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Organizatat Nd rkomb tare

Bardhyl Hasanpapaj, LLM . Organizata e Kombeve t

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Organizatat Nd rkomb tare

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    1. Bardhyl Hasanpapaj, LLM Organizatat Ndrkombtare Bardhyl Hasanpapaj, LLM.Eur (PhD Candidate) bardhyl@hasanpapaj.com Semetri Veror, 2011

    2. Bardhyl Hasanpapaj, LLM Organizata e Kombeve t Bashkuara Idet e Para: Presidenti i SHBA-s Franklin D. Roosevelt Kryeministri i B.Madhe dhe Irlands Veriore, inston Churchill N: Karta e Atlantikut, 14 Gusht 1941, e cila parashihte prcaktimin e disa vlerave t prbashkta pr themelimin e paqes n Bot.

    3. Bardhyl Hasanpapaj, LLM Organizata e Kombeve t Bashkuara Karta e Atlantikut, ishte akt 2 Palsh por praktikisht kishte si synim t gjitha vendet e bots, me idelae t prgjithme pr rregullimin e bots mbi parimet e: Liris, T barazis Vetvendosjes Ndalimit t forcs, dhe Garantimit t paqes prmes sistemit t siguris kolektive.

    4. Bardhyl Hasanpapaj, LLM Organizata e Kombeve t Bashkuara Origjina e OKB: Deklarata e Kombeve t Bashkuara (01.01.1942) (26 vendet q ishin n luft kundr vendeve t Boshtit, kishin lidhur kualicion Mbi parimet e Karts s Atlantikut). M von Deklarats iu bashkuan edhe 21 vende tjera. Konferencat e Mosks, Teheranit, Dumbarton Oaks, dhe t Jalts (mes 43 shkurt 45, kjo e fundit) - Bashkimi Sovjetik, Britania e Madhe, SHBA, Kina proklamonin krijimin e nj organizate universale pr ruatjen e paqes n bot (Roosevelti. Stalini, Churchilli).

    5. Bardhyl Hasanpapaj, LLM Organizata e Kombeve t Bashkuara Konferenca e Kombeve t Bashkuara e San-Franciskos ( Konference e hapur ndaj t gjitha kombeve t bashkuara (i.e. vendet q u kishin shpall luft vendeve t Boshtit) (rasti i A.Saudite, Egjipti, Siria, Libani, Turqia, Argjentina, Peruja, Uruguai dhe Paraguai)! 50 shtetet prfaqsuese t konferencs me 26 Qershor 1945 nnshkruan Kartn e Organizats s Kombeve t Bashkuara e cila hyri n fuqi m 24 tetor 1945. AssPrgjithshme m 14 shkurt, provizorisht, e me 14 dhjetor, prfundimisht, 1946: Selia e OKB. NY.

    6. Bardhyl Hasanpapaj, LLM Organizata e Kombeve t Bashkuara Qllimet e OKB: T ruhet paqja dhe siguria ndrkombtare; T zhvillohen marrdhniet miqsore ndrmjet kombeve, duke respektuar parimin e barazis dhe t vetvendosjes, duke marr t gjitha masat pr t forcuar paqen n bot; T realizohet bashkpunimi ndrkombtar pr zgjidhjen e problemeve ndrkombtare (ekonomike, shoqrore, intelektual, humanitar etj.), duke inkurajuar respektimin, pa kurrfar dallimi, e t drejtave dhe lirive themelore t njeriut. Ombet e Bashkuara t jen qendra pr harmonizimin e prpjekjeve pr arritjen ktyre qllimeve.

    7. Bardhyl Hasanpapaj, LLM Organizata e Kombeve t Bashkuara Parimet e OKB: Barazia Sovrane; Zgjidhja paqsore e Mosmarrveshjeve Ndrkombtare; Ndalimi i Prdorimit t, apo krcnimit me Forc; Ndalimi i ndrhyrjes n Punt e Brendshme t shteteve; dhe Parimet tjera: (bashkpunimi, barazia dhe vetvendosja, bona fide/mirbesimi)

    8. Bardhyl Hasanpapaj, LLM Organizata e Kombeve t Bashkuara Organet e OKB: Asambleja e Prgjithshme; Kshilli i Sigurimit; Kshilli Ekonomik e Social; Kshilli i Kujdestaris; Gjykata Ndrkombtare e Drejtsis; Sekretariati.

    9. Bardhyl Hasanpapaj, LLM Organizata e Kombeve t Bashkuara Asambleja e Prgjithshme: Organi Qendror i KB; Prbhet nga prfaqsuesit e t gjitha shteteve antare (5 prfaqsues dhe 5 nnprfaqsues s bashku me kshilltar dhe ekspert); Takohet n sesione t Rregullta (n shtator dhe zgjat disa muaj) dhe t Jashtzakonshme (nga Sekretari i Prgjithshm me krkesn e KS apo t shumics s antarve t KB) 15 dit nga koha kur bhet krkesa po 24 or pr United 4 Peace Rez.) Borded, Komisionet, Kshillat dhe Panelet; Grupet Punuese, Etj.

