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FBRMPO SPOT 3 Bike Ped Projects Draft Prioritization Methodology. October 31, 2013 FBRMPO Prioritization Subcommittee. SPOT 3.0 FBRMPO Bike Ped Prioritization Methodology. Two Initial Factors
FBRMPO SPOT 3 Bike Ped Projects Draft Prioritization Methodology October 31, 2013 FBRMPO Prioritization Subcommittee
SPOT 3.0 FBRMPO Bike Ped Prioritization Methodology Two Initial Factors • Each jurisdiction has to indicate top three pedestrian and top three bicycle projects, • NCDOT score that will be received will account for 50% of the total weight in prioritizing the projects for top 5 ranking
SPOT 3.0 Bike Ped-FBRMPO Additional 6 Factors same as in SPOT 2.0: • There should be at least one bicycle and one pedestrian project per county, including all municipalities in that county (20 points if only project in category, new: 10 points if one of two projects) • Connectivity (to trip generators): up to 10 5points, 1 point for each connection to fixed route transit, school (K-12 and college/university), Central Business District; multi-family residential complex, park, employment center, points of interest • Connection to/completion of existing bike ped network (510 points max, 1 point for each connection) • Support from a local bike/ped group or additional support from the Complete Streets Subcommittee (10 5ptsmax) • In existing plan (10 5points if in a local bike/ped plan; 5 3 points if in the local Comprehensive Plan, or FBRMPO CTP/LRTP but not in dedicated bike ped plan; 1 point if on PNL) • Crashes on corridor (10 5pts max if three crashes or one death during 2006-2010; 5 pts if two crashes)
Complete Streets recommendation for SPOT 3.0 Bike Ped Prioritization Methodology • Include SPOT 2.0 Methodology factors except NCDOT SPOT Score (Score points re-calibrated to make it add up to 100 • Add factors for social equity and public health: • Social Equity Index combined score based on population 65 plus, minority, low income, zero vehicle households and Low English Proficiency population (20 points if above county median on all five) • Public Health score based on data compiled by the Community Transformation Grant: incidence of heart disease and incidence of lung cancer (10 points if above county median on both) • Question about population <16