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Solving the Loading Zone Puzzle

Solving the Loading Zone Puzzle. 2008-2009 New York State Education Department Driver and Attendant Refresher. Danger Zone. What can go wrong here?. Loading Zone Word Search. Objectives. Understand loading zone dangers Understand historical and recent trends

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Solving the Loading Zone Puzzle

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Solving the Loading Zone Puzzle 2008-2009 New York State Education Department Driver and Attendant Refresher

  2. Danger Zone • What can go wrong here?

  3. Loading Zone Word Search

  4. Objectives • Understand loading zone dangers • Understand historical and recent trends • Know loading zone law • Understand lessons in recent school bus loading zone fatal accidents • Become a critical loading zone observer

  5. 15 feet 10 feet 50 feet $250/1 yr 1’, 6’, 12’ All your $ 300 feet Use of reds Driver/Police Activate ambers (recommended) Use reds behind bus w/reds Can wave through reds Create personal liability Don’t move the bus until Minimum fine first offense PM In front of bus in vision of driver Whenever loading or unloading Cone placement right rear wheel What’s the Law?

  6. January 1999 to May 2004 Fatality Free NYS School Bus Fatalities

  7. NYS Passing Motorist

  8. Loading Zone History - US

  9. Loading Zone History - US

  10. Tools • SBSIOBSAAT - Tips • Kansas Survey • NYS Crossing Poster • Universal Crossing Procedure • NYS Laws & Regs • Critical Reflection

  11. Four Case Studies • Mallory Eddy May 2004 • Chana Friedlander June 2006 • Markus Smith November 2006 • Rear Wheel Fatals 2004, 2005 (US)

  12. Think about it… • Describe the characteristics of each party • What circumstances created the risk? • How did the bus driver actions contribute? • How did the student’s actions contribute? • How did the PM actions contribute? • What was the last straw? • What might have prevented the event?

  13. 1. Mallory Eddy • Right side passing = 5% • Teen driver – 16 year old car • Mirrors checked as she exits bus? • Bennet on shoulder for at least 2-3 sec. • Mallory trained to “check before she steps”? • Plans made for runaway vehicle on hill? • Automatic doors can’t be “cracked”

  14. 2. Chana Friedlander • Use reds in every loading zone • Cars will squeeze through anywhere • Youngest children must be trained • What are urban driving challenges? • Crossers first • How do you control rear passers?

  15. 3. Markus Smith • Always be aware of warnings from passengers and motorists • Count children before leaving stop • Youngest children least predictable • Ran back right towards driver – off-tracking • Last thing to check as bus leaves stop? • Attendant role in loading zone safety?

  16. 4. Rear Bus Wheels • Running back to the bus • Slipping under the bus • Climbing under bus for dropped object • Dragging caught in bus door • 15 foot rule clearance • Off-tracking • Properly adjusted mirrors • Rock before you roll

  17. Become a Critical Observer • View obstructions/visibility at bus stop approach • Mix of crossers and non-crossers • High speed, heavy traffic • Big trucks/buses • Hills or curves in either direction

  18. Frequent PM Intersection dangers Non-student pedestrians at stop Construction or other temporary danger Report and plan w/supervisor Become a Critical Observer

  19. Combined Learning • Keep up the good work on BOB • Raise awareness of PM • Know the laws • Watch for children alongside your bus • Be aware of right-side passers • Be critical!

  20. Remember… SBSIOBSAAT Students get on or off a school bus in the United States 20,000,000,000 times a year. Together we can make every stop a safe one

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