    10. Bardhyl Hasanpapaj, LLM Organizata e Kombeve t Bashkuara Kompetencat e As. Prgjithshme: Diskuton t gjitha shtjet n kuadr t Karts s OKB; Vendos pr pranimin, prjashtimin apo pezullimin (me rekom. KS) Diskuton pr t gjitha shtjet pr ruatjen e paqes dhe t siguris ndrkombtare; I trheq vrejtjen KS pr situatat q rrezikojn paqen dhe sigurin; Rekomandon masa pr zgjidhjen paqsore t situatave q dmtojn marrdhniet miqsore midis popujve;

    11. Bardhyl Hasanpapaj, LLM Organizata e Kombeve t Bashkuara Kompetencat e As. Prgjithshme: Pranon dhe Shqyrton raportet e KS dhe organeve tjera; Aprovon marrveshjet e kujdestaris pr zonat jo-strat.; Zgjedh antart jo t prhershm t KS, ECOSOC, Kshillit t Kujdestaris; Zgjedh Gjyqtart e GJND s bashku me KS; Emron Sekretarin e Prgjithshm n baz t Rekomandimit t KS. Shqyrton dhe Aprovon Buxhetin e KB dhe kontributet e antarve; Miraton tekstet e konventave ndrkombtare (funksioni Legjislativ); Funksionet n baz t Rezoluts United for Peace/T bashkuar pr Paqe (337/V nentor 1950).

    12. Bardhyl Hasanpapaj, LLM Organizata e Kombeve t Bashkuara Kshilli i Sigurimit: 5 Natar t Prhershm (SHBA, Mbretria e Bashkuar, Franca, Rusia dhe Kina) 10 Antar jo t Prhershm (zgjedhen do 2 vite nga As. e Prgjithshme) sipas formuls gjeografike: 5 vende Afro-Aziatike (3 Afr. me 2 Az.); 2 Vende Amerikes Latine dhe Karaibeve; 2 Vende Evrops Perndimore dhe vendeve tjera (Kanada, Australi, Zelanda e Re); dhe 1 vend Evrops Lindore.

    13. Bardhyl Hasanpapaj, LLM Organizata e Kombeve t Bashkuara Kompetencat e KS: T ruaj paqen dhe sigurin n bot dhe pr kt ka t drejt t marr masa efektive n do koh t prishjes apo krcnimit pr prishjen e paqes; Zgjidhjen e mosmarrveshjeve n mnyr paqsore; T zhvilloj hetime mbi seciln situat t krcnimit t paqes dhe siguris n bot; Formulon planet pr sistemin e rregullimit t armatimit; Vendos mbi egzistimin e krcnimit pr paqe, prishjes s paqes apo akteve t agresionit si dhe t rekomandoj masat prkatse q duhen marr; Rekomandon masat e prkohshme pr pengimin e keqsimit t situatave konfliktuoze.

    14. Bardhyl Hasanpapaj, LLM Organizata e Kombeve t Bashkuara Kompetencat e KS: Vendose mbi masat, duke prfshir edhe prdorimin e forcave t armatosura, pr t siguruar zbatimin e vendimeve t tij; Merr masa dhe aksione me forca ajrore, detare apo toksore t domozdoshme pr ruajtjen apo kthimin e paqes dhe siguris ndrkombtare; Kontrollon dhe mbikqyr zonat strategjike nn kujdestari; Mund t urdhroj prmbushjen e dhunshme t vendimeve t GJND-s; Kompetencat s bashku me As. Prgjithshme.

    15. Bardhyl Hasanpapaj, LLM Organizata e Kombeve t Bashkuara Votimi n KS: shtjet Procedurale mjaftojn 9 vota t cilatdo shteteve (caktimi i vendit t mbledhjeve, agjends, zgjedhja e kryetarit, pjesmarrjen e antarve tjer n mbledhjen e KS; zgjedhjen e gjyqtarve t GJND) shtjet tjera: 9 vota, prfshir ktu 5 votat e prhershme. Prdorimi i vetos! abstenimi?

    16. Bardhyl Hasanpapaj, LLM Organizata e Kombeve t Bashkuara Antarsia n OKB: 51 shtetet themeluese (Polonia!) E hapur pr t gjitha vendet, q plotsojn 4 kushtet: T jen paqdashs (peace-loving!); ti pranojn detyrimet q rrjedhin nga Karta e OKB-s; T jet i aft pr prmbushjen e detyrimeve; dhe T jet i gatshm pr prmbushjen e detyrimeve. Procedura: Asambleja e Prgjithshme me 2/3 pas Rekomandimit t KS.

    17. Bardhyl Hasanpapaj, LLM Organizata e Kombeve t Bashkuara Prfundimi i Antarsis: Trheqja; (rasti i Indonezis mars 65 - shtator 66) Prjashtimi; N rast t shkeljes s vazhdueshme t Karts s OKB. Pezullimi. Ndalimi i ushtrimit t drejtave dhe privilegjeve t antarit. Procedura, sikur ajo e pranimit n OKB.

