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Adams' Diplomatic Dilemma: The XYZ Affair & Federalist Challenges

Explore President John Adams' challenges with France, the XYZ Affair, Alien and Sedition Acts, and the Election of 1800 in this engaging historical narrative.

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Adams' Diplomatic Dilemma: The XYZ Affair & Federalist Challenges

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  1. John Adams “It's simply a matter of doing what you do best and not worrying about what the other fellow is going to do.” John Adams! First & Only Federalist Administration

  2. France • President Adams is pressured to change US policy towards France. • However, the French navy starts seizing US ships trading in Europe & the West Indies. • Adams want to avoid war, like GW, so he sends 3 diplomats to France. • Question: Why is France attacking US Ships???

  3. What do you see in this cartoon about their meeting???

  4. XYZ Affair! • The US ambassadors are asked the to pay a tribute ($250,000) by 3 French aids (XYZ) & loan $12 million to France. • The US delegation (Pinckney,Gerry,&Marshall) sent a message to President Adams detailing the request. • Adams & the majority of Federalists in Congress were outraged. Many demanded war with France but Adams refused. • Quasi War- Adams & Congress authorize the US naval frigates to attack French ships. !

  5. Problems Continue Federalists criticize Adams • Hamilton’s followers favor War against France. • This would weaken the Democratic-Republicans. • War would increase the power of the government. Adams resists pressure • Sends delegation to negotiate peace (Neutral). • Napoleon listens b/c he is already at war with Britain & Russia. • The Convention of 1800 • stop seizing American ships (most-favored nation) • terminate the US/French treaty of alliance from 1778. • In return the US dropped demands for compensation

  6. Convention of 1800 /Treaty of Mortefontaine

  7. Alien and Sedition Acts • 1798 – Adams passed new policies to stop criticism of the government (Quasi War). • Alien Act – President could expel any alien or foreigner (dangerous to the country). Immigrants must wait 14 years instead of 5 to become a citizen. • Sedition Act – Citizens will be fined/jailed if they print criticisms of the government to prevent rebellion (false, scandalous, or malicious statements).

  8. States Rights • Jefferson & Madison led the opposition to the Alien and Sedition Acts. • Virginia and Kentucky Resolution – claimed each state has a right to judge whether or not a law is constitutional. • States to take action against the acts. Argue that States couldinterpose(stop an illegal action) or nullify(canceling) the law passed by the federal government.

  9. Election of 1800 • Republicans run T.Jefferson & A. Burr • Federalists run J. Adams • Republicans win but Burr & Jefferson tie • House of Representatives must decide. • Hamilton supports Jefferson over Burr • Jefferson becomes President/ Burr VP • 12th Amendment: established separate votes for the President & VP

  10. Midnight Judges • After Election loss Adams passes the Judiciary Act of 1801 • Created additional Federal Judge positions (appointed Federalists). • Federalists will control 1 Branch of the Government (lost the Leg & Exe Branch) • Jefferson will repeal & attack Federalists

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