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Enhancing Health Services for Haringey: A Year in Review

NHS organization led by Haringey GPs focusing on high-quality health services for residents. Highlights achievements, challenges, and future plans.

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Enhancing Health Services for Haringey: A Year in Review

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Our year: April 2015 – March 2016 Sarah Price Chief Officer

  2. Who we are and what we do • An NHS organisation, led by Haringey GPs – started in April 2013 • A membership organisation made up of all GP practices in Haringey (43 practices) • Led by a governing body - includes GPs, nurses and two ‘lay’ members • Responsible for planning, paying for and monitoring health services for people who live in Haringey (commissioning) • The services that we commission include hospital services, community services (e.g. district nursing) and mental health services • We also jointly commission primary care services with NHS England

  3. What we want to achieve Our aim is to: Enable the people of Haringey to live long and healthy lives with access to safe, well co-ordinated and high quality services.

  4. Some of our areas of focus last year • Joining up services with the local authority and co-ordinating care: • e.g. our locality teams which are now up and running • Programmes to help people feel more confident to manage their health conditions • e.g. self-management courses for people with diabetes • Commissioning more services closer to home • e.g. community clinics for children with allergies and asthma • Improving access to primary care • e.g. Saturday appointments; better appointment systems; increased GP provision in Tottenham Hale.

  5. Some of our areas of focus last year • Focusing on helping people to stay healthy - e.g. a new service to try and reduce the number of people suffering a stroke • Focusing on access to support and recovery for people with mental health needs, including children • e.g. stronger links with schools, housing and employment support • Working with other CCGs in north central London to improve service delivery and outcomes for local people - e.g. a new contract for NHS 111 and GP out of hours service

  6. Quality, safety and performance • One of our roles is to monitor the quality of health services for people in Haringey • Patient safety and high quality care - our top priorities • We regularly monitor the performance of providers and review information about patients’ experience of services • We hold providers to account, and provide support to make necessary improvements • There have been some challenges this year, for example, waiting times in A&E departments, access to diagnostic services and challenges at North Middlesex University Hospital

  7. What we spent our money on We spent £340.8 million in 2015-16 Values in £million

  8. The year ahead • Working with Islington on a joint Wellbeing Programme • Work with other CCGs in north central London on our ‘Sustainability and Transformation Plan’ • Working with the local authority – more integration • Improving mental health services for children and young people • Primary care - looking to develop the way we work with federations of GP practices

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