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CDR Presentation

CDR Presentation. - Team T.E.N.’s objectives are to fly Ralph with all the systems functioning properly. This includes the boom arm, radiation badge, BASIC Stamp, HOBO, solar cells, video camera and the still shot camera.

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CDR Presentation

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Presentation Transcript

  1. CDR Presentation

  2. - Team T.E.N.’s objectives are to fly Ralph with all the systems functioning properly. This includes the boom arm, radiation badge, BASIC Stamp, HOBO, solar cells, video camera and the still shot camera • -We expect to find many things throughout the testing of our experiments and their analysis. • Our group expects to find higher levels of radiation at higher altitudes. • Even though we will not exceed 100,000 feet, we hope that our Aerogel sample will capture some space dust. • There are many things running off of the BASIC Stamp, so we expect to see that our experiments were executed at the correct altitudes and the times. • The solar cells are not our main source of power, but we are using them as a means to power our boom arm servo and the Aerogel lid, so we need full functionality of them.

  3. Parts: • Foam Core board • Aerogel • Aerogel insulation • Space blanket • Graphite boom arm • Pen Cam • Micro Servo • HOBO • Video Camera • ELPH Camera • Flight cord tube • Solar cells • Radiation Badge • 9V Batteries • Heating circuit • BASIC Stamp

  4. Flight Cord BASIC Stamp Radiation Badge Pen Cam Servo/Boom ELPH Camera Video Camera HOBO Heating Circuit

  5. 9V Battery Solar Panels Power Circuit Pen-Cam Servos Video-Cam Heater HOBO Datalogger 9V Battery control Internal Temp External Temp Humidity BASIC stamp Boom Pen-Cam ELPH Cam

  6. Whip - Passed Yank - Passed

  7. We pretty much failed the drop test because the flight cord managed to rip through the box, even though it landed on its side?!?! Therefore we will be increasing the surface area on the flight cord to the box to reduce the force by using a washer.

  8. We have not conducted our cooler test yet because we have not received our Aerogel insulation yet. We will have it sometime this week and will test this weekend. However, we hope to see that the radiation badge and the pen cam work at -80 degrees C. Also, we are assuming that the tri-layer insulation of space blanket and Aerogel will keep our interior temperature above 0 degrees C.

  9. Radiation badge – The radiation badge will survive the landing and be in good enough condition to be processed. Boom arm – The boom arm is critical because it not only deploys the pen cam, but it also removes the lid to the Aerogel. Because the timing on the servo is controlled by the BASIC Stamp, we expect the deployment and retraction of the boom to go as expected. Aerogel insulation – We are using Aerogel to insulate our satellite. The Aerogel is good to -200 degrees C. Therefore we expect the internal temp to stay above 0 C. Solar Cells – After some calculations from David, we learned that the solar cells will be most affective when placed on the side of the satellite. By doing so, we hope to see that they were capable of powering the heating circuit and the boom arm servo.

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