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Environmental Issues in Japan Yoshi Ichikawa, Hitachi Ltd.

Environmental Issues in Japan Yoshi Ichikawa, Hitachi Ltd. Trend in Environmental Activity in Japan. First Gen. 2nd Gen. 3rd Gen. <2000->. <1990->. <1950 ->. -Basic Law for Recycle-oriented Society. -Polution Preven. -Anti-Polu. Law. -Global Problem - Basic Env. Law.

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Environmental Issues in Japan Yoshi Ichikawa, Hitachi Ltd.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Environmental Issues in Japan Yoshi Ichikawa, Hitachi Ltd.

  2. Trend in Environmental Activity in Japan First Gen. 2nd Gen. 3rd Gen. <2000-> <1990-> <1950 -> -Basic Law for Recycle-oriented Society -Polution Preven. -Anti-Polu. Law -Global Problem -Basic Env. Law - Design for Environment - Disclosure and Communication Treatment Facilities Clean Production Business for Env. End-of-Pipe EMS(14001) Eco.and Env. Efficiency

  3. Global Warming (1) CO2 is steadily keep increasing which would have green house effect on earth CO2 density in the air

  4. Global Warming (2) Total Emission in Japan Million ton CO2 Environmental Report (Ministry of Environment 2002)

  5. Global Warming (3) Emission in Japan Industries 495 Mton 490 Mton Million ton CO2 Household & office 263 Mton 318 Mton 256 Mton Trasportation 212 Mton

  6. Global Warming (4) CO2 imbalance (C equivalent) is increasing by a rate of 3.3 billion tons per year Forest Absorption 2.3 Ocean Absorption 2.3 Forest Depletion 1.6 Japan’s goal is to decrease 6% on 1990 basis Fossil Fuel 6.3 Earth IPCCReport :1989~1998 average

  7. Waste (1) Domestic Waste in Japan:about 1000 g one person a day 1999 Estimated remaining period =12.3 year Million ton/year g/person/day 51 Mton Per person/day Amount total 1999 1990 1995 Environmental Report (Ministry of Environment 2002)

  8. Waste (2) Industrial Waste in Japan: about 400 Mton/year Millon ton/year 1999 Estimated remaining period =3.7 year 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 1975 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 Environmental Report (Ministry of Environment 2002)

  9. Waste (3) Waste Recycle rate is only 13.1% Steel Cans Paper Glass Cullet Aluminum Cans Waste PET bottle 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 Environmental Report (Ministry of Environment 2002)

  10. Laws Recently Renewed or Constituted Environmental Acts

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