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Documentary Research. www.flodden1513.com. Looking to find documents which will inform on not just the battle but also on life in the Borders (1513-1603) Training course in how to read old documents Palaeography Translating the documents found
Documentary Research www.flodden1513.com • Looking to find documents which will inform on not just the battle but also on life in the Borders (1513-1603) • Training course in how to read old documents • Palaeography • Translating the documents found • Documents & training material will be electronic so that work can be done in participants own time Volunteering/ Participating opportunities
Documentary Research www.flodden1513.com • Looking to run two events (2013 & 2014) similar to the Bygone Borderlands event • Local History Groups looking into and displaying their local history/ genealogy, with a Flodden twist • Interpretation presentation training? • Feed into a Flodden Travelling Exhibition which will feature at the Church Flower Festivals
Education Development www.flodden1513.com Keith Merrin Woodhorn Trust
Woodhorn Trust www.flodden1513.com • Operates museums in Berwick, Hexham, Morpeth and Ashington and the Northumberland Archives at Woodhorn and Berwick • Welcomes over 135,000 visitors each year • Delivers heritage education workshops to over 12,000 students each year • Employs specialist heritage education workers
Aspirations www.flodden1513.com • Develop curriculum linked learning opportunities inspired by Flodden 500 • Deliver workshops on-site and within the classroom on both sides of the border • Create resources (including loans boxes and on-line) that can be used over the long term • Widen opportunities beyond the formal education sector
Development work www.flodden1513.com • Working with education professionals from both sides of the border • Identifying content and curriculum areas to focus on in main project • Analysing numbers of potential schools and catchment area for main project • Assessing potential of Ecomuseum sites for education visits • Producing an action plan with targets
www.flodden1513.com Flodden 1513 Ecomuseum Phase 2
www.flodden1513.com 1.Seek Nominations 2.Form ‘Long List’ 3.Score and appraise ‘Long List’ 4.Arrive at ‘Preferred List’ ‘Preferred List’ should include 15 new Scottish Sites 10 new English Sites
Schedule www.flodden1513.com
1.Seek Nominations www.flodden1513.com • Press releases to National Press and Specialty Press • Direct contact with Local History Societies • Direct contact with CBA regional groups • Direct contact with Archaeology Scotland • Direct contact with Clan organizations • Direct contact with EH, HS, RCAHMS, NMS etc • Direct contact with Churches of England, Scotland etc • Direct contact with National Trust & NTS • Consultations: 3 in Scotland, 1 in England.
2.Seek Nominations www.flodden1513.com
3.Score and appraise ‘Long List’ www.flodden1513.com • Scoring based on categories that a site fits into • Higher scores better • Appraisal committee to consider technicalities of list Eg. Ford Castle - Scores high Not practical to include in list due to nature of use as an educational establishment. Could Ford Castle be represented by an adjacent site such as Ford Church which scores less well. • Arrive at an agreed ‘Preferred List’ to go forward • 10 sites in England 15 sites in Scotland
3.Score and appraise ‘Long List’ www.flodden1513.com
www.flodden1513.com Question 2/3 Are these the correct categories? Should we add or remove any of these categories?
www.flodden1513.com Question 4 Would anyone like to NOMINATE as site?
Heritage craft taster sessions www.flodden1513.com • Green wood-working • Pole-lathe turning wooden bowls • Wattle panels for revetment and gabions • Basket making • Black-smith • Weapons • Tools • Braid making
Heritage craft taster sessions www.flodden1513.com Dates for your diary • The Hirsel, Coldstream 2nd June • Woodhorn Museum, Ashington 9th June Try something old for the first time!
Commemoration www.flodden1513.com • Event 10th September 2013 at Branxton • Flower festivals • Travelling exhibition • Peace & Reconciliation Centre • Museum exhibitions • Selkirk • Coldstream • Mauchline Ware
Marketing www.flodden1513.com • Create a marketing plan / timeline: • Incorporate all Flodden community projects • Liaise with Tourism Associations and Councils NEED CONFIRMED DATES AND OUTLINES OF FLODDEN EVENTS BEFORE MID-JUNE 2012 • Looking into the possibilities of themed/ stylised presentation of events • Create a variety of marketing mediums: social & traditional
Marketing www.flodden1513.com • Create a marketing toolkit • Poster templates • Media contacts/ deadlines • Press release advice • Individual campaigns • Not only about showcasing events but also volunteer opportunities • Raise national awareness
www.flodden1513.com Quick break- Back in 10 minutes
Flodden Community Projects www.flodden1513.com Matthew Rooke Chief Executive & Artistic Director of The Maltings Theatre and Cinema
Flodden Community Projects www.flodden1513.com • There are over 100 suggested, in process or completed Flodden community projects that we know of. View the full list on the ecomuseum website under Flodden 1513 Projects
Flodden Calendar www.flodden1513.com • All the events that have provided dates are listed on the website • To avoid clashes and to feed in to the joint marketing campaign • WE NEED YOUR DATES
Media Recording www.flodden1513.com Volunteering/participating opportunities
Media Recording www.flodden1513.com Oana Fotescu E-mail: oana_fote@yahoo.com Phone: 07931773165
www.flodden1513.com OPEN FLOOR Over to you….
Thank you www.flodden1513.com