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Personnel. Organization. Personnel. Equipment. Process Control (QC & EQA) & Specimen Management. Purchasing & Inventory. Occurrence Management. Assessment. Documents & Records. Process Improvement. Customer Service. Facilities & Safety. The Quality System.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Personnel

  2. Organization Personnel Equipment Process Control (QC & EQA) & Specimen Management Purchasing & Inventory Occurrence Management Assessment Documents & Records Process Improvement Customer Service Facilities & Safety The Quality System Information Management

  3. The Problem One of your senior techs has been temporarily re-assigned by the MOH to another province to assist with the back log of reading malarial smears. Another tech has not been able to report to work due to an illness. That leaves 2 techs who must now read malarial smears, even though they have not done so since their initial training several years ago. • What must you do to ensure that the techs are competent to process and read malarial smears?

  4. The Laboratory Staff YOU ARE: • The most critical part of the quality system • The laboratory’s greatest asset • An important partner in patient care YOU ALSO: • Bring your integrity and professionalism to the healthcare community

  5. Success or failure of quality system is dependent on the laboratory staff Knowledge and skills Motivation Commitment

  6. Personnel Management • Job qualifications • Job descriptions • Orientation and training • Competence assessment • Continuing education • Performance appraisal • Documentation

  7. Job Qualifications • Often established by the Ministry of Health • Levels of education and training • Advanced degree • Degree • Non-degree, formal technical training • Bench training

  8. General Skills and Abilities: • Problem solving • Communication • Written and oral • Mathematical • Manual dexterity • Color vision

  9. Job Descriptions • Specify responsibilities and duties • Reflect education, training and experience • Incorporate activities or tasks to be performed • Competency based • General skills • Specify QA responsibilities

  10. Laboratory Personnel – QA Responsibility • Implement the QA program • Generate data and provide day-to-day documentation • Should receive training in QA procedures • Attitude toward QA should be part of annual performance appraisal

  11. Orientation and Training • General orientation • Organizational information • Facilities • Safety information • Personnel Issues • Ethics / confidentiality • Benefits • Emergency contacts • Scheduling

  12. Orientation and Training • Introduction to the laboratory’s operations • Overview of the Quality System • Responsibilities • Technical procedures • Initial competency assessment

  13. Competency • Having the essential abilities to perform specific tasks. Tasks involve procedures throughout the specimen process • Competency Assessment • Any system in place for measuring, documenting, or otherwise determining whether employees are able to do their job.

  14. Competency Assessment • Two approaches • New Staff • Current Staff

  15. Competency Assessment Methods • Directly observe test performance • Periodically review completed work • Give previously analyzed specimens for testing • Provide written exercises to assess: • Problem solving skills • Knowledge • Interpretation

  16. Establishing a Competency Assessment Program Establish an assessment plan for each employee 1. Prepare schedule – frequency and what tests or processes 2. Determine assessment method (s) 3. Assign staff responsibility for conducting assessment 4. Document and evaluate results 5. Take remedial or corrective action

  17. Establishing a Competency Assessment Program • Document your competency assessment program • Written plan • Included in laboratory’s quality documents • Periodically reviewed • Used for continual improvements • Communicate the plans to the staff

  18. Sample Assessment Checklist

  19. Corrective Action Plan • Written plan understood by employees • Outlines specific steps to be taken • Training, reassessment • Details resources needed • Includes timeframe • Consequence for failure

  20. When performance fails, consider: • Poor initial orientation or training • Problem with the specimen • Problem with the equipment • Poorly written procedure • No documented procedure • Difficulty in dealing with change – • “We’ve always done it this way”

  21. Continuing Education “An educational program that brings participants up-to-date in a particular area of knowledge or skills”

  22. Why Continuing Education? • Important in achieving good laboratory quality • Individual personal goals • Nothing stays the same! • New tests • New instruments • New clinical programs and drugs

  23. Innovative ways to obtain / deliver Continuing Education • Make it someone’s responsibility ! • On-site seminars • Journal clubs • Case of the month • Videos • CD’s • Internet opportunities

  24. Local Resources for Continuing Education • QA Committee • Clinicians • Nurses • Pathologists • Infection Control • Epidemiologists

  25. Performance Appraisal • Assessing overall job performance • Factors to evaluate: • Technical competencies • Efficiency of accomplishing work tasks • Observance of safety rules • Timeliness • Communication skills • Customer service

  26. Communicating with Employees • Points to remember: • Emphasize positive traits • Consider personal issues • People are motivated differently • Be direct in discussing deficiencies

  27. Personal details Employment details Resume Post held and dates Authorized areas of testing Terms and conditions of employment Job description Continuing education records Competency assessments Personnel actions Work injury records Documentation: Personnel

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