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Final Review. Today’s Activities. Create 2 multiple-choice questions Play Review Game Review Final Essay Ideas Final Essay Prep. Question Creation. Review you materials and on a half sheet of paper, create 2 questions for our review game (either multiple choice, short answer, true/false)
Today’s Activities • Create 2 multiple-choice questions • Play Review Game • Review Final Essay Ideas • Final Essay Prep
Question Creation • Review you materials and on a half sheet of paper, create 2 questions for our review game (either multiple choice, short answer, true/false) • Record your answer under your question.
Which of our authors wrote the following quote about Americans? “Here individuals of all nations are melted into a new race of men, whose labours and posterity will one day cause great changes in the world.” • Michel-Guillaume Jean De Crévecoeur • Walt Whitman • John Steinbeck • Ken Kesey
Which African American poet wrote a response to one of Walt Whitman’s famous poems? • Henry David Thoreau • Ralph Waldo Emerson • Langston Hughes • Maya Angelou
Name 2 of the tenets of Transcendentalism. • Nature • Nonconformity • Self-Reliance • Here and Now • Simplicity • Universal Soul
Which of our author’s wrote the following famous line famous line? “Whoso would be a man must be a nonconformist.” • Michel-Guillaume Jean De Crévecoeur • Ralph Waldo Emerson • John Steinbeck • Ken Kesey
In the novel The Catcher in the Rye, Holden supposedly writes his story while living near what major U.S. city? • New York • Chicago • Hollywood • Philadelphia
Who was Holden’s roommate? • Ed Banky • Ward Stradlater • Robert Ackley • Paul Campbell
Once he checks into his room at the Edmont Hotel, the first thing that Holden sees from the window is • A parade • A flock of ducks flying away from Central Park • A variety of weird acts going on in other rooms of the hotel • Jane Gallagher fooling around with Stradlater
During chapter 15, Holden meets nuns at breakfast and is surprised that they • Eat fatty foods • Like Romeo and Juliet • Show no remorse over stealing the collection money • Spit water into each other’s faces
According to Holden, what is “the best thing” about the Museum of Natural History? • “That everything always stayed right where it was” • “That no goddam phonies ever went there” • “That this one crazy Indian always reminds [him] of Allie” • “That the birds look exactly like the ducks in the lagoon”
Who said the following quote, “You’ll find that you’re not the first person who was ever confused and frightened and even sickened by human behavior”? • Mr. Spencer • Phoebe Caulfield • Carl Luce • Mr. Antolini
At the end of the novel, what does Holden say about the other various people in his story (Stradlater, Ackley, Maurice, etc.)? • They were a bunch of phonies • He missed them • He wished he could erase them from his mind • They helped him mature into a better person
Who was the narrator of the novel One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest? • Ken Kesey • Chief Bromden • Randle McMurphy • Big Nurse
What animals does McMurphy compare the patients to? • Wolves • Chickens • Rabbits • Pigs
What does Bromden see out of the window during the evening? • A dog sniffing holes and some geese flying across the moon • The Nurse yelling at Doctor Spivey • A truck filled with salmon like the salmon he used to catch in his home town • A hallucination of a man being burned at the stake
What important information does the lifeguard give McMurphy? • That Doctor Spivey is addicted to opiates • That he was once in the NFL • That committed patients can leave only at the staff’s discretion • That Bromden is crazy
When the nurse first finds out that the fishing trip pass has been granted, she... • argues vehemently with the doctor • tries to call the boating company to get the trip cancelled • tries to discourage the men by posting newspaper clippings about storms and wrecked boats • encourages the other patients to go on the trip, but advises McMurphy to stay on the ward
One irony in the novel is that: • Nurse Ratched actually likes McMurphy. • When Chief actually speaks, it is too late. • As the others improve, McMurphy deteriorates. • The patients really are not mentally ill.
Which of the following sentences is not parallel? • For a dancer, moving gracefully is as important as taking the right steps. • I want both to live in Chicago and to work in advertising. • I enjoy going to the movies and to go horse back riding. • I like running and swimming.
Which of the following sentences is parallel? • It’s just as important to stretch as it is running every day. • I want to run the Chicago marathon and to live downtown. • I like singing and to dance. • I enjoy going to the movies and to go horse back riding.
Essay Prompt Write a focused, specifically supported, multi-paragraph argument essay defending an original thought concerning America and/or Americans. Integrate examples from at least 3 pieces of literature we’ve read during our Junior English course (at least one must be from One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest) and from your life experience / other learning to help illustrate your thinking.
Essay Ideas • Americans fight, sometimes unsuccessfully, for individuality as seen in Paradox and Dream, The Catcher in the Rye, One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, and even the halls of PR. • As time marches on, Americans’ freedom continues to shrink as seen in Paradox and Dream, The Catcher in the Rye, One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, and even the halls of PR.
Essay Guidelines • All must complete a handwritten outline on the 1/2 sheet of paper before coming into the exam room (I’ll check for your outline) • Your essay should have a sharp, focused thesis & topic sentences that directly relate back to the thesis • Stylistically written—few weak verbs, use 2 moments of imagery, 2 similes/metaphors, 1 other device (anaphora, epistrophe, etc.) • Must circle and label each device