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Fintech & Sales NOÉ Program. W e gained a lot of market insights during the 10+ years. and seen the rapidly growing importance of corporate innovation. b ut also the dilemmas and pull-backs large companies are facing with. What C an You Acquire ?. Why Acquire ?.
Fintech & SalesNOÉ Program Projects. Finances. Advice.
Wegained a lot of market insightsduringthe 10+ years Projects. Finances. Advice.
and seen the rapidly growing importance of corporate innovation Projects. Finances. Advice.
butalsothedilemmas and pull-backslargecompaniesarefacingwith WhatCanYouAcquire? WhyAcquire? InnovationPortfolio Revenue Product line + Users Product line Teams IntellectualProperty DisruptiveInnovation Build Buy Partner ContinuousInnovation ProcessInnovation Projects. Finances. Advice.
meanwhile there is a growing market to test, implement or to acquire innovation Projects. Finances. Advice.
we believe we can help. so we launch... Projects. Finances. Advice.
NOÉ brings innovation and business to both startups and large companies Projects. Finances. Advice.
NOÉ is verystructuredinhisthinking and prefers a step-by-stepapproach • define and explore needs and competencies • establish formalized co-operation • business development • management consulting • finances • professional M&A advisory Projects. Finances. Advice.
NOÉ aimsto be thebest partner forfintech and salesorientedventures Sectors Technologysuppliersolutions Fintech Financial Sector Banking Insurance Big data and analytics Cloudtechnologies Security ElectronicPayment Mobile Payment Payment-relatedsocialmedia Point of salepayments Riskmanagement FintechEnterprises PotentialPartners Mobile data management Disruptivefinancialservicesmodels Innovativesales (B2C) solutions Increase partner loyalty Alternativesaleschannels Crossselling Corporate partners interested in innovative B2C activity Retail Sports Fashion FMGC Projects. Finances. Advice.
NOÉ onlygetsrewardedwhenthejob is done • successfeeaccordingtoourvalueadded • participationas an advisorin a possiblefuture M&A transaction Projects. Finances. Advice.
large companies are waiting for good ideas Projects. Finances. Advice.
and we have a network of the best professional partners Projects. Finances. Advice.
our team is ready to take on creative challenges not just in Hungary but also in the region Boros Áron, CEO Varga Dávid, Business Development Váczi Dávid, Sales Director Tóth Vilmos Balázs, Expert And our 40+ Hungarian and 30+ regional advisors (Romania, Croatia, Bulgaria) Projects. Finances. Advice.