Duchess of Padua. • The world is a stage, but the play is badly cast.  Lord Arthur Savile's Crime. To be continued on the next page. W B T L E

  14. Lesson 4 – The Nightingale and the Rose • Oral Work • Nothing spoils a romance so much as a sense of humor in the woman--or the want of it in the man.  A Woman of No Importance. • One should always be in love.  That is the reason one should never marry.  In Conversation. • To love oneself is the beginning of a life-long romance. Phrases and Philosophies for the Use of the Young. • A kiss may ruin a human life.  A Woman of No Importance. • A man can be happy with any woman as long as he does not love her.  The Picture of Dorian Gray. To be continued on the next page. W B T L E

  15. Lesson 4 – The Nightingale and the Rose • Oral Work • Young men want to be faithful and are not; old men want to be faithless and cannot.   The Picture of Dorian Gray. • Faithfulness is to the emotional life what consistency is to the life of the intellect--simply a confession of failures.  The Picture of Dorian Gray. The End of Oral Work. W B T L E

  16. Lesson 4 – The Nightingale and the Rose • Quiz • List • Quiz 1 • Quiz 2 W B T L E

  17. Lesson 4 – The Nightingale and the Rose • Quiz 1 • He has won the first place, ___ is clear from the expressions on his face. • a. that b. as • c. what d. when • 2. His response was __ that we all burst into laughing. • a. so b. what • c. such d. that You’ll be given ten seconds to do the quiz. b c To be continued on the next page. W B T L E

  18. Lesson 4 – The Nightingale and the Rose • Quiz 1  3. This candidate has far more chances of winning the election than __ recommended by the organizer. a. that b. the one c. whom d. one 4. Fool _____Jane is, she could not have done such a thing. a. who b. as c. that d. like You’ll be given ten seconds to do the quiz. b b To be continued on the next page. W B T L E

  19. Lesson 4 – The Nightingale and the Rose • Quiz 1 5.    He is quite worn out from years of hard work. He is not the man ______ he was twenty years ago. a. which b. that c. who d. whom 6. John is ___ hardworking than his sister, but he failed in the exam. a. no less b. no more c. not less d. no so   You’ll be given ten seconds to do the quiz. b a To be continued on the next page. W B T L E

  20. Lesson 4 – The Nightingale and the Rose • Quiz 1 7.  If your car ___ any attention during the first 12 months, take it to an authorized dealer. a. shall need b. should need c. would need d. will need 8. ____the two, Bob is ____ student. a. Of, more diligent b. In, more diligent c. Of , the more diligent d. In, the more diligent 9. She has taken great pains to conceal her emotions, and thereby made them ___conspicuous. a. all the more b. all the much c. all more d. all much You’ll be given ten seconds to do the quiz. b c a To be continued on the next page. W B T L E

  21. Lesson 4 – The Nightingale and the Rose • Quiz 1 10. ___ is often the case with a new idea, much preliminary activity and optimistic discussion produced no concrete proposals. a. That b. It c. This d. As 11. Only take such clothes ___ really necessary. a. as were b. as they are c. as they were d. as are You’ll be given ten seconds to do the quiz. d d The End of Quiz 1. W B T L E

  22. Lesson 4 – The Nightingale and the Rose • Quiz 2 Certain Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the words. The only thing that I’m sure of is that life is full of ________. Even if a ceasefire can be agreed, how cab you make _________that neither side breaks it? There are few absolute ________ in life. uncertainties certain certainties To be continued on the next page. W B T L E

  23. Lesson 4 – The Nightingale and the Rose • Quiz 2 delicate Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the words. She always behaves with great ________. Weather-forecasters have extremely ______ equipment which helps them predict what the weather is going to be like. Teachers need to strike a ______ balance between instructing their pupils and letting them discover things for themselves. delicacy delicate delicate To be continued on the next page. W B T L E

  24. Lesson 4 – The Nightingale and the Rose • Quiz 2 Flush blush Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the words. The police fired tear gas to ______out the terrorists. I tend to _______the old medicines down the toilet. “ Man is the only animal that_______. Or needs to. flush flush blushes To be continued on the next page. W B T L E

  25. Lesson 4 – The Nightingale and the Rose • Quiz 2 Sail soar sweep Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the words. She was ______along on her bike, singing at the top of her voice. Housing prices had ______ a further twenty percent. The flood waters ______ away everything in their path. sailing soared swept The End of Quiz. W B T L E

  26. Lesson 4 – The Nightingale and the Rose • Writing 1. Research the life and works of Oscar Wilde. Do a short presentation on your research findings. 2. Write an essay comparing the ending of The Nightingale and the Rose and another fairytale's ending. 3. Write a fairytale. Pay attention to the diction, syntactic structure. The End of writing. W B T L E

  27. Lesson 4 – The Nightingale and the Rose • Listening Lab The Rose and the Nightingale when the first rose appeared on earth it was pure white. A nightingale saw the rose and flew over to see it more clearly. When it looked closely at the rose the nightingale fell into _______ at its beauty. The little bird ________its breast against the flower and began to sing. As it sang it _______ to feel the thorns that tore its breast and ________ its heart. The blood ran down from the its heart and ________ the rose crimson red. Towards the centre, where the blood did not reach, the rose was paler---as it remains to this day. Fill in the blanks while you are listening. keys pressed ecstasy ceased pierced stained W B T L E The end of Listening lab.

  28. Lesson 4 – The Nightingale and the Rose Part Five Extension This is the end of Lesson Four. W B T L E

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