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Library Book Search

Library Book Search. Susan Mann Library Media Specialist Meadow Lane Library. The Lesson. The purpose of this lesson is to teach students how to use OPAC . Students should be able to research books on OPAC and find them on the library shelf.

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Library Book Search

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Library Book Search Susan Mann Library Media Specialist Meadow Lane Library

  2. The Lesson The purpose of this lesson is to teach students how to use OPAC. Students should be able to research books on OPAC and find them on the library shelf. Students will take a Pre-Test, complete a Worksheet and take a Post-Test to determine what they have learned.

  3. What is OPAC? OPAC is a computerized library book search program. Books may be searched by title, author, subject, call number. or keyword.

  4. 5 WAYS TO SEARCH OPAC • Title If you know the title of the book, type in the first word. Omit A, An or The. • Author Type in the author’s last name. • Subject If you don’t know the title or author of the book, but you know what the book is about, type in the subject of the book. • Keyword Type in a word you think might be in the title, subject etc. OPAC will search the entire library catalog and bring up all books that have the word in their record. • Call Number The call number is the books address in the library .Use the Dewey Decimal System to look for all books under the same call number

  5. Books may be classified under Fiction or non-fiction. Non-fiction books are informational books and have a number on their spine label. Fiction books are made up in the author’s imagination. They have either F, FIC or E on their spine label.

  6. Non-Fiction 599.74Dewey Classification ADAFirst 3 letters of the authors last name Fiction FIC First 3 letters of the word fiction ADA First 3 letters of the author’s last name Book Spine Labels

  7. Using OPAC Students using OPAC to look up a book

  8. Success!

  9. Lesson Results

  10. Being able to successfully research and find books in the library is a rewarding and useful tool that students will use now and in the future. Open Books … Open Minds

  11. THANK YOU !

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