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Powerpoint Essay Instructions. Brainstorm for at least 15 minutes on paper , focusing on ideas. With the exception of the thesis slide , every slide represents a paragraph in your essay . You must hyperlink every phrase in your essay to the supporting paragraph .
PowerpointEssayInstructions • Brainstormfor at least 15 minutes onpaper, focusingon ideas. • Withtheexception of thethesisslide, everysliderepresents a paragraph in youressay. • Youmusthyperlinkeveryphrase in youressaytothesupportingparagraph. • Somephraseswillhave more thanoneparagraph of support. • Titleeveryslidewiththemain idea/topic of paragraph. • Everyparagraphmustcontain 2-8 sentences. No more. • Connectionbetweenprevious idea and this idea, lead toexampleorexamples, explanation/interpretation/extension, and connectiontotheme. • Justcopytheslide I haveformatedforyoutocarrytheformat of everybodyparagraph.
Nature and War Repetition and Personification in Grass Maria Isabel
PoemText: Insert and Hyperlinksupporttoexplanations PILE the bodies high at Austerlitz and Waterloo, Shovel them under and let me work-- I am the grass; I cover all. And pile them high at Gettysburg And pile them high at Ypres and Verdun. Shovel them under and let me work. Two years, ten years, and passengers ask the conductor: What place is this? Where are we now? I am the grass. Let me work.
Hook Although most people believe that the consequences of war will always be present in society, there are few who think it can be completely erased.
Thesis In “Grass,” Carl Sandburg uses repetition and personification to proclaim that the traces of war can be eliminated by nature and time.
Argument 1: Repetitiontechnique Support 1: Repetition at thebeggining of sentences Transition/Connectiontoprevious idea:Repetition in poetryisnotonlyusedtogivecertainrythmtothepoem, botalsotoemphasize and insist in certain ideas. In thepoem “Grass,” theauthorinsistsonthe idea thatnature erases war. Example: He uses repetition at thebeggining of sentenceswhen he asks to take the bodies “And pile them high at Gettysburg , And pile them high at Ypres and Verdun”. Explanation: Thisemphasisonthemanipulation of cadavers , creates a strongimageonthereaders’ mind. Connectiontotheme: It’spurposeisfortheaudiencetofeelthestrongimpact of war, tothen show anattitude of hope expressingthewaythatimage can beerasedwithnature. Returntothesis Continuetonextparagraph
Argument 1 continued: Repetition Support 2: Repeatingquestions Transition: Notonlydoestheauthorrepeatthebeggining of sentences, but he alsoaskstwoconsecutive similar questions. Main idea of paragraph: Sandburg uses onequestionafteranother in ordertoemphasizetheconfusioncreatedbythegrasswhenitturns a battlefieldinto a greengrassland. Example: Lines 8 and 9 refertopeoplevisitinganoldbattlefiel and asking “What place isthis? Where are wenow?”. Explanation/Connection: Thequestioning of thesepeoplesupportsthe idea thatafter a period of time, battlefields are unrecognizablebecausethegrasscoversitall.
Argument 1 continued: Repetition Support 3: Samephrase at beggining and end of poem Transition/ Topic: Yetthereisanotherrepetitionthatisnotconsecutive, buthappenswith a repeatedphrase at thebeggining and end of thepoem in ordertomake a strongermessage. Example: The speaker leaves a messagesaying “I am thegrass” in line 3 and thenrepeatsitbeforethelast line. Explanation/Connection: Therepetition of this idea emphasizesthatthe speaker isthegrass and itworks in ordertoremove traces of war.
Argument 2: Personificationtecnique Support 1: Grass as a speaker Transition/Connectiontoprevious idea: Anothertecniqueusedby Carl Sandburgispersonification of thegrass, whichisthe speaker, in ordertomakethemessagestronger. Main idea of paragraph: Sincethethird line, wherethe speaker states “I am thegrass, I coverall”, itdirectly shows a personificationbymakingthe speaker beanobject. Thismakes a strongerimage in thereaderbycreating a biggerimpactbeingthegrasswhospeaks, and convincesthereaderstobelieve he can “coveritall”.
Conclusion Transition: Althoughitmayhaveanunusualmessage, thepoem “Grass” uses verygoodthecniques in ordertoexpresstheauthor’s idea. Bymaking a good use of therepetition and personification of thegrass, the autor makesitclear he believesthatthe traces of war can beforgottenwhennaturetakespart in eraingthem.