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Energy Transfer in the Atmosphere

Energy Transfer in the Atmosphere. Chapter 4 - Section 2 Pgs 99 - 102. Energy from the Sun. Most of the Earth ’ s energy comes from the sun 35% is reflected back into space 15% is absorbed by the atmosphere 50 % is absorbed by the earth ’ s surface. Heat.

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Energy Transfer in the Atmosphere

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Energy Transfer in the Atmosphere Chapter 4 - Section 2 Pgs 99 - 102

  2. Energy from the Sun • Most of the Earth’s energy comes from the sun • 35% is reflected back into space • 15% is absorbed by the atmosphere • 50 % is absorbed by the earth’s surface

  3. Heat • energy that flows from an object with a higher temperature to an object with a lower temperature

  4. Heat • Heat always moves from a warmer place to a cooler place. • Hot objects in a cooler room will cool to room temperature. • Cold objects in a warmer room will heat up to room temperature.

  5. Question? • If a cup of coffee and a red popsicle were left on the table in this room what would happen to them? Why?

  6. Answer • The cup of coffee will cool until it reaches room temperature. The popsicle will melt and then the liquid will warm to room temperature.

  7. Heat Transfer • The Earth is heated by energy from the sun • This heat is then transferred through the atmosphere by radiation, conduction or convection

  8. Radiation • energy transferred in the form of waves or rays

  9. Conduction • The transfer of heat that occurs when molecules bump into each other • Energy transferred through directcontact

  10. Convection • Transfer of heat by the flow of material • Convection circulates heat throughout the atmosphere

  11. Example

  12. The Water Cycle • Hydrosphere - all the waters on Earth • The constant cycling of water in the atmosphere and hydrosphere that plays an important role in determining weather patterns and climate types

  13. The Water Cycle • Evaporation - change of matter from a liquid to a gas state • Condensation - change of matter from a gas to a liquid state • Precipitation - rain, snow, sleet or hail that falls to the ground • Transpiration - giving off of moisture through the surface of leaves or other plant parts • Groundwater- water that collects and flows under ground • Runoff- water that runs along the surface of land into a body of water

  14. The Water Cycle • Adding or subtracting heat keeps the cycle going

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