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The Importance of Trees (Snowboards)

The Importance of Trees (Snowboards). Matthew Curry Period: 2. What is my Product?. My Project is about wood used in the core of the Snowboard. Wood is used in the core because of woods flexibility. With out certain Wood, the board would either not flex enough or be way too flexible.

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The Importance of Trees (Snowboards)

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Importance of Trees (Snowboards) Matthew Curry Period: 2

  2. What is my Product? • My Project is about wood used in the core of the Snowboard. • Wood is used in the core because of woods flexibility. • With out certain Wood, the board would either not flex enough or be way too flexible. • Wood is used for it’s memory, no matter what when the board is bent the wood will snap back to its original shape.

  3. What Tree Does it Come From? • The cores of a Snowboard typically come from four different trees. • Bruce, fir ,aspen, and poplar. • It is not taken from a specific part, it is taken by strips so that way the manufacturers can avoid warping.

  4. How it is made… • Snowboards are typically made by using ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene. This is a dense plastic with very low friction properties. All items used to make the base are able to absorb wax. How you do it is take polyethylene pellets and melt them down. Lay the strips in (core). Then the finished snowboard gets sanded down on one side to greater the surface area. Then it will be flame treated to help the materials bond.

  5. Where are snowboards sold? • Willies • Dick’s • Online • Walmart

  6. Are there synthetic alternative products that have the same use? • Yes there are, Skis have been around long before snowboards. The idea of a Snowboard was created by putting two skis together. • Fun Fact: The first skis were made entirely out of wood.

  7. Bruce Tree

  8. Fir Tree

  9. Aspen Tree

  10. Poplar Tree

  11. Making a Snowboard

  12. Works Cited • http://www.custom-shop.com/pages/all_about_snowboard_materials.htm • http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_uz9yjxk2yeU/SaN7eCbz9EI/AAAAAAAALqs/szGIz10Ez1E/s400/IMG_4145.JPG&imgrefurl=http://www.shayboarder.com/2009/02/inside-mervin-manufacturing.html&usg=__etB2_SYwOIcHitro9mL35kIv_kA=&h=267&w=400&sz=26&hl=en&start=10&zoom=1&tbnid=Y3tm_smnFLnZmM:&tbnh=83&tbnw=124&ei=uPu6TvKbCOTb0QHWv7ngCQ&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dmaking%2Bsnowboards%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Doff%26sa%3DG%26gbv%3D2%26tbm%3Disch&itbs=1 • http://www.venturesnowboards.com/

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