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Domestics. Fire procedureFacilitiesFinish timeIf Dave starts to gibber. Introductions. Graham Cooper Head of SIMS Product ManagementSimon SmithProduct Manager SIMS CoreChris SherwoodProduct Manager SIMS Assessment Pete BrownHead of Product Implementation. Capita ES Representatives. Aware of Rochdale schools' willingness to consider alternativesHere at the invitation of EDIT to listen to your concerns and to feed them back in to development and support processes.
1. Welcome to the EDIT Team Secondary Schools SIMS Seminar 2005 Dave Cattlin, Richard Metcalfe, Christine Snape, Lisa Holt and Lynn Warrington
2. Domestics
Fire procedure
Finish time
If Dave starts to gibber
3. Introductions Graham Cooper
Head of SIMS Product Management
Simon Smith
Product Manager SIMS Core
Chris Sherwood
Product Manager SIMS Assessment
Pete Brown
Head of Product Implementation
4. Capita ES Representatives Aware of Rochdale schools� willingness to consider alternatives
Here at the invitation of EDIT to listen to your concerns and to feed them back in to development and support processes
5. Seminar Agenda
EDIT Team Profile
Service Level Agreement 2005/6
Backup Strategies
Statutory Returns
End of Key Stages
PLASC / School Census
End of Year Processes
Teacher�s Desktop
SIMS Panel
Software Release Update
6. The EDIT Team Team of 17 offering MIS and technical support services and working in partnership with schools and under the direction of the ICT Steering Group
Access to Capita ES, corporate and other resources
Supports all Rochdale schools and underpins LEA strategies for Information Management and the use of ICT in schools
7. The EDIT Team Achievements over the last 12 months
Full SIMS.net in read/write mode rolled out to all schools
Achieved recognition as SIMS Approved support team
Achieved recognition as a 5* support service by the Education Brokerage
Developed the use of the Rochdale Schools Network � all primary, special and nursery schools now connected
Maintained levels of buy back
8. The EDIT Team Areas of high priority
Meeting statutory obligations and school expectations
Supporting the expanding use of MIS in schools and at LEA level
Develop the use of SIMS.net software in all Rochdale schools
The management and development of Rochdale Schools Network systems
9. The EDIT Team New Appointments
Schools ICT Manager appointed December 2004 � Phil Gornall
Schools Training Officer appointed December 2004 � Christine Snape
Additional technical staff in post
RSN Administrators
Peripatetic technical staff for Primaries
10. Service Level Agreement No major changes for 2005/2006
SLA developed and offered for subscription in consultation with schools
11. Service Level Agreement 2005/6 SLA
SIMS Licensing
Liaison with Capita
Helpline Support
On-Site support
Training and consultancy
12. Backup Strategies All secondary schools have now developed and implemented their own backup strategies
For information, RSN systems are backed up by simply stopping the MSDE and copying out the relevant files with a batch file and on a scheduled basis � for further information contact Steve Frost at the EDIT Team
13. Backup Strategies Schools are reminded that the s:\sims folder, the sims SQL database, Snova folder and the docstorage folder must be restored as a set
Schools are also reminded that the FMS sims.db and sims.log should also be restored as a pair
14. Backup Strategies Schools must ensure that they have a complete and reliable backup of SIMS data at all times
Schools are invited to submit their backups to EDIT who will attempt to restore them to a clean system
15. SOLUS Update SIMS On Line Update Service
Rochdale, like almost 1/3 LEAs, operates in a WAN environment
Significant barriers to FTP systems
CES met with 17 LEAs in March to discuss ways to deliver SOLUS to these schools
SOLUS Management system under development
EDIT currently evaluating mechanisms for the delivery of upgrades, enhancements and patches via SOLUS
Further information will be made available soon
16. In the meantime Enhancement releases made available as a setups folder
Copy into the s:\sims\setups folder on network
Run dBUpgrade.exe on the server
Workstations will then trigger remaining upgrades as they run SimsLoad.exe
Site specific patches will be delivered by existing mechanisms
All schools to be on ER6 to complete EOKS processes
17. Statutory Returns
18. Statutory Returns End of Key Stages
Workforce Census
19. End of Key Stage 2 Basic pupil details transfer files already supplied for import to Pre-Admission Groups for pupils transferring in September
TAs will be submitted by primary schools and made available by the end of term
Further information (test scores and levels) will be aggregated and relayed electronically as soon as it is available
20. End of Key Stage 3 End of Key Stage 3 process managed within an Assessment Manager Wizard (exactly as was the case last year)
Wizards already available for use and training scheduled for early May allowing for data validation and aggregation and for the production of reports to parents and the LEA
Enhancement Release 5 & Spring CD required
21. End of Key Stage 4 Enhancements to Examinations Organiser reporting in Spring Update CD
Training to be delivered 8th July for exams officers
EDIT support hotline available on download dates as usual
22. Statutory Returns PLASC 2005 review
PLASC 2006 requirements
School Census Developments
23. PLASC 2005 Schools will have their own view on the PLASC 2005 process
Some pains arising from the migration to SIMS.net
Largely down to data issues and the introduction of date stamping on a range of data
24. PLASC 2005 Schools will have their own view on the PLASC process
Some pains arising from the migration to SIMS.net
All Secondary and Special schools completed the PLASC return using SIMS.net with no errors and within the prescribed timescale
