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Fermi-LAT prospects for the detection of µ ν SSM gravitino dark matter. Carlos Muñoz. DSU 2011, Beijing, September 26-30. OUTLINE. Crucial Moment for SUSY in next few years, since the LHC is working. Assuming that SUSY will be discovered at the LHC, the question is:
Fermi-LAT prospects for the detection of µνSSM gravitino dark matter Carlos Muñoz DSU 2011, Beijing, September 26-30
OUTLINE Crucial Moment for SUSY in next few years, since the LHC is working Assuming that SUSY will be discovered at the LHC, the question is: what SUSY model do we expect to be the one to be observed ? MSSM, NMSSM, BRpV,... ..., may be SSM Its interest resides in the fact that it solves simultaneously the µproblemof the MSSM and the origin of neutrino masses The solution implies that R-parity is explicitly broken In models without R parity the LSPis no longer stable Thus the neutralino or the sneutrino cannot be used as candidates for DM Gravitino as a DM candidate in the mnSSM Detection using Fermi-LAT ? mnSSMgravitino DM
SUSY has a very important problem, the so-called µ problem: MSSM +µH1 H2 W = µH1 H2 is necessary to generate Higgsino masses. Present experimental bounds imply: µ ≥ 100 GeV What is the origin of µ, and why is so small: MW << MPlanck mnSSMgravitino DM
SSM López-Fogliani, C.M., PRL 2006 The scale will appear through the soft terms The last type of terms in (1) is allowed by all symmetries, and avoids the presence of a Goldstone boson associated to a global U(1) symmetry. : EW seesaw No ad-hoc scales m mD2/MM = (YnH2)2/(k nR) (10-6 102)2/103=10-11 GeV = 10-2 eV We will also have the three heavy neutrinos with massesEW
H1 (+1) R-parity is explicitly broken: a vertex with only one SUSY particle Size of the breaking: Yn 0 the nRare no longer neutrinos, they are just ordinary singlets like the S of the NMSSM: S H1 H2 + SSS, and R-parity is conserved ~ c H2 (-1) (+1) H1 (+1) is small because the EW seesaw implies Yn ≤10-6 ~ ~ S (-1) H2 (-1) mnSSMgravitino DM
neutralino-neutrino mass matrix ~ B g1 e.g. this diagram determines the bino-neutrino mixing Thus the photino content of the neutrino: ~ | g1n/M1 | ~ 10-6– 10-8 Since in the minimization equation for , Yn ≤10-6is present producing ~10-4GeV
Since R-parity is broken, the phenomenology of the SSM is going to be very different from the one of the MSSM/NMSSM, producing interesting signals at LCH * Decay of the lightest neutralino as LSP. Branching ratios show correlations with neutrino mixing angles, which can be tested at the LHC. * The neutralino-LSP may decay within the detectors but with a length large enough to show a displaced vertex * The neutral Higgses are mixed with the right- and left-handed sneutrinos producing 8x8 scalar mass matrices, and therefore their decays at the LHC will be peculiar Ghosh, Roy, “Neutrino masses and mixing, lightest neutralino decays and a solution to the m problem in supersymmetry”, JHEP 04 (2009) 069 Bartl, Hirsch, Vicente, Liebler, Porod, “LHC phenomenology of the mnSSM”, JHEP 05 (2009) 120 Fidalgo, López-Fogliani, C.M., Ruiz de Austri, “The Higgs sector of the mnSSM and collider physics”, JHEP 2011 mnSSMgravitino DM
Gravitino as a dark matter candidate in the mnSSM Choi, López-Fogliani, C. M., Ruiz de Austri, JCAP 2010 Also talks studying gravitino dark matter in other models by A. Ibarra and J. Valle mnSSMgravitino DM
Gravitino as a DM candidate in models where R-parity is broken Takayama, Yamaguchi, 2000 The gravitino also decays through the interaction gravitino-photon-photino (l): due to the photino-neutrino mixing after sneutrinos develop VEVs , opening the channel Nevertheless, it is supressed both by the Planck mass and the small R-parity breaking, thus the lifetime of the gravitino can be longer than the age of the Universe (~1017 s) In theSSM: U ~ g1n/M1~ 10-6– 10-8 mnSSMgravitino DM
