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Ecosystem Case Study . Research is an important part of science. Over the next several weeks, you will be researching one local ecosystem as a culminating project for the Ecosystem unit.
Ecosystem Case Study • Research is an important part of science. • Over the next several weeks, you will be researching one local ecosystem as a culminating project for the Ecosystem unit. • You will conduct your research with a team of other researchers, who happen to be sitting at your lab table.
Ecosystem Case Study • At the end of your research, you will present your findings in the form of a project • Your research will consist of: • internet research • a personal interview of a scientist working in the ecosystem you are studying.
Ecosystem Case Study An introduction to 3 Ecosystems
Baker River Ecosystem • Location: Baker Lake, Lake Shannon, Baker River & where it enters the Skagit River. About 10 miles north of Concrete, WA
Challenges to the Baker River Ecosystem • Recent logging • Balancing the needs of having a dam to create hydroelectric power & flood control while providing stable stream flows & passage for fish. • Rising water temperatures & a buildup of silt due to dam construction. • Higher dissolved gas levels caused by dam.
Work being done to address the challenges • Water quality & flow monitoring. • Trapping & transporting fish over the dam in a transport tank. •Monitoring fish spawning • •Raising fish in a fish hatchery
Scientist Doing the Work Michael Ficklin: Fish & Wildlife Specialist III for Puget Sound Energy
Nooksack River Ecosystem • Location: Whatcom County, starting from Mount Baker and the 3 Sisters and ending in Bellingham Bay.
Challenges to the Nooksack River • Past tree removal & railroad construction • Development alongside the river that is impacting the river • Rising water temperatures due to human activity
Work being done to address the challenges • Scientists are building logjams to improve the river & create habitat for Salmon • Scientists are planting trees to improve the river & keep the water cool
Scientists Doing the Work • Victor Insera: Watershed Restoration Coordinator for the Nooksack Indian Tribe • Ned Currence: Fisheries Biologist for the Nooksack Indian Tribe
Skagit Estuary Ecosystem • Location: Where the Skagit River enters the bay
Challenges to the Skagit Estuary & Stillaguamish Ecosystems • Mini-dams built • Water in estuary has been drained to prevent flooding of nearby agriculture • Human development in estuary
Work Being Done to Address Challenges Floodgate Replacement • Changing agriculture land back to an estuary while keeping some of the human benefits Drainage Re-route
Scientist doing the Work Jenny Baker: Senior Restoration Manager from “The Nature Conservancy”
Time to Choose! • With your partner(s), rank the ecosystems you would like to study for your Ecosystem Case Study in order of your preference. • i.e. #1 = your first choice, #3 = your last choice • Briefly explain your reasons for your ranking. What is the reason for your #1 choice? Last choice?