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Dichotomous Keys

Dichotomous Keys. What if we find things we don't know and we want to know what they are?. What’s my name !?. We use something’s characteristics in a similar way using…. Dichotomous Keys.

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Dichotomous Keys

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Dichotomous Keys

  2. What if we find things we don't know and we want to know what they are? What’s my name !? We use something’s characteristics in a similar way using…

  3. Dichotomous Keys • A dichotomous key is a tool that allows the user to determine the identity of items in the natural world based on the items characteristics • "Dichotomous" means “divided into two parts” Greek origin • dichotomous keys always give two distinct choices in each step, often they are opposites • Black/white; good/evil; pointed/rounded

  4. How to use a dichotomous key? HA! HA! Dichotomous Keys

  5. How to use a Dichotomous Key? Here are creatures we don’t know! Lets choose one

  6. How to use a Dichotomous Key? Choose only one creature at a time.

  7. How to use a Dichotomous Key? Read steps 1a and 1b Decide which statement is true 1b is true

  8. How to use a Dichotomous Key? Then follow the directions after that step. Go to step 5!

  9. How to use a Dichotomous Key? At choice 5, you make another dichotomous choice 5a is true Go to step 6!

  10. How to use a Dichotomous Key? Keep going until you come to a step that gives you the creature’s name. 6 a. The creature has one antennae Go to Step 7. C

  11. How to use a Dichotomous Key? Choose a new creature and start at step 1a and 1b again. Continue until you find the creature’s name. C Where do you start Again?

  12. Then, find the names of all the creatures

  13. 1. a. wings covered by an exoskeleton – go to step 2 b. wings freely observed – Go to step 3 2. a. body has a round shape ……….ladybug, a red beetle with black spots b. body has an elongated shape ……….grasshopper, a green insect that hops 3. a. wings point out from the side of the body ……….dragonfly, an insect that is 10- 15 cm long and lives in marshes b. wings point to the posterior of the body ……….housefly, a flying insect with red eyes and an annoying buzz

  14. Dichotomous key • the dichotomous key can also be expressed in a diagram form

  15. Dichotomous key Another Example of a dichotomous key…

  16. d Species D Species A Species B Species C d

  17. Sphynrna mokarran

  18. 4 legs Dog Spider 8 legs Live in Water Fish Lives on Land Worm

  19. What do I do? • Title in your journal: • Dichotomous Key Practice • -3 Practice Problems in Back • 1.Bees • 1. • 2.Species E • 3. • 4.Species F • 5. • 6. • 2. Write your own- • 3. Name of shark?

  20. Clear your desks, except for journals and pen/pencil!!!!!!!(the longer you take, the more of a chance you will have to complete your booklet at home!) • If you were absent yesterday: • Take 2 pages of copy paper. • Fold into Booklet (hamburger) • Staple binding (when you get to the back) • Title the cover page: Plant Booklet • You will have 3 minutes in the back of the room to draw your favorite type of plant (trees, flowers, bushes, etc.) • Number and Title Each Page!!!!!! • Page 1…Title….Seeds • Page 2 Title: Gas Exchange and Photosynthesis • Page 3 Title: Leaf adaptations • Page 4 Title: Leaf Structures • Page 5 Title: Tropisms • Page 6 Title: Flower Reproduction

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