    18. Bardhyl Hasanpapaj, LLM Entente Poers ere the countries at ar ith the Central Poers during orld ar I. The key members of the Triple Entente ere: the United Kingdom, France, and the Russian Empire. USA (Zimmermann Telegram!) These other countries ere also minor members of the Entente: Belgium, Serbia, Italy, Japan, Greece, Romania.

    19. Bardhyl Hasanpapaj, LLM

    20. Bardhyl Hasanpapaj, LLM The Central Poers ere composed of the folloing nations: Austro-Hungarian Empire: entered the ar on 28 July 1914 German Empire (including German colonial forces): 1 August 1914 Ottoman Empire: secretly 2 August 1914; openly 29 October 1914 Kingdom of Bulgaria: 14 October 1915

    21. Bardhyl Hasanpapaj, LLM The Zimmermann Telegram (or Zimmermann Note) as a 1917 diplomatic proposal from the German Empire to Mexico to make ar against the United States. The proposal as declined by Mexico, due to a Civil ar in the country, but angered Americans and led in part to a U.S. declaration of ar in April

    22. Bardhyl Hasanpapaj, LLM Zimmermann's message as: "e intend to begin on the first of February unrestricted submarine arfare. e shall endeavor in spite of this to keep the United States of America neutral. In the event of this not succeeding, e make Mexico a proposal of alliance on the folloing basis: make ar together, make peace together, generous financial support and an understanding on our part that Mexico is to reconquer the lost territory in Texas, Ne Mexico, and Arizona. The settlement in detail is left to you. You ill inform the President of the above most secretly as soon as the outbreak of ar ith the United States of America is certain and add the suggestion that he should, on his on initiative, invite Japan to immediate adherence and at the same time mediate beteen Japan and ourselves. Please call the President's attention to the fact that the ruthless employment of our submarines no offers the prospect of compelling England in a fe months to make peace." Signed, ZIMMERMANN

    23. Bardhyl Hasanpapaj, LLM The message came as a coded telegram dispatched by the Foreign Secretary of the German Empire, Arthur Zimmermann, on January 16, 1917, to the German ambassador in ashington, D.C., Johann von Bernstorff, at the height of orld ar I. On January 19, Bernstorff, per Zimmermann's request, forarded the telegram to the German ambassador in Mexico, Heinrich von Eckardt. Zimmermann sent the telegram in anticipation of the resumption of unrestricted submarine arfare by Germany on February 1, an act hich German Chancellor Theobald von Bethmann-Holleg feared ould dra the neutral U.S. into ar on the side of the Allies.[1] The telegram instructed Ambassador Eckardt that if the U.S. appeared likely to enter the ar, he as to approach the Mexican Government ith a proposal for military alliance. He as to offer Mexico material aid in the reclamation of territory lost during the Mexican-American ar (the Southeastern section of the area of the Mexican Cession of 1848) and the Gadsden Purchase, specifically the American states of Texas, Ne Mexico, and Arizona. Eckardt as also instructed to urge Mexico to help broker an alliance beteen Germany and the Japanese Empire. The Zimmermann Telegram as intercepted and decoded by the British cryptographers of Room 40.[2] The revelation of its contents in the American press on March 1 caused public outrage that contributed to the U.S.'s declaration of ar against Germany and its allies on April 6.

    24. Bardhyl Hasanpapaj, LLM Allies of orld ar II The Allies of orld ar II ere the countries that opposed the Axis poers during the Second orld ar (19391945). Former Axis states contributing to the allied victory are not considered Allied states. The Allies became involved in orld ar II either because they had already been invaded, ere directly threatened ith invasion by the Axis or because they ere concerned that the Axis poers ould come to control the orld.[1] The anti-German coalition at the start of the ar (September 1, 1939) consisted of France, Poland and the United Kingdom.[2] After 1941, the leaders of the British Empire, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, and the United States of America, knon as the "Big Three",[3] held leadership of the allied poers. France, before its defeat in 1940 and after Operation Overlord in 1944, as ell as China[4][5][6] at that time, ere also major Allies.[7] Other Allies included Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Czechoslovakia, Ethiopia, Greece, Mexico, the Netherlands, Ne Zealand, Noray, the Union of South Africa and Yugoslavia.[8]

    25. Bardhyl Hasanpapaj, LLM Allies of orld ar II During December, 1941, US President Franklin Roosevelt devised the name "United Nations" for the Allies. He referred to the Big Three and China as a "trusteeship of the poerful", and then later the "Four Policemen".[9] The Declaration by United Nations on 1 January 1942 as the basis of the modern United Nations (UN).[10] At the Potsdam Conference of JulyAugust 1945, Roosevelt's successor, Harry S. Truman, proposed that the foreign ministers of China, France, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom and the United States "should draft the peace treaties and boundary settlements of Europe", hich led to the creation of the Council of Foreign Ministers.[11]

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