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Summary 26 September 2012 Core Theme 5: Technological Advancements for Improved near- realtime data transmission and Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Data Assimilation Lead: M. Visbeck (IFM-GEOMAR); co-lead: Detlef Stammer (UHAM) Participants: UiB , GEOMAR , UHAM, NERC-NERC.
Summary 26 September 2012 • Core Theme 5:Technological Advancements for Improved near-realtime data transmission and Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Data Assimilation • Lead: M. Visbeck (IFM-GEOMAR); co-lead: Detlef Stammer (UHAM)Participants: UiB, GEOMAR, UHAM, NERC-NERC
THOR Final meeting ZMAW Hamburg CT 5/WP5.1: Near Real time data transmission for moored observatories • Mooring infrastructure is particularly expensive as most parts are expendable • Ship day approx. 25.000 Euros • For Scientific and Economic reasons there is a need to extend deployment duration • Requires data telemetry system to access data while instrumentation is deployed
THOR Final meeting ZMAW Hamburg CT 5/WP5.1: Near Real time data transmission for moored observatories • To increase the deployment duration of moorings but still ensure timely access to the data • Two systems – • The Bergen System and the Kiel System • - are developed as part of CT5 in THOR
THOR Final meeting ZMAW Hamburg CT 5/WP5.1: Near Real time data transmission for moored observatories • The Bergen System and the Kiel System • Development (collaboration with SME's AADI Bergen & OPTIMARE Bremerhaven) • Lab and open ocean tests • Delivery of time series data in “climate relevant” real-time data
THOR Final meeting ZMAW Hamburg WP 5.1: The Bergen system • Acoustic modem communication with other platform (e.g. ship, surface buoy) • Serial connection of instrumentation
THOR Final meeting ZMAW Hamburg WP 5.1: The Kiel system • Pop-up “messenger” buoys • Serial & Inductive connection of instruments
THOR Final meeting ZMAW Hamburg WP 5.1: PROGRESS • Laboratory, shallow water, and long term open ocean tests have been done with both system. • The Bergen system has been deployed in the Faroe Bank Channel within the THOR project life. Data was downloaded in June 2010 and the system was reprogrammed. The tests can be considered a success and the system is operational. • The Kiel system was deployed from August 2011 to June 2012 in the central Irminger Sea. Three of the four popup-capsules were programmed to rise to the surface during the deployment period. However, not data was received. The recovery in June 2012 revealed that the three capsules had indeed being launched, as programmed. It is expected that a problem with the satellite data telemetry electronic occurred – this is investigated at the moment.
THOR Final meeting ZMAW Hamburg WP 5.1: PROGRESS • In summary, the objectives in the development and testing of the two data telemetry system have been fulfilled within THOR WP5. The “Bergen System” has progressed into a commercially available product (AADI). The “Kiel System” is operating, but problem exists with the satellite telemetry system, hindering a commercialization at this point in time. Nevertheless, for the Kiel system the 'in mooring line' popup system technology could be demonstrated, and even resists an “anchor last” deployment.
THOR Final meeting ZMAW Hamburg WP 5.1: Summary • Activities are delivered in the anticipated time frame • (OK) D18 (Report on test field deployment and system handling of the Kiel and Bergen systems. (Month 24) • (OK) Milestone (M7: Field tests for real-time data transmission completed) month 24 achieved • (OK) D29 Report on the initial system performance of both systems. (Month 36) • (?) D42 Report on the use of near real time data transmission systems and their potential to increase the accuracy of Atlantic Thermohaline Circulation assessments and predictions (Month 48)
THOR is a project financed by the European Commission through the 7th Framework Programme for Research, Theme 6 Environment, Grant agreement 212643 http://ec.europa.eu/index_en.htm