DETECTION • Decays of gravitinos in the galactic halo, at a • sufficiently high rate, would produce gamma rays The FERMI gamma-ray space telescope, launched on June 2008, might in principle detect these gamma rays Buchmuller, Covi, Hamaguchi, Ibarra, Yanagida, 07 Bertone, Buchmuller, Covi, Ibarra, 07; Ibarra, Tran, 08 Ishiwata, Matsumoto, Moroi, 08 The integration extends over the line of sight The gravitino decays into a photon and neutrino, and the photon produces a monochromatic line at energies equal to E=m3/2/2 Since Fermi-LAT covers an energy range 30 MeV – 300 GeV, gravitinos with masses between 60 MeV – 600 GeV could in principle be tested mnSSMgravitino DM
An interesting possibility could be to search for DM in the Galactic Center, where the DM density is larger The problem is that the conventional astrophysics in the galactic center is not well understood: the modeling of the diffuse emission, unresolved sources, etc. Talk by Gomez-Vargas about the galactic center mnSSM
K.Y. Choi, D.E. López-Fogliani, C. M., R. Ruiz de Austri, 0906.3681 correspond to the 5-month measurement reported by Fermi-LAT 0912.0973 mnSSM gravitino DM
In theSSM: U ~ g1n/M1~ 10-6– 10-8 Values of the gravitino mass larger than 10 GeV are disfavoured, as well as lifetimes smaller than about (3-5) x 1027 s. mnSSMgravitino DM
Fermi-LAT presented constrainst on monochromatic emission Using 11 month data: derived limits between 30-200 GeV, 1001.4836 Using 23 month data: derived limits above 7 GeV, talk Feb. 2011 This affects the gravitino with a mass larger than 14 GeV, leaving our region of interest unconstrained Vertongen & Weniger, extended the line analysis of the Fermi-LAT data to 1-300 GeV in the region |b|>10º 1101.2610 Values of the gravitino mass larger than about 4 GeV are excluded, as well as between 2 - 4 GeV with lifetimes smaller than about 6 x 1028 s mnSSM gravitino DM
Nearby clusters of galaxies are also attractive targets -they are more distant, but very massive and very dark matter dominated -typically lie at high galactic latitudes where the contamination from galactic gamma-ray background emission is low Gómez-Vargas, Fornasa, Zandanel, Cuesta, C.M., Prada, Yepes, in preparation Explore the prospects for detecting mSSM gravitino dark matter in galaxy clusters using the prediction for 5 years of operation of the Fermi-LAT telescope mnSSMgravitino DM
Gravitino dark matter detection in nearby extragalactic structures Strategy: 1-obtain the dark matter distribution from a constrained N-body simulation from the CLUES project talk by G. Yepes Cuesta et al., 2010 The μνSSM 2-obtain the flux multiplying the values in the map by the particle physics factor, and use this result as an input for the Fermi-LAT observation simulations
mSSM gravitino DM Carlos Muñoz
Gómez-Vargas et al, in preparation Choi et al, 0906.3681 Yuksel, Kistler, 0711.2906 Vertonger, Weniger, 1101.2610
Conclusions Solving the problem with neutrinos gives rise to the SSM Only one scale in the model: the soft SUSY-breaking scale TeV The model can be tested at the LHC • Thegravitinocan be a candidatefordarkmatter, and since • R-parityisbroken, might be detectedby Fermi-LAT throughits • decayproducing gamma rays • No observation up to now excludes large regions of the parameter space, e.g. m3/2 < 4 GeV Carlos Muñoz mnSSM gravitino DM
THE END Direct WIMP Searches
Backup Slides Carlos Muñoz mnSSM
* The neutralino-LSP may decay within the detectors but with a length large enough to show a displaced vertex e.g. two-body decays three-body decays e.g. The decay lenght is basically determined by the mass of the neutralino LSP and the experimentally measured neutrino masses mnSSM
Bartl, Hirsch, Vicente, Liebler, Porod, JHEP 05 (2009) 120 e.g. mnSSM