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Cost of Data Centers

CMPT 880: Large-scale Multimedia Systems and Cloud Computing. Cost of Data Centers. Queenie Wong. Introduction. “ Facebook placed over 1 billion to a new datacenter in Iowa...” “Google spent $400 million to expand its datacenter, bringing its total spent $1.5 billion in the area…”

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Cost of Data Centers

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  1. CMPT 880: Large-scale Multimedia Systems and Cloud Computing Cost of Data Centers Queenie Wong

  2. Introduction “Facebook placed over 1 billion to a new datacenter in Iowa...” “Google spent $400 million to expand its datacenter, bringing its total spent $1.5 billion in the area…” GiGaom Tech News • Does a datacenter cost over billion dollars?? • How to calculate and model the cost of building and operating a datacenter? • What is the total cost of ownership (TCO) of a datacenter? • How to reduce the cost effectively? Queenie Wong

  3. Modeling Costs • Simplified model • Capital expense (Capex) of datacenter and server • Operational expense (Opex) of datacenter and server Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) = datacenter depreciation & Opex + server depreciation & Opex • Cost of software and administrators are omitted in calculation • Focus on running the physical infrastructure • Costs vary greatly Queenie Wong

  4. Capital Costs • Datacenter construction costs • Server costs • Infrastructure costs • Facilities dedicated to consistent power delivery • Networking • Switches, routers, and load balancers, etc Queenie Wong

  5. Datacenters • Datacenter construction costs • Design, size, location, reliability, and redundancy • Depreciate over 10-15 years • Interest rate • Most large DC cost $12-15/W to build, the very small or large ones cost more • Approximately 80% goes toward power and cooling, the remaining 20% toward the general building and site construction Queenie Wong

  6. Datacenter • Example • Cost $15/W • Amortized over 12 years • $1.25/W per year • $0.10/W per month • Financing at 8%, adding $0.06/W • Total of $0.16/W per month Queenie Wong

  7. Servers • Server costs • Depreciate over 3-4 years (shorter lifetime) • Interest rate • Characterize server costs per watt • Example • $4000 server with peak power consumption of 500W • $8/W • Depreciated 4 years • $0.17/W per month • Financing at 8% • Adding 0.03/W per month • Total cost $0.20/W per month Queenie Wong

  8. Infrastructure Cost • Facilities dedicated to consistent power delivery and to evacuating heat • Generators, transformers, and UPS systems Queenie Wong

  9. Networking • Links & transits • Inter-data center links between geographically distributed data centers • Traffic to Internet Service Providers • Regional facilities reach wide area network interconnection sites • Equipment • Switches, routers, load balancers Queenie Wong

  10. Operational Costs • Datacenter • Geographic location factors (Climate, taxes, salary levels) • Design and age • Security • Server • Hardware maintenance • Power Queenie Wong

  11. Power • US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) 2007 report predicted the power consumption of DC could increase to 3% in 2011 • In 2010, datacenters in US consumed between 1.7% and 2.2% of total US electricity consumption that is much lower than EPA’s predication [Koomey, Analytics Press] • Google’s datacenters consumed less than 1% of electricity used by datacenters worldwide • Cost of electricity is still significant Queenie Wong

  12. Case Study A: High-end Servers Queenie Wong

  13. Case Study B: Low-end Servers Queenie Wong

  14. Real-World Datacenter • Costs are even higher than modeled in real-world • The model assume datacenter is 100% utilization with 50% CPU utilization • Empty space for future development • Supply maximum power consumption to server instead of the average value they consume to avoid overheat and trip a breaker (shut off) • Reserves 20–50% • For example • A DC with 10MW of critical power will often consume just 4-6 MW Queenie Wong

  15. Case Study C: Partially Filled Datacenter 3yr TCO = $12,968 Queenie Wong

  16. Energy Efficiency • Datacenter facilities • 30% utilization • Servers • 30% utilization • Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE) • A state of the art DC facilities have PUE of 1.7 • Inefficient DC facilities have PUE of 2.0 to 3.0 • Google have PUE of 1.12 recently Queenie Wong

  17. Resilience • Built at hardware level to mask failure • UPS • Generators • Proposed: build at system level • Eliminate expensive infrastructure (generators, UPS) • Failure unit becomes an entire datacenter • The workload of the failed DC can be distributed across sites Queenie Wong

