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‘Information and Ideas’

‘Information and Ideas’ . Section B. ‘Information and Ideas’ . Choosing Content, Style and Language. The aims of this unit are; To write clearly, with imagination, using appropriate vocabulary. Write with a clear structure (sentences and paragraphs.) Use a variety of sentence structures. .

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‘Information and Ideas’

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Presentation Transcript

  1. ‘Information and Ideas’ Section B

  2. ‘Information and Ideas’ Choosing Content, Style and Language. The aims of this unit are; To write clearly, with imagination, using appropriate vocabulary. Write with a clear structure (sentences and paragraphs.) Use a variety of sentence structures.

  3. Starter Whilst you’re waiting for the register to be taken, make a list of all the different types of writing you have used in the last week. E.g. text, email, tweet, shopping list, essay etc.

  4. Information and Ideas’ Different types of writing. • Match the following writing to their type (or types) on the sheet you have been given. • a recipe • A webpage comparing prices of mobile phones • a magazine article about whether school students should be allowed to work from home on the internet. • a piece of writing giving the writer’s view of a film. Activity

  5. Informal Formal Formal Serious Factual Impersonal Objective Informal Light Hearted Opinionated Emotive Subjective

  6. ‘Information and Ideas’ Audience and Style A text message to a friend to say good luck. A job application letter • Which text is likely to be the most formal? • Which text do you think would be the most opinionated? • Which texts are likely to be emotive? Do you think one might be more emotive than others? A thank you letter to an elderly relative An apologetic email to a friend A teenage magazine article of fashion. A review of an opera

  7. Before writing you need to consider the following;

  8. Information and Ideas’ Plan an article for your local newspaper on a film festival at your school. At the festival, visitors, parents and students were invited to watch short films by students and vote on the best ones. THEN… Write the newspaper article in full. (In 45 minutes.) Activity

  9. Revision Read all about it… Read one tabloid and one broadsheet newspaper and make a note of some of the different types of articles there are. For example; news, opinions, editorials. Due in next lesson

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