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基于 SCUSS 数据的星系中恒星形成活动及其环境效应研究

This project aims to investigate key questions regarding the formation and evolution of galaxies, focusing on the influence of galaxy environment. With the advantage of SCUSS-u band survey data, the research will include detailed studies of neighboring galaxies and large-scale statistical analysis of galaxy systems.

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基于 SCUSS 数据的星系中恒星形成活动及其环境效应研究

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  1. 2014重点项目答辩及工作设想 基于SCUSS数据的星系中恒星形成活动及其环境效应研究 周 旭(zhouxu@bao.ac.cn) 中国科学院 国家天文台

  2. 1. 立项依据 • 星系是如何形成的(“inside-out” or “outside-in” )? • 星系环境如何影响星系演化 (star formation quenching)? 基于SCUSS-u波段巡天数据的优势,从两个方面(近邻星系精细研究和大样本星系统计分析),开展星系形成演化中的一些关键问题研究。 星系形成和演化是众多天文项目的主要科学目标,存在重大机遇!

  3. SCUSS -- 南银冠u波段巡天 South Galactic Cap U-band Sky Survey • 观测天区:南银冠天区 ~5000平方度 • 观测波段:u波段,有效波长~3508Å • 极限星等:~23.3,比SDSS-u深1.5等 • 观测设备:2.3米Bok望远镜,视场1度 SCUSS天区3700平方度 补充观测区域 反银心天区 SDSS-IV 扩展天区

  4. SCUSS -- u波段巡天数据独特优势 SCUSS 图像(黑白)和SDSS合成图像(彩色) • 更高空间分辨率 • 分辨星系棒、星系盘等子结构、恒星形成区 • 更暗的极限星等 • 有效选取发射线星系样本;约束暗星系能谱 • 更蓝的有效波长 • 4000Å跃变蓝端测光红移,恒星形成率 SDSS SFR: u vs Ha

  5. u波段巡天数据重要性 • 星系能谱 中的4000埃跳变对计算星系物理参数很重要 • u波段数据是4000埃跳变蓝端唯一和光学、近红外星等匹配数据 • u波段测光数据:可以精确获得星系测光红移和物理特性; 有效选取发射线星系(eBOSS-ELGs) u band z_spec z_phot Ilbert et al. (2006) eBOSS-ELGs

  6. 2. 研究内容 (点-面结合) 恒星形成区 星系如何组装(assembly):inside-out or outside-in? 星团:星系星族和动力学 星系棒和盘的作用:effect of bars and disk in building the central mass of galaxies 近邻星系内部特性研究 星团 星系棒、盘 星系恒星形成quenching机制: environment, mass, merger? 发射线星系主序关系弥散的物理起因? 星系恒星形成和星系环境的关系? 发射线星系 大样本星系的统计研究 星系团 星暴后星系

  7. 4.1 研究团队 • 长期紧密合作的研究团队:观测、数据处理和理论分析互补;包括研究员教授4人、其他研究人员6人;博士生8人 • 近五年共发表100余篇论文,论文被引2000余次;其中一半为共同合作论文 国家天文台、中国科学技术大学和南京师范大学在星系物理方面的研究合作始于90年代,有着多年成功合作的基础和经验。特别是在基金委重点基金“星族合成及其在星系形成演化研究中的应用”(2007-2010)支持下,这种合作得到了更好的发展和强化。2007-2010期间,我们研究和发展了星族合成的方法和测光红移的技术,并将这些技术方法用于研究大样本的高红移和近邻星系和星系团的物理特性;利用我国的观测设备展开对近邻星系和星系团的观测;基于BATC以及多波段的空间和地面观测数据,积极展开对星系团,星系和河内外星团的多色测光和光变研究,取得大量的研究成果,发表科研论文103篇,其中SCI论文77篇。

  8. 北京 2017年7月

  9. Nearby Galaxies Spectroscopic Observation and Analysis of Hii Regions in M33 with MMT: Temperatures and Oxygen Abundances Zesen Lin, Ning Hu, Xu Kong, Yulong Gao, Hu Zou, Enci, Wang, Fuzhen Cheng, Guanwen Fang, Lin Lin, Jing Wang Observe 413 Hii regions in M33 and obtained largest spectrum sample of Hii regions for M33. Compute the physical conditions and metallicity of these Hii regions, Study of the spatial distribution of gas-phase oxygen abundances in M33 and confirm the existence of the axisymmetric global metallicity distribution.

