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Assessment Update Dr. Chun-Wu Li Assessment and Accountability Services Riverside County Office of Education. Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC). Recent and Upcoming SBAC Developments. Smarter Balanced Pilot Testing.
Assessment Update Dr. Chun-Wu Li Assessment and Accountability Services Riverside County Office of Education
Smarter Balanced Pilot Testing Smarter Balanced will conduct a Pilotcomputer-based administration of their assessment system beginning in February 2013. Items will be aligned to the Common Core State Standards and will include selected response, constructed response, and performance tasks Participation in the Pilot Test will be open to all schools in the Consortium and will be administered to students in grades 3-11.
Smarter Balanced Pilot Testing • The Pilot Test entails two approaches (or components) in its implementation: 1) “Volunteer” component that is open to allschools in Smarter Balanced states and will ensure that all schools have the opportunity to experience the basic functionality of the system (The testing window is early April through May 10, 2013) 2) “Scientific” component that targets a representative sample of schools and yields critical data about the items developed to date, as well as how the system is functioning (The testing window is February 20 through May 10, 2013)
Pilot Participation Important Dates The table below presents upcoming key activities related to the Smarter Balanced Pilot Test:
SSPI Recommendations for Transitioning to the Smarter Balanced Assessments
Updated2012 Accountability Progress Report The target date is February 13th for preview and February 20th for the public release.
2013-2014Academic Performance Index • If SSPI Recommendations for Transitioning to the Smarter Balanced Assessments are approved by the Governor and Legislature, the 2014 Growth API for high schools will not longer contain results from end-of-course CSTs. Only three assessments in grade 10 will constitute a high school’s API: • The California high School Exit examination (CAHSEE), • The California Alternative Performance Assessment (CAPA), and • The CST Life Science. • As a results, the CDE would like to move up the timeline for incorporating other indicators into high schools’ API. The CDE is proposing to incorporate new indicators beginning with the 2013-2014 API Growth cycle. The proposed new indicators are: • High School Graduation Rate • College and Career Readiness
2012–13 Enrollment and2011–12 Graduate, Dropout, and Cohort Outcome Reports • In order to give LEAs a chance to review the information and submit student-level SSID corrections, the preliminary enrollment, graduation, and dropout data will not be released initially to the public. The data release schedule, which includes two opportunities for corrections, is as follows: • 1/28/2013– Private preview Internet site posted for LEA use to review enrollment, graduation, and dropout data for LEAs that certified their CALPADS Fall 1 2012 submission by the December 19, 2012 certification deadline. • 2/06/2013– Deadline for LEA certification of SSID corrections to be included in the 3/19/2013 public release of data. • 3/11/2013– Private viewing site will be available for LEAs to preview 3/19/2013 public release of enrollment, graduation, and dropout data. • 3/19/2013–Public release of enrollment, graduate, and dropout data.
STS for Non-EL Dual-immersion Students • With the State Board of Education’s (SBE) recent approval of the California Department of Education’s (CDE) recommendation regarding Assembly Bill 1521, the Standards-based Tests in Spanish (STS) will be made available to school districts and independently testing charter schools for students who are enrolled in a dual-language immersion program and who are either nonlimited English proficient or have been redesignated fluent English proficient. • The STS for non-EL dual-immersion students will be purchased separately from the Standardized Testing and Reporting (STAR) Program. Per the legislation, school districts will be able to contract individually with Educational Testing Service (ETS) to purchase the STS for non–English learners (ELs) in dual-language immersion programs. • In addition to agreeing to the terms of a required contract, the school district must supply a purchase order to ETS to cover the cost of the tests: $13.94 per test plus $1.00 per set of the printed Directions for Administration (DFA) and the STS for Non-EL Administration and Scoring Instructions. Pre-ID services will not be available for ordering these materials. • Tests will be scored by the purchasing district using scoring keys provided in the instructions document. Reports will not be made available. The test must be administered within the school district’s scheduled STAR testing window, and all test booklets will be shipped to arrive within the STAR materials delivery window. • Orders for the STS for non-ELs in dual-language immersion programs are NOT placed through the STAR Management System. If a school district has already placed orders for the STS in the STAR Management System intending to administer the tests to non-EL students in dual-language immersion programs, STS quantities should be adjusted to avoid overage charges. • As reminders: • The administration of the STS for non-ELs is at the discretion of the local educational agency (LEA)/school and is not a state requirement. • The administration of the STS for non-ELS is at the expense of the LEA/school. No state apportionment reimbursement funding will be provided. • ELs that are required to take the STS must be given the 2013 version of the test; that version is administered at no added cost to the school district. • Additional information regarding placing orders, administration, and materials return procedures will be forthcoming by March 1, 2013.