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By, Gillian Colbath. Etruscans and Tarquinii. The 5th king of Rome was L. Tarquinius Priscus , he had been born into an Etruscan family and moved to the young city of Rome to improve his fortunes
By, Gillian Colbath Etruscans and Tarquinii
The 5th king of Rome was L. TarquiniusPriscus, he had been born into an Etruscan family and moved to the young city of Rome to improve his fortunes Tarquin created 100 new senators, he waged war against other Italian cities, and he was victorious against the Latins and captured their town of Apiolai He was succeeded by ServiusTullius Facts 1
When Tarquin died, his mother helped Servius preserve the fiction that Tarquin was still alive, while Servius consolidated his power, then he then became king ServiusTulliusdivided the Roman citizens into tribes and continued to expand and conquer. He enlarged the city and built a city wall enclosing all 7 hills of Rome L. TarquiniusSuperbus, known as Tarquin the Proud, was the last Etruscan King Facts 2
V rexL. Tarquinius Priscus Romam, Etruscae gentis natus esset in urbe motum puero melior fortuna eius Creati C Tarquinius nova senatus bellum gessit, ceterarum Italiae urbes et villae earum victorem cepit contra Latinos Apiolai SuccessiteiServiusTullius Facts 1 latin
Cum Tarquinius mortuus matrem adiuvabant Servius conservare confingunt uiuere ut Tarquinius, Servius contexitur, dum eius virtutem, tunc factus rex Servius Tullius cives Romanos in tribus divisa, et adhuc impendo et vincere. Ipse ædificavit murum urbis auxit VII claudendum omnes colles Romani L. Tarquinius Superbus, ut Tarquinium Superbum, qui ultimus rex Etruscorum Facts 2 latin
History Wiz. "The Etruscan Kings of Rome." History Wiz. Web. <http://www.historywiz.com/etruscans.htm>. Morey, William C. "Outlines of Roman History, Chapter 4." Forum Romanum. American Book Company. Web. 28 Oct. 2011. <http://www.forumromanum.org/history/morey04.html>. bibliography