  10. Nearby Galaxies 基于IFU数据研究贫金属恒星形成区 刘海洋, 孔旭

  11. Nearby Galaxies

  12. Star formation quenching and mass assembly of galaxies What determine the local metallicity: global stellar mass, local stellar mass surface density or star formation rate? Yulong Gao,Xu Kong and Enci Wang

  13. Star formation quenching and mass assembly of galaxies Yulong Gao,Xu Kong and Enci Wang

  14. Nearby Galaxies Research on nearby galaxies and low-z galaxies 邹虎,NAOC • An Updated Ultraviolet Catalog of GALEX Nearby Galaxies • IRX-β Relation of Star-forming Regions in NGC 628 Based on Integral Field Spectroscopy • Stellar populations of M51-NGC5195 • Photometric redshift and galaxy clusters based on SCUSS+SDSS+WISE

  15. Nearby Galaxies

  16. Galaxy Structure

  17. Stellar Cluster in Nearby Galaxies 两个M81星系群的球状星团在BATC g波段上的图像 马骏

  18. Stellar Cluster in Nearby Galaxies 马骏

  19. Stellar Cluster in Nearby Galaxies 疏散星团NGC1039的成员星与动力学参数 王佳鑫,马骏

  20. Stellar Cluster in Nearby Galaxies

  21. Star formation quenching and mass assembly of galaxies SCUSS u-BAND EMISSION AS A STAR-FORMATION-RATE INDICATOR Zhimin Zhou, Xu Zhou, Hong Wu1, Xiao-Hui Fan, Zhou Fan, Zhao-Ji Jiang, Yi-Peng Jing, Cheng Li et al. 2017ApJ...835...70Z 2017/01 Explore the correlations between u-band, Hα, and IR luminosities by combing SCUSS data with the Sloan Digital Sky Survey and Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE).

  22. Star formation quenching and mass assembly of galaxies

  23. Star formation quenching and mass assembly of galaxies

  24. Star formation quenching and mass assembly of galaxies

  25. Star formation quenching and mass assembly of galaxies

  26. Star formation quenching and mass assembly of galaxies

  27. Star formation quenching and mass assembly of galaxies The metal-poor star-forming galaxies at 0.6<z<0.9 from SDSS IV eBOSS Qirong Yuan (袁啟荣),Min Bao(鲍敏), Feng Li(李峰) 1、发现了6个极贫金属星系,其金属丰度低于太阳金属丰度的1/10; 2、和正常金属丰度的z ~ 1的SFGs相比,贫金属样本的恒星形成活动更剧烈,主序关系整体上移; 3、样本处在本地MZR下方,表明随红移增加整体朝低金属丰度方向移动; 4、高sSFR样本较好符合本地FMR,低sSFR有一定偏移。

  28. Star formation quenching and mass assembly of galaxies The nature of UV-selected massive galaxies in the five 3D-HST/CANDELS fields 顾一舟,方官文,袁啟荣

  29. Star formation quenching and mass assembly of galaxies The nature of UV-selected massive galaxies in the five 3D-HST/CANDELS fields 顾一舟,方官文,袁啟荣

  30. Star formation quenching and mass assembly of galaxies Numerical Study of Formation and Evolution of Collisional Ring Galaxy An outer ring structure around the host galaxy of SDSS J1634+2049 Guangwen Chen, Xufen Wu, Xu Kong

  31. Star formation quenching and mass assembly of galaxies The gas-rich major mergers in the hyper-luminous, hot dust-obscured galaxies revealed by ALMA Lulu Fan (范璐璐)

  32. Star formation quenching and mass assembly of galaxies SDSS+SCUSS Template ELG selection by ugriW1 Xu ZHOU SDSS_u – g SCUSS_u – g • The ELG template can be developed by known ELG SEDs • u band should be used for better decrease the stellar pollution • The quality SCUSS u band is much better than SDSS u band • ELG can be selected by comparison with ELG template • The ELG density of homogenous looks very good; • The number density is higher than other method? • The template ELG selection is within Fisher ELG selection area in color-color diagrams

  33. Multicolor Photometry Study of Galaxy Cluster

  34. Star formation quenching and mass assembly of galaxies AGNs in galaxy groups/clusters based on SDSS-DR8 Li Feng,Yuan Qirong • The fractions of AGNs almost do not change with the richness of groups. • The SFs and the Low S/N SFs are mainly composed by blue spiral galaxies. • ....

  35. Multicolor Photometry Study of Galaxy Cluster SCUSS天区测光红移和星系团研究 高菁华 邹虎 周旭 1.SCUSS天区的星系团列表。 2.和原有星系团成员星系的差别? 3.利用SCUSS&WISE对于星系SFR受环境影响的统计性研究。

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