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Los verbos reflexivos

Los verbos reflexivos. conocerse bien / mal contarse (o--> ue ) chismes contarse secretos. Animarse dedicarse a desanimarse. Entusiasmarse ponerse nervioso (a ) sentirse (e--> ie , i) frustrado(a) . Apoyarse Ayudarse Caer (le) bien /mal. llevarse bien / mal Odiarse pelearse.

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Los verbos reflexivos

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  1. Los verbosreflexivos

  2. conocersebien / mal • contarse (o-->ue) chismes • contarsesecretos

  3. Animarse • dedicarsea • desanimarse

  4. Entusiasmarse • ponersenervioso(a) • sentirse (e-->ie, i) frustrado(a)

  5. Apoyarse • Ayudarse • Caer(le) bien/mal

  6. llevarsebien / mal • Odiarse • pelearse

  7. Perdonarse • Quejarse • Saludarse • telefonearse

  8. In Spanish, we use reflexive verbs when we want to say someone does something to, at, or for oneself. The reflexive verbs in Spanish require a reflexive pronoun that will refer to the person doing the action. The idea of reflexives in English:

  9. The reflexive pronouns: Note: LE and LES are not reflexive! Those are used when you are doing /giving something to someone ELSE

  10. Andrés selastimó. = Andrés hurt himself. • Me desperté a las siete y media. = I woke up at seven thirty. • *With reflexive verbs, there are two things that always match: What is the rule? • *The ________________ and the verb _____________ always match.

  11. Put the reflexive pronoun BEFORE the conjugated verb: ¿Cuándose levantó Marcos? = When did Marcos get up? • Put the reflexive pronoun AFTER the infinitive (attached). No debespreocuparte. = You shouldn’t worry.

  12. IF you have 2 verbs, you have 2 ways to say a sentence using a reflexive pronoun! • Before the conjugated verb OR • Attached to the infinitive

  13. -If you want to sound more like a native speaker, you can put the reflexive pronoun before the conjugated verb if there is an infinitive later in the sentence: • Por ejemplo: • No te debes preocupar. = You shouldn’t worry (yourself). • ¿Cuándo se va a bañar? = When is she going to bathe (herself)?

  14. Tú / bañarse a las ocho _________________________________ • Pedro y Manuel / compartirse mucho ______________________________ 3.Lola y yo / ir a saludarse __________________________

  15. 4. Sara dedicated herself to her studies _____________________________ 5. I am excited at the start of class ________________________________ 6. You want to apologize to your best friend _______________________________________

  16. Nonreflexively: Reflexive: Me desperté a las diez hoy. = I woke up at ten today. Nonreflexive: Le desperté a mi hermanito a las diez hoy. = I woke up my little brother at ten today.

  17. 1. She gets dressed every __________________________________________ 2. Benjamín washed his face. _____________________________________ 3. Isabel dried her hair. (secarse) __________________________________ 4. Paco got really bored. ________________________________________

  18. 5. Andrea has sat on the chair. ___________________________________ 6. Máximo bathed the cat yesterday. ____________________________ 7. Lilianahas complained a lot. ________________________________

  19. 12. The students had opposed the idea. ___________________________________ 13. We had washed our hair at our grandparents’ house. ______________________________________________________________________

  20. Reflexives for “each other / one another” • In Spanish, we can also use reflexive verbs to express the idea of “each other” or “one another.” • *English fact: • “each other” can only refer to two people =You and I help each other. • “one another” refers to three or more = The students in the class share with one another.

  21. Kike y yo nos conocemos muy bien. = Kike and I know each other very well. • Mis hermanitos se pelean mucho. = My little brothers fight with each other a lot. • Los amigos debenayudarse. = Friends should help one another.

  22. *With reflexive verbsused reciprocally, you will always have a plural ending, because you are referring to more than one person. (each other/ one another).

  23. Examples: Saludarse • Mauricio y Mariana se saludaron. = Mauricio and Mariana said hello. (The “to each other” is implied but not stated) Mauricio y Mariana se saludaron el uno a la otra (Mauricio and Mariana saidhellotoeachother. Directly, “el uno a la otra” means “he to her,” or “the one to the other”

  24. 1. Catalina y Margarita /perdonarse ______________________________________ 2. Roberto / quejarse ______________________________ 3. Raquel y Ana / llevarse bien _____________________________ 4. Liliana y Benjamín / pelearse mucho ________________________________

  25. 5. The friends forgave each other at the end of the movie. ______________________________________________________________________ 6. Manuel and Pedro secretly hate each other (en secreto). ______________________________________________________________________ 7. Melía and Carmía greet each other. ________________________________________________________________________

  26. 8. A happy family supports (one another). _______________________________________________________________ 9. Liliana and Pedro phone each other often / frequently. _________________________________________________________________ 10. Lola and Sarita tell one another gossip every day. ______________________________________________________

  27. 11. Karlita and Selena get along well. _______________________________________________________ 12. Sofía and Eva help each other. _________________________________________________________

  28. 1. Britney Spears has to fix her hair (peinarse). _______________________________________________________________ 2. Lil Wayne regrets having a gun. (arrepentirse, e ie) _______________________________________________________________ 3. I brush my teeth every day. ________________________________________________________________

  29. 4. You wash your hands with soap before eating. __________________________________________________________________ 5. We wake up at the same time! Have you stretched yet? _______________________________________________________________________________________ 6. Ismael washes the dog. ____________________________________________________________

  30. 7. The student got bored from being at school. He left. (irse) __________________________________________________________ 8.I wake up the baby in order to play with her. _________________________________________________________________ 9.The students and I wanted to relax today. ______________________________________________ OR ______________________________________________________

  31. A personal: • We visit our grandparents. Visitamos_______________________________ • I really love my friends. Quiero mucho _______________________________ • Selena gaveherparents a gift. Selena _______________________________

  32. Se impersonal: • In Spanish, we can use the pronoun “se” in order to avoid specifying the person who is doing the action of the verb. • For example: • Se vende casa = House for sale. • Se aquila apartamento = Apartmentforrent.

  33. In these expressions, you are indicating that SOMEONE is selling a house or renting an apartment, but that you either don’t know who the person is or you are choosing not to identify him or her.

  34. The Spanish reflexives can be used for both of these cases. • When you use se, the verb is always in the third person. It could be either the he/she form or the they form.

  35. ~If the noun that follows the verb is singular, the verb is in the él/ella/ustedform: • Aquí se hablaespañol = Spanish is spoken here. • A. How would you say, Guitar for sale = ___________________________ • How do you (does one) turn off the vacuum cleaner? = _____________________________________________

  36. ~If the noun that follows the verb is plural, you use the ellos/ellas/ustedes form of the verb. • Aquí se reparancarros = Cars are repaired here. • B. How would you say, Books for sale = ___________________________

  37. You can use this construction with se in all tenses. • For example: • Se hizo mucho = A lot was done. (a type of passive voice) • Se habíahecho mucho = A lot has been done. • Se hará mucho = A lot will be done. • How would you say, “Strange things (cosasraras) were said = _________________________________

  38. The taxes (los impuestos) are paid on Mondays. ____________________________________________________________ • How does one say “ice cream?” in English? _________________________________________________________________ • They serve spicy food at this Mexican restaurant. (Spicy food is served) __________________________________________________________ 4.Credit cards (tarjetas de crédito) are not accepted here. __________________________________________

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