1. Captulo 4: Los Perros Olmpicos
2. Cmo te fue el fin de semana? How was your weekend? (How did it go for you?)
3. Fue divertido. It was fun.
4. Fui al partido. I went to the game.
5. Fue y compr: S/he went and s/he bought
6. No lo necesitaba.: I or s/he didnt need it.
7. Estaba contento.: He was happy.
8. haba: there was/were.
9. vio una nariz que le gust: she saw a nose that she liked.
10. era la misma (el mismo): it was the same one.
11. quera tener una araa: s/he wanted to have a spider
12. le dijo: s/he said to him/her
13. tena: s/he or I had
14. se senta frustrada she felt, was feeling frustrated
15. Los Juegos Olmpicos: The Olympic Games
16. la carrera: the race
17. era muy activo: he was very active
18. necesitaba comer menos: s/he needed to eat less
19. corra todos los das: s/he would run every day
20. se pona ms fuerte: s/he was becoming stonger
21. se entrenaba tanto: s/he trained so much
22. quera divertirse: wanted to have fun
23. iba a todas las fiestas: s/he would go to all the parties
24. tomaba refrescos: s/he would drink soft drinks
25. pasaba horas tomando el sol: s/he would spend hours sunbathing
26. cada da: every day
27. antes de decidirse: before making up his mind
28. una medalla de oro: a gold medal
29. se qued en ltimo lugar: came in last place
30. no gan nada: didnt win anything
31. en vez de entrenarse: instead of training
32. lleg: arrived
33. suba de peso: was gaining weight
34. bajaba de peso: was losing weight
35. la carrera empez: the race began
36. corrieron: they ran
37. todos empezaron: everyone began
38. iba despacio: s/he was going slow
39. gan el campeonato: s/he won the championship
40. estaban preocupados: they were worried
41. hora tras hora: hour after hour
42. ni siquiera una galleta: not even a cookie
43. hueso frito: fried bone
44. tenan la misma meta they had the same goal
45. queran lograr la medalla de oro they wanted to achieve the gold medal
46. se portaron diferente they behaved differently