  18. Agility • Any server can be dynamically assigned to any service anywhere in the datacenter • Dynamic growing and shrinking of server pools while maintaining high level of security and performance isolation between services • Rapid virtual machine migration • Conventional datacenter design against agility • Fragmentation of resources • Poor server to server connectivity Queenie Wong

  19. Design Objectives for agility • Location-independent Addressing • Decouple the server’s location from its address • Any server can become part of any server pool • Uniform Bandwidth and Latency • Service can be distributed arbitrarily in DC • No bandwidth choke point • Achieve high performance regardless of location Queenie Wong

  20. Design Objective for Agility • Security and Performance Isolation • Any server can be part of any service • Services are sufficiently isolated • Maintain high level of security • No impact on another service • E.g. Denial-of-Service attacks, configuration errors Queenie Wong

  21. Geo-Distribution • Goal: maximize performance • High speed and low latency • Google: 20% revenue loss • Caused by 500 msecs delay in display search result • Amazon: 1% sales decrease • Caused by additional 100 msecs delay • Strong motivation for building geographically distributed DCs to reduce delays Queenie Wong

  22. Placement • Optimal placement and size • Diverse locations • Reduce latency between DC and clients • Helps with redundancy, not all areas lose power • Size • Determined by • local demands • physical size • network cost • Maximum benefits Queenie Wong

  23. Geo-Distributing • Resilience at System Level • Allow entire DC to fail • Eliminate expensive infrastructure costs, such as UPS systems and generators • Turning geo-diversity into geo-redundancy • Requires applications distributed across sites and frameworks to support • Balance between communication cost and service performance Queenie Wong

  24. Cost saving approaches • Architectural redesigns • Maximizing utilization of datacenter • Energy-aware load balancing algorithm • Minimizing electricity cost • Energy cost-aware routing scheme • DC power • Virtualization • New cooling technologies • Multi-core servers Queenie Wong

  25. Internet-Scale Systems • Large distributed systems with request routing and replication incorporated • Able to manage millions of users concurrently • Composed of tens or even hundreds of sites • Tolerate faults • Dynamic mapping clients to servers • Replicate the data at multiple sites if necessary Queenie Wong

  26. Energy Elasticity • Assumption: Elastic clusters • Energy consumed by a cluster depends on the load placed on it • Ideal: consume no power in the absence of load • Reality: about 60% of peak in the absence of load • Savings can be achieved from routing power demand away from high priced areas, turning off under-utilized components • Key: System’s energy elasticity is turned into energy savings Queenie Wong

  27. Energy cost-aware routing • System requirements • Fully replicate • Clusters with energy elasticity • Electricity prices have temporal and geographic disparity • Map client requests to clusters where the total electricity cost of the system is minimized under certain constraints • Applicable to both large and small systems Queenie Wong

  28. Price variation • Geographic • US electricity market differ regionally • Different generation sources (coal, natural gas, nuclear power, etc) • Taxes • Temporal • Real-time markets: prices are calculated every 5 mins • volatile Queenie Wong

  29. Constraints • Latencies • High service performance with low client latencies • E.g. Map a client’s request to a cluster within the max radical geographic distance • Bandwidth • Temporal and spatial variation • Additional cost when exceeding the limit Queenie Wong

  30. Simulation • Data • Hourly electricity prices (Jan 2006 – Mar 2009) • Akamai workload data set at public clusters in 18 US cities • No sufficient network distance info, only coarse measurement • Routing schemes • Akamai’s original allocation • Price-conscious optimizer Queenie Wong

  31. Price-conscious Optimizer • Map a client to a cluster with lowest prices which within some predefined max radial distance • Consider another cluster if the selected cluster is nearing its capacity • Map a client to the closest cluster when no clusters fall within max radial distance, and consider any other nearby clusters • Controlled by two parameters • Price differentials threshold (minimum price difference) • Distance threshold (maximum radical geographic distance) Queenie Wong

  32. Simulation Results • Reduced energy cost • by at least 2% without any increase in bandwidth costs or significant reduction in performance • by 30% with relaxed bandwidth constraints • around 13% with strict bandwidth constraints • A dynamic solution (without distance constraint) beat a static solution (place all servers in cheapest market) without bandwidth constraints • 45% versus 35% savings Queenie Wong

  33. Cons • Only applicable to some locations with temporal and spatial electricity price variations • Increase in routing energy • Delay • reduction in client performance • Bandwidth • May increase bandwidth cost • Complexity Queenie Wong

  34. VL2 • Practical network architecture supports agility • Uniform high capacity between servers • Traffic flow should be limited only by the network-interface cards, not the architecture of the network • Performance isolation between services • Traffic of one service should not be affected by traffic of any other service • Virtual Layer 2 - Just as if each service was connected by a separate physical switch Queenie Wong

  35. VL2 • Ethernet layer-2 semantics • Flat addressing • allow services to be placed anywhere • Load balancing to spread traffic uniformly across the DC • Just as if servers were on a LAN - where any IP address can be connected to any port of an Ethernet switch • Configure server with whatever IP address the service expects Queenie Wong

  36. VL2 Addressing Scheme • Separate server names from locations • Two separate address families • Topologically significant Locator Addresses (LAs) • Flat Application Addresses (Aas) Queenie Wong

  37. FORTE • FORTE: Flow Optimization based framework for request-Routing and Traffic Engineering • Carbon emissions of a DC are depended on it’s electricity fuel in the region • Dynamically controls the user traffic directed to DC by weighting each request’s effect on three metrics: • Access latency • Carbon footprint • Electricity cost Queenie Wong

  38. FORTE • Allow operators to balance performance with cost and carbon footprint by applying the linear programming approach to solve the user assignments problem • Then, determine if data replication or migration to the selected DC is needed • Results: • Reduce carbon emission by 10% without increasing the mean latency nor the electricity bill Queenie Wong

  39. TIVC • TIVC: Time-Interleaved Virtual Clusters • Problems: • Current resource reservation model only provisions CPU and memory resources • Cloud applications with time-varying bandwidth nature • A new virtual network abstraction to specify the time-varying network requirement of cloud applications • Increase utilization of both network resources and VM Queenie Wong

  40. TIVC • Compared to virtual cluster (VC), TIVC reduced the completion time significantly Queenie Wong

  41. Energy Storage Devices • Different types of Energy Storage Devices (ESD) • Lead-acid batteries (common used in DCs) • Ultra-capacitors (UC) • Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES) • Flywheels (gaining acceptance in DC) • Different trade-offs between their power, energy costs, lifetime, energy efficiency • Hybrid combinations may be more effective • Place different ESDs at different levels of power hierarchy according to their advantages Queenie Wong

  42. Lyapunov Optimization • Online control algorithm to minimize the time average cost • Make use of UPS to store electricity • Store the electricity when prices are low and draw it when the prices are high • No suffer from the “curse of dimensionality” as dynamic programming • Without requiring any knowledge of the system statistics • Easy to implement Queenie Wong

  43. Summary • Maximize utilization of datacenters • Minimize cost for electricity • Architectural redesign of datacenter, network and server • Geo-redundancy to mask failure of datacenter • Optimization of resources • Trends • High demand of Low-end server in order to lower hardware cost due to low utilization of datacenter • Electricity costs dominate TCO • Power & Energy Efficiency Queenie Wong

  44. Review Queenie Wong

  45. TCO Comparisons Queenie Wong

  46. TCO Breakdown Queenie Wong

  47. Geo-Redundancy • In the case of datacenter failure, requests can be directed to a different datacenter • Requirements • Data replication across sites • Special software and framework to support • Pros • Eliminate the cost of infrastructure redundancy • Cons • Expensive inter-data center communication costs • Reliability versus Communication costs Queenie Wong

  48. Energy Elasticity • Assumption: Elastic clusters • Energy consumed by a cluster depends on the load placed on it • Ideal: consume no power in the absence of load • Reality: about 60% of peak in the absence of load • Savings can be achieved from • routing power demand away from high priced areas • turning off under-utilized components • Key: System’s energy elasticity is turned into energy savings Queenie Wong

  49. Cost-aware Routing: Case 1 • Map a client to a cluster with lowest prices which within some predefined max radial distance • Consider another cluster if the selected cluster is approaching its capacity 1500 C4:43 distance threshold = 1500 price threshold = 5 C2:40 A C1:50 C3:35 Cluster: Electricity Price Queenie Wong

  50. Cost-aware Routing: Case 2 • Map a client to the closest cluster when no clusters fall within max radial distance • Consider any other nearby clusters < 50 km 1500 distance threshold = 1500 price threshold = 5 C4:43 B C3:35 Queenie Wong

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