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The Diamond Island: Founding Fathers' Mission

Join the Taki Brothers in their quest to colonize the Diamond Island, where a cavern made of pure diamond awaits. Carefully mine the abundant diamonds and become a citizen of this unique island with opportunities for various professions.

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The Diamond Island: Founding Fathers' Mission

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Diamond Island By: Cheyenne & Alex Smith

  2. Founding Fathers Our Founding Fathers, the Taki Brothers, flew upon our beloved island only two months ago. While parachuting in high winds, they Crashed and found refuge on our diamond island in a cavern make of pure diamond. Ever since they have made I their mission to colonized the Diamond island.

  3. Why Diamond Island? Diamond island is named this because of the large amount of Diamond that forms very quickly at the base of the island. It forms in equal amounts and pushes the island upward. We must be careful while mining, so that the island does not become unbalanced.

  4. People All people are welcome to become citizens of our island. Our island is only big enough to start with 200 families, however. We need already trained and employed doctors,teachers, miners, farmers, emergency workers, electricity personnel,

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