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Communications Systems Integration and Modeling Technical Committee

Communications Systems Integration and Modeling Technical Committee. May 25th, 2010, 5.30pm-7.00pm. Agenda. 1. Welcome and Introductions. 2. Minutes of GC’09 meeting. 3. Reports from ComSoc. 4. CSIM Status and Activities. 5. Sponsored Events. 6. Actions for the Next Period.

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Communications Systems Integration and Modeling Technical Committee

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Communications Systems Integration and Modeling Technical Committee May 25th, 2010, 5.30pm-7.00pm

  2. Agenda 1. Welcome and Introductions 2. Minutes of GC’09 meeting 3. Reports from ComSoc 4. CSIM Status and Activities 5. Sponsored Events 6. Actions for the Next Period 7. Open Discussion

  3. Agenda 1. Welcome and Introductions 2. Minutes of ICC’09 meeting 3. Reports from ComSoc 4. CSIM Status and Activities 5. Sponsored Events 6. Actions for the Next Period 7. Open Discussion

  4. Agenda 1. Welcome and Introductions 2. Minutes of GC’09 meeting 3. Reports from ComSoc 4. CSIM Status and Activities 5. Sponsored Events 6. Actions for the Next Period 7. Open Discussion

  5. Agenda 1. Welcome and Introductions 2. Minutes of GC’09 meeting 3. Reports from ComSoc 4. CSIM Status and Activities 5. Sponsored Events 6. Actions for the Next Period 7. Open Discussion

  6. Report from TAC • New VP-Technical Activities: Mark Karol • New TAC Vice-Chair/Secretary: Mehmet Ulema • Presentation about TAC structure: awards (V. Poor), fellows (R. Hsing), communications history (M. Schwartz), education board (S. Bregni), recertification, emerging technologies (N. Ohta), distinguished lecturers selection (M. Ulema), standards board (C. Siller) • Recertification: a motion will be proposed to BoG to recertify 17 (CSIM included!) over 18 TCs • Ad-hoc committee on Smart Grid Communications (one representative for each TC) • Suggestions for TCs: • TCs should involve young members and industrial participants • More involvement is required on ComSoc Community Groups • Initiative on “Best Readings on PLC” (S. Galli, S. Benedetto, L. Cimini). Maybe it is possible to have “Best Readings” on other topics (TCs?)

  7. Report from GITC • Any news?

  8. Agenda 1. Welcome and Introductions 2. Minutes of GC’09 meeting 3. Reports from ComSoc 4. CSIM Status and Activities 5. Sponsored Events 6. Actions for the Next Period 7. Open Discussion

  9. CSIM • Scope: the committee is concerned with the systems disciplines and modeling tools that facilitate the integration of information-transport equipment, subsystems, and networks into communications systems. • Current Officers: • F. Granelli (Chair) • H. Skianis (Vice-Chair) • S. Giordano (Secretary)

  10.  Our world We are here! Modeling Design Networks and Services Performance Simulation Integration

  11. CSIM Status • Several active initiatives (see later) • Currently: 174 members (May 21st, 2010)[+15 from GC’09] • Interaction with members by means of: • Website(s): • http://www.comsoc.org/~csim • http://community.comsoc.org/groups/csim-tc • Mailing listcsim@comsoc.org Visit our website to subscribe!

  12. CSIM 2.0 • CSIM should provide a forum for and facilitate discussion and interaction among experts worldwide • Through Web2.0 tools: • Good success: 63 [+11] on LinkedIn, 16 [+2] on Twitter, 18 on Facebook + 43 [+9] on CSIM-TC group on ComSoc Community sitehttp://community.comsoc.org/groups/csim-tc • Remote conferencing facilities (Elluminate)

  13. CSIM Volunteers • N. Fonseca – Awards • F. Granelli – Standard Liaison • J. Ben-Othman – Membership Development • Juliana Freitag – Web2.0 Management • George Michailidis – Smart Grid Ad-Hoc Committee

  14. Special Interest Groups • SiGs will report to the committee periodically • Tangible results are required to maintain the SiG active • Action: from next meeting one SiG will present activities, even remotely

  15. CSIM eNewsletter • Published on the website and on our mailing list • Current issue: 2009 • Current editors: • Stefano Giordano • Dzmitry Kliazovich

  16. CSIM Awards • Current awards (from P&P): • Conference Best Paper Award • Best Paper Award • Distinguished Service Award • Career Achievement Award • Need to indicate qualified members to ComSoc awards and well as to IEEE awards • CSIM Awards Sub-Committee • Chair: N. Fonseca

  17. Publications • CSIM is available to support proposals for special issues on IEEE journals (ComMag, JSAC, etc.) and other editorial activities

  18. Agenda 1. Welcome and Introductions 2. Minutes of GC’09 meeting 3. Reports from ComSoc 4. CSIM Status and Activities 5. Sponsored Events 6. Actions for the Next Period 7. Open Discussion

  19. 2010 ICC CAMAD Globecom EFSOI Symp. on “Comm. QoS, Reliability and Performance Modeling” Co-Chairs: N. FonsecaH. Skianis Running Officially IEEE GeneralChairs: C. DouligerisF. Granelli TPC Chairs: H. SkianisJ. Rodrigues CFP is open: May 31th, 2010 Symp. on “Comm. QoS, Reliability and Performance Modeling” Co-Chair: M. Devetsikiotis Papers: 293 Paper selection in progress In conjunction with GC’10 Co-Chairs: M.Devetsikiotis G.Michailidis B.Callaway CFP is open: July 2nd, 2010 Cape Town, South Africa Miami, FL, US Miami, FL, US

  20. 2010 ICC CAMAD Globecom EFSOI Symp. on “Comm. QoS, Reliability and Performance Modeling” Co-Chairs: N. FonsecaH. Skianis Running Officially IEEE GeneralChairs: C. DouligerisF. Granelli TPC Chairs: H. SkianisJ. Rodrigues CFP is open: May 31th, 2010 Symp. on “Comm. QoS, Reliability and Performance Modeling” Co-Chair: M. Devetsikiotis Papers: 293 Paper selection in progress In conjunction with GC’10 Co-Chairs: M.Devetsikiotis G.Michailidis B.Callaway CFP is open: July 2nd, 2010 Cape Town, South Africa Miami, FL, US Miami, FL, US

  21. CAMAD 2010 • CSIM flagship event, now IEEE ComSoc! • Website: http://www.ieee-camad.org • Important Dates: • Paper submission: May 31, 2010 • Notification of acceptance: Aug. 2, 2010 • Camera-ready papers: Sept. 15, 2010 • Workshop dates: Dec. 3-4, 2010 • Be involved: • Submit now! • Ideas are always welcome…

  22. CAMAD 2010 • Steering Committee: • Michael Devetsikiotis (Chair) • Nelson L.S. da Fonseca • Pascal Lorenz • Hussein Mouftah • Fabrizio Granelli • Charalabos Skianis • Stefano Giordano (incoming) • Action required: to officially establish rules for steering committee members

  23. 2010 ICC CAMAD Globecom EFSOI Symp. on “Comm. QoS, Reliability and Performance Modeling” Co-Chairs: N. FonsecaH. Skianis Running Officially IEEE GeneralChairs: C. DouligerisF. Granelli TPC Chairs: H. SkianisJ. Rodrigues CFP is open: May 31th, 2010 Symp. on “Comm. QoS, Reliability and Performance Modeling” Co-Chair: M. Devetsikiotis Papers: 293 Paper selection in progress In conjunction with GC’10 Co-Chairs: M.Devetsikiotis G.Michailidis B.Callaway CFP is open: July 2nd, 2010 Cape Town, South Africