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In. Out. Adj. gnd. Regulators. In. Out. POS. Adj. gnd. gnd. gnd. Adj. Adj. NEG. In. Out. In. Out. Primary voltages and AmpLow. Pos7. Pos5. Pos5Ana. Pos20. VSource. Gnda. Gnda. Gnd. Neg20. Aux4.3V. Pos5. POS (LT1763CS8#PBF). 3.9. NEGHC (LT1185CT#PBF) 1A.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. In Out Adj gnd Regulators In Out POS Adj gnd gnd gnd Adj Adj NEG In Out In Out

  2. Primary voltages and AmpLow Pos7 Pos5 Pos5Ana Pos20 VSource Gnda Gnda Gnd Neg20 Aux4.3V Pos5 POS (LT1763CS8#PBF) 3.9 NEGHC (LT1185CT#PBF) 1A AmpLow_sens Gnda_sens Gnda AmpLow

  3. DCD and DHP power dvdd3.3 Pos5 POS (LT1763CS8#PBF) dvdd3.3_sens Gnd_sens dvdd1.8 Pos5 avdd1.8 POSHC (LT1764AEQ#PBF) 1.5A Pos5Ana POSHC (LT1764AEQ#PBF) 1.5A dvdd1.8_sens avdd1.8_sens Gnd_sens Gnda_sens dvdd1.2 Pos5 POSHC (LT1764AEQ#PBF) 0.5A RefIn1.25 Pos5 POS (LT1763CS8#PBF) 0.2A dvdd1.2_sens RefIn1.25_sens Gnd_sens Gnda_sens dvdd1.0? Pos5 POSHC (LT1764AEQ#PBF) 0.5A dvdd1.0?_sens VSource Pos7 POS (LT1763CS8#PBF) 0.5A Gnd_sens Gnda_sens

  4. SWITCHER power ClearHi SWRef Pos5 Pos20 POS (LT1763CS8#PBF) POS (LT1763CS8#PBF) VSource GateLow or Gnd_sens ClearHi or VSource NEG (LT1964ES5-SD) VSource or Neg20 ClearLow GateHi Pos20 or VSource POS (LT1763CS8#PBF) VSource or GateLow VSource NEG (LT1964ES5-SD) Neg20 GateLow

  5. DEPFET power VSource NEG (LT1964ES5-SD) Neg20 guardring 16x4.62eur+9x3.65eur=107eur vbulk Pos20 POS (LT1763CS8#PBF) VSource VSource VSource NEG (LT1964ES5-SD) NEG (LT1964ES5-SD) Neg20 Neg20 or more vccg backplane

  6. Current loops ClearHi A Pos20 GateHi <Iac> = 0, Idc = Isource VSource B GateLo ClearLo Neg20 Switcher switch Isource Isource E DCD ana Iac = 0 Itia Vdda, RefIn Iadc1, Iadc2 Pos5ana AmpLow GndaSens C Gnda <Iac> != 0 DigPower Idigsw, Idigdcd, Idigdhp Pos5 Dig GndSens Gnd D

  7. Shorting at detector side ClearHi Pos20 GateHi <Iac> = 0, Idc = Isource VSource GateLo ClearLo Neg20 Switcher switch Isource Isource DCD ana Iac = 0 Itia Vdda, RefIn Iadc1, Iadc2 Pos5ana AmpLow GndaSens Gnda <Iac> != 0 DigPower Idigsw, Idigdcd, Idigdhp Pos5 Dig x GndSens Gnd To nodes x of another modules

  8. Shorting at both sides ClearHi Pos20 GateHi <Iac> = 0, Idc = Isource VSource GateLo ClearLo Neg20 Switcher switch Isource Isource DCD ana Iac = 0 Itia Vdda, RefIn Iadc1, Iadc2 Pos5ana AmpLow GndaSens Gnda <Iac> != 0 DigPower Idigsw, Idigdcd, Idigdhp Pos5 Dig x GndSens Gnd To nodes Gnd of another modul power supply cards To nodes x of another modules To nodes Gnda of another modul power supply cards To nodes VSource of another modul power supply cards

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