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Wednesday, September 26, 2012. DO NOW Label a sheet of paper “Friedrich Nietzsch Prompt” and get ready for tumblr writing. You’ll need Literary Devices card. Assignment 1: Find examples of SNAPSHOTS in OMAM Assignment 2: Revise on draft of personal essay. Do not retype yet. . AGENDA
Wednesday, September 26, 2012 DO NOW • Label a sheet of paper “Friedrich Nietzsch Prompt” and get ready for tumblr writing. You’ll need Literary Devices card. • Assignment 1: Find examples of SNAPSHOTS in OMAM • Assignment 2: Revise on draft of personal essay. Do not retype yet. AGENDA • DO NOW • Writing with SNAPSHOTS
Tumblr DO NOW Become a character from OMAM. Read the following Tumblrwriting prompt. In character, respond to Nietzsche’s questions. Your ideas should align with the character’s actions, behaviors, thoughts, and voice.
Add some style… Add one example of a parallel sentence for effect. Add one example of assonance. Add one example of metaphor.
Assignment 1 Pick a chapter in OMAM. Chapters 2,3,4,5. Find an example of all 8 of the SNAPSHOT techniques. Recopy them onto a piece of paper. Label the type of SNAPSHOT beside each excerpt. Then, write a short paragraph about how those SNAPSHOTS support a theme in the chapter.
Assignment 2 Revise on draft only. You can type in computer lab on Friday. Final draft due at end of block Friday. Add with a pencil the following writing techniques: SNAPSHOTS (4), literary devices (4) , syntactical techniques (4). Make sure you have an ABC intro and catchy title, too.
Essential Questions • How does an individual shape society? • How does a writer makes his/her writing memorable and meaningful?
Learning targets – OMAM I can determine and analyze the development of theme by noticing how it emerges through specific text details. I can analyze the impact of word choice on meaning and tone. I can strengthen my writing by trying a new approach, focusing on addressing what is most significant for my reader/audience. I can apply my knowledge of language to make effective choices for meaning or style.
Create Snapshots • Find places to show a person’s movements/gestures. • Paint a setting with description of a place. • Listen to sounds and speech. • Zoom in close with a physical detail of a person or place. • Try to use more than one of the five senses. • Paint a feeling in a setting without saying what the feeling is. • Use literary devices: similes, metaphors, hyperbole, personification, etc
Snapshot Find places to show a person’s movements/gestures. First Draft:My mom told me to listen to her. Revised Draft: Mom stood still, her arms crossed for what seemed like hours. Then, she pointed to the kitchen chair I used to do time out as a preschooler and commanded, “Sit. It’s time you listen to me.”
Snapshot Paint a setting with a description of place. First Draft: My bedroom was a safe place to hide from the day’s stress. Revised Draft: Crawling into my white antique iron bed, I nestled into the worn, denim, patched quilt given to me by Grandma Sally. The whir of the ceiling fan whispered and then lulled me to sleep.
Snapshot Listen to sounds and speech. First Draft: I heard them coming up the stairs. Revised Draft: I heard Tessa giggle, “Let’s yell surprise when Jackson arrives.” A clump, clump, clump on the stairs followed, and I knew my 6 foot 4 inch Uncle Albert was with her.
Snapshot Zoom in close with a physical detail of a person. First Draft: My baby sister sat on the bench and cried. Revised Draft: My baby sister’s mouth, wide as a baseball, howled all the way home; tears streamed like waterfalls down her blotchy red cheeks.
Snapshot Zoom in close with a physical detail of a place. First Draft: We sat in the kitchen and argued. Revised Draft: Debating widely, we hurled insults across the kitchen counter, littered with old newspapers, empty Starbucks cups, half-eaten powered donuts, and last night’s greasy onion rings.
Snapshot Try to use one or more of the five senses. First Draft: We drove to the hospital. Revised Draft: Driving to St. John’s Mercy, we inched through Highway 270’s traffic in fog thicker than winter’s chimney smoke and wondered which screaming siren yelled about our grandfather.
Snapshot Paint a feeling in a setting without saying what the feeling is. First Draft: Everyone in the gymnasium was nervous. Revised Draft: While most fans held their breaths and pressed their palms together in that let’s-pray-to-God-we-win manner, I bounced in the red bleacher seat motored by the high speed jiggling of my feet.
Snapshot Use figurative language: similes, metaphor, personification, hyperbole, etc First Draft: I watched a lot of SpongeBob SquarePants as a kid. Revised Draft: Racing home after school, I grabbed the remote control and flipped frantically through the channels looking for SpongeBob. Anyone watching would have thought I was more like a addict craving his next fix.
Analyze Snapshots • Find places to show a person’s movements/gestures. • Paint a setting with description of a place. • Listen to sounds and speech. • Zoom in close with a physical detail of a person or place. • Try to use more than one of the five senses. • Paint a feeling in a setting without saying what the feeling is. • Use literary devices: similes, metaphors, hyperbole, personification, etc
You try… An argument ensued between two students in the commons. It was about homecoming next week.
Summary of Learning Pretend like a student was absent today. How would you teach SNAPSHOTS? What would you tell him or her and how would you check to see if he or she understood?