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Study relationships among people, places, and environments to analyze geographic patterns on Earth. Compare landforms, climates, cultures, and more. Access textbook and materials through myngconnect.com. Practice good classroom behavior and follow attendance policies. Homework counts for 1/10 of overall grade. Tutoring available. No academic dishonesty allowed.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. WORLD GEOGRAPHY Mr. Couvillion – Room 407

  2. Course Description • The study of World Geography focuses on the relationships among people, places, and environments that result in geographic patterns on the earth. The students will use geographic methods to compare and analyze landforms, climates, and natural resources, as well as cultural, political, economical, and religious characteristics of the world regions. Students will use a variety of interdisciplinary sources, both primary and secondary, such as maps, pictures, and documents to learn about the geography of different world regions.

  3. Sequence & Theme Unit 1: North AmericaUnit 2: Central America and the CaribbeanUnit 3: South AmericaUnit 4: EuropeUnit 5: Russia and the Eurasian RepublicsUnit 6: Sub-Saharan AfricaUnit 7: North AfricaUnit 8: Southwest AsiaUnit 9: South AsiaUnit 10: East AsiaUnit 11: Southeast AsiaUnit 12: Oceania, The Pacific Realm, and Antarctica

  4. Textbook • URL is https://www.myngconnect.com • Username: studentwcg_stpsb • Password: sttammany

  5. Materials • 1-2 inch binder • 2 packets of loose leaf • Folder with pockets & prongs • Highlighters • Blue/Black ink pens and Pencils • Choose either: Kleenex, Glue Sticks, tape, colored pencils, or paper towels.

  6. Course Expectations • Each student will be expected to see his or her high school experience as an opportunity to grow and learn how to interact in the adult world. For this reason, classroom rules will be generally stated, but strictly enforced. The students are expected to… • Be Promptand arrive to class early or on time. Be ready to begin the day’s lesson when the bell rings. Remember that you are here to learn so make the most out of our time. If the class has issues getting started, the teacher will reserve the right to count you as tardy if you are not in your class seat when the bell rings. • Be Prepared to begin class on time. Make sure you have all materials such as paper, pencils/pens, textbooks, and homework. Failure to be prepared will result in consequences such as calls home. • Be Polite to the rest of the class by not rudely interrupting classmates or the teacher. If you have a question or answer, be sure to raise your hand to be called upon. Keep in mind that all school rules apply pertaining to electronic devices and that it will be the responsibility of the sudent to retrieve confiscated items. Note that any derogatory or foul language, whether or not it is intended to be harmful will be met with extreme consequences.

  7. “Three strike rule” • Verbal Warning given to student to inform the student of the issue that needs to be resolved. • Immediate action to be taken regarding the students misbehavior (e.g. separation from friends, calling parents regarding grades or behavior) • Detention(s) and student-teacher conference to take place with the persistence of problems including the possible notification of parents and a request for parent-teacher conference. • PLEASE DON’T MOVE ON TO THE FOURTH STRIKE • Office referral and/or possible removal from the class permanently.

  8. Attendance/Makeup • I will follow STPSB attendance policies and procedures. When a class is missed, it is the students responsibility to ask the teacher what was missed. In most cases, the work will have been posted on my website or will be in the missed workbasket. Make-up work must be submitted in the appropriate amount of time as described in the student handbook. A “0” will be put in the gradebook until the student makes up the assignment.

  9. Homework Policy • Homework assignments are intended to reinforce and extend learning intiated in the classroom and serve as a tool for teachers to assess student understanding of classroom instruction. Homework will solemnly be assigned in my classroom, unless it is crucial for the students academic development. In the event that homework is assigned it will only count for 1/10 of the students overall grade. For the purposes of this policy, homework does not include long-term projects, research papers, tests, etc.

  10. Tutoring • Should you need any additional help with assignments or tutoring, it is available through me before school starts. Please don’t hesitate to ask for tutoring, but please do so to make arrangements before school.

  11. Academic Dishonesty • Academic dishonesty of any kind will result in a student getting a “0” for that assignment and disciplinary action. Academic dishonesty includes: plagiarism, copying of any academic work from another student, allowing another student to copy your work, sharing homework or other required assignments, cheating, and sharing or use of information through electronic devices.

  12. Website • My website is not accessible through moodle. • My website URL is at https://www.smcouvillion.educatorpages.com • To visit my website enter the link or go to Lakeshore High website, click staff, scroll to find my name, and click WEBSITE.

  13. Grading Scale • A 93-100% • B 85-92% • C 75-84% • D 67-74% • F 0-66%

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