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Reconstruction, Last Frontier, New Industries

Reconstruction, Last Frontier, New Industries. Chapter 11 Lessons 1, 2, and 3. 16 th President; freed slaves. Abraham Lincoln. Private vote. s ecret ballot. Southern states were placed under this rule by the Reconstruction plan put forward by the Radical Republicans in Congress.

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Reconstruction, Last Frontier, New Industries

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Reconstruction, Last Frontier, New Industries Chapter 11 Lessons 1, 2, and 3

  2. 16th President; freed slaves. • Abraham Lincoln

  3. Private vote. • secret ballot

  4. Southern states were placed under this rule by the Reconstruction plan put forward by the Radical Republicans in Congress. • U.S. military

  5. These are the workers who farmed land owned by other people. • sharecroppers

  6. Impeached in 1867. • Andrew Johnson

  7. Laws that discriminate. • black codes

  8. Period when South was rebuilt. • Reconstruction

  9. Ex slaves rent farmland. • sharecropping

  10. Economic and population upswing. • boom

  11. This is who got land from the Homestead Act. • Settlers who lived on the land for five years

  12. This is why the United States wanted Native Americans to live on reservations. • So settlers could use the land

  13. When pioneers settle land in the west. • homesteading

  14. Lost Battle of Little Big Horn. • Custer

  15. Economic downturn. • bust

  16. Where Indians were forced to live. • reservation

  17. Sioux chief at Little Big Horn. • Sitting Bull

  18. These are the people the cattlemen had conflicts with during the Range Wars. • farmers

  19. African American cowboy. • Nat Love

  20. Person in search of gold. • prospector

  21. Right of workers to negotiate work. • collective bargaining

  22. Pioneer in steel industry. • Andrew Carnegie

  23. Two immigrant groups from which thousands of railroad workers came. • Chinese and Irish

  24. This is how many hours a day people in mills and factories worked in the late 1800’s. • 10 to 12

  25. Organization of workers. • labor union

  26. Another name for oil. • petroleum

  27. Connected East and West Coast. • Transcontinental Railroad

  28. This is where the Transcontinental Railroad was completed. • Promontory, Utah

  29. Tall buildings. • skyscrapers

  30. This person founded the first oil company. • John D. Rockefeller


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