25. PLASC 2006 There will be no PLASC 2006!
26. School Census You knew that there would be a catch!
27. Schools Census 2006 For January 2006
Limited changes to pupil level data to be collected
Home Address information
Attendance data for Autumn 2005 term
28. Schools Census 2006 For May 2006
Another census return
Attendance data for Spring 2006 term
Exclusion data for Autumn 2005 term
29. Schools Census 2006 For September 2006
Another census return
Attendance data for Summer 2006 term
Exclusion data for Spring 2006 term
And so on���..
30. Census Developments September pupil count to be dropped and the following data items collected via the census
Additional School Level Data
G&T indicator
Exclusion Type, Reason and Start Date
# sessions excluded
Attendance Sessions Possible
Unauthorised and Authorised Absences
Full Address
Date of Leaving
Access to SEN Resource
Full information available at www.teachernet.gov.uk
31. Workforce Census It will happen�
32. Workforce Census It will happen�
but it may be a little early to get too alarmed
33. Overview School Census: School Workforce Level View is for one record for one member of the workforce
Need to say something about
snapshot versus longitudinal data
Data collected at different times during the year
flexible approach required ?
View is for one record for one member of the workforce
Need to say something about
snapshot versus longitudinal data
Data collected at different times during the year
flexible approach required ?
34. Data from various sources It is recognised that schools will not necessarily hold all workforce data as LEAs often hold data on behalf of the schools and it will be for schools and LEAs to agree at local level which data they should respectively supply.
Software will be developed to allow the LEAs to merge the workforce data they hold with the data supplied by the schools.
35. As a minimum, schools will need to hold and supply the following details Surname
Middle Names
Former Surnames
Date of birth
NI Number
Absent on Census Day
Service Role / Grade
Start Date
Post Identifier
Teacher Number � required for all members of workforce who have QT Status, and to be supplied for others where available
36. Future Developments DfES currently consulting with schools, LEAs and software houses on mechanisms for the collection of adult data
It may be a requirement that all schools start to use personnel software within their MIS
Personnel 7 under trial this term with a full release scheduled for Spring 2006
38. Guidance issued by CES for Primary schools
This guidance distributed to Secondary schools for information only
Detailed guidance, specific to secondary schools, will be issued by CES in May
EDIT Training already scheduled
Secondary schools will need to apply the Spring Update CD prior to the completion of end of year procedures
40. Basically a stand alone SIMS.net installation with Class Teacher levels of Access to data
Read only Student Details (although SEN details may be edited)
Access to My Marksheets
Profiles: List Entry
41. When logging in the user is prompted to select the online or offline database
If connected to the school network, the user may choose to use the notebook as a normal workstation
If the user selects to work offline, a local installation with a snapshot of the school data is accessed
42. Data may be worked on offline and then �synchronised� with data held in the online system on reconnection to the school network
45. It may arise that an online user has entered conflicting data to the main system at the same time as the teachers� desktop user has been working offline
This will invoke a conflict resolution routine enabling the teachers� desktop user to select the data to be written to the main system
46. Errors and Conflict Resolution
48. Data on Teachers� Desktop installations are not supported by CES and should therefore be considered �expendable�
EDIT seeking a partner school to evaluate and develop the use of Teachers� Desktop
49. Spring 2005 CD Spring CD 2005
Scheduled for release May 2005
Common Platform 4.05.10
Principally for EOKS registration and results
End of year in primary schools
FMS 6.78 (CFR 2004/5 functionality)
STAR 7.40 (Grid editing and changes to contact details)
50. Software Release Schedule Spring Update CD
Scheduled for release 10 June
Academic Management 7.45
Required for end of year processes
Nova T 4.85
Improved resilience
Exams Organiser 6.45
Significant Enhancements to Exams Organiser outputs
51. Applying the CDs CDs will be transferred to all schools immediately upon receipt
Standard install procedures
EDIT will provide assistance where this is required
53. SIMS Panel