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The Programme for Education in Prison s. Developing Training Programmes for Qualified Teachers to Teach in Prisons 113991-CP-1-2004-1-MT-GRUNDTVIG-G11. COMMUNICATION AND TRANSACTIONAL ANALYSIS. PERSONALITY: SOCIAL STATUS SOCIAL ROLE SOCIAL DYNAMICS :. TEMPERAMENT
The Programme for Education in Prisons Developing Training Programmes for Qualified Teachers to Teach in Prisons113991-CP-1-2004-1-MT-GRUNDTVIG-G11 COMMUNICATION AND TRANSACTIONAL ANALYSIS
COMMUNICATION COMPETENCE Every role is always fullfiled in different peculiar way which manifests in the way of communication. Social status predicates certain communication competences: TEACHER THERAPIST MOTHER SUBORDINATE STUDENT PATIENT CHILD SUPERIOR
SUPER EGO PARENT EGO ADULT ID CHILD Personal structure by Freud Possible states of EGO by Berne COMPARISON OF FREUD AND BERNE
Eric Berne(1910-1970) States of ego: CHILD (id) – In his acting appears selfish, without barriers and unlogicaly, with maximal dependecy on enviroment. ADULT (ego) – Rational and logically thinking level of our selves substitutes in ourselves an adult without emotions and prejudices. PARENTAL (super ego) – state figuring as a criterion for valuation that serves to express commands and prohibitions.
Eric Berne Transaction = period of social contact Transactional stimul Transactional reaction
PARENT PARENT ADULT ADULT CHILD CHILD stimul reaction Possible variations of additional reactions Additional nonconflict transactions
PARENT PARENT ADULT ADULT CHILD CHILD stimul reaktion A B Cross transactions
PARENT PARENT PARENT PARENT psychologic. level ADULT ADULT ADULT ADULT CHILD CHILD CHILD CHILD social level trader customer girl boy Social and psychological level of transaction
Jean Piaget(1896-1980) • swiss psychologist • function of speech with child: social, egocentric • child persists in us till death
Jaro Křivohlavý Meaning of crying: Hysteric crying Quiet crying Angry crying Crying of the deep sadness Tears of luck
PRACTICAL part CHILD, ADULT or PARENT 1a Could you characterise a person after graph? What would he probably be like, what social status has he got in society, how does he probably act with the others and why? Describe differencies among graph A,B,C and name them.
CHILD, ADULT or PARENT 1b Think about your self and try to divide drawed rounds similary as those in previous task (1a). ME and my children ME and my chief ME and my parents
PARENT PARENT PARENT PARENT ADULT ADULT ADULT ADULT CHILD CHILD CHILD CHILD Social level Psychological level SOCIAL WORLD AROUND US 2 Let us mark messages of observed persons, destine their social status, describe their role and recorded dialogue draw into structural diagram. For each situation create two diagrams.
ANALYSIS OF WORK TRASACTION 3 Pay high attention to communication between prisoner and teacher, prisoner and guard and try similary as in previous exercise mark all and make grapgic analysis of transaction.
Dale Carnegie and his advices 4 Provide to your self one of Dale Carnegie books and study it. Choose five interesting stories and try to dissect them from the wiew of transactional analysis .
LITERATURE RECOMMENDED LIT. ADLER, A. Umění rozumět. Praha, Práh 1993. BERNE, E. Jak si lidé hrají. Dialog, 1992. CARNEGIE, D. Jak získávat přátele a působit na lidi. Bradlo, Bratislava 1991. CARNEGIE, D. Úspěch jsi ty aneb několik nezištných rad pana Dala Carnegihieho. Sest. Juraj Kiška, Genezis, Bratislava 1992. HONZÁK, R. I v nemoci si buď přítelem. Avicenum, Praha 1989. KŘIVOHLAVÝ, J. Jak si navzájem lépe porozumíme. Svoboda, Praha 1988. KŘIVOHLAVÝ, J. Povídej naslouchám. Návrat, Praha 1993. PLAŇAVA, I. Jak to spolu mluvíme. Brno, FF MU 1992.
BIBLIOGRAPHY TRANSACTIONAL ANALYSIS BERNE, E.: Games people play: the psychology of human relationships. London, Penguin Books 1964. (1996 Paperback, ISBN 0-345-41003-3) BERNE, E.: Sex in human loving. Harmondsworth, Penguin 1973. BERNE, E. What Do You Say After You Say Hello? The Psychology of Human Destiny. New York: Bantam, 1973. (ISBN 0-552-09806-X). ERSKINE. R. G.: Theories and Methods of an Integrative Transactional Analysis. TA Press, 1997. ISBN: 0894890042. HARRIS, T.A.: I´m OK – You´re OK. New York, Grove Press, 1971. HARRIS, T.A., HARRIS, A.: Staying Ok. Scranton, HarperCollins 1987. ISBN: 0060153156 STEINER, M. C.: Scripts people live. New York, Bantam, 1979. ISBN: 0553136879 STEWART, I.: TA Today: A new introduction to transactional analysis (2nd ed.). Nottingham, Lifespace Publishing 2002. ISBN 1870244001 COMMUNICATION
Burgoon, J. K., Buller, D. B.,Woodall, W. G.: Nonverbal communication: the unspoken dialogue. New York, Harper & Row 1989. Cherry, C.: On Human Communication (2nd ed.). Massachusetts, The M.I.T. Press 1970. DeVito, J. A.: Messages: Building interpersonal communication skills (4th ed.),.NY: Longman 1999. Fischer, B.A.: Perspecitives on Human Communication. London, McMillan Publ. Co. 1987. Gibbon, J.W., Hanna, M.S.: Introduction to human communication. USA, WBC Wm. C. Brown Publisher 1992. Griffin, E. M.: A first look at communication theory (2nd ed.). NY: McGraw-Hill 1994. Hartley, P.: Interpersonal Communication (2nd.ed). London – N. York, Routledge 1999. Knapp, M. L., Miller, G. R., Fudge, K.: Handbook of interpersonal communication (2nd Ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage 1994. Littlejohn, S. J.: Theories of human communication (6th ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth 1998. Wahlstrom, B.J.: Perspectives on human communication. Univ. Of Minnesota, WBC Wm. C. Brown Publisher 1992.
Model situation • Through personal experience one can try: • How to dissect possible communication expresions from the wiew of transactional analysis. • To diagnose possible sources of social conflicts raisen from incorrect identification of formal or informal social roles.
Summary Aim of this educational module: The sense of the lesson is to learn participnants about theory of transactional analysis and it´s possible use in everyday practices. Students among others meet different states of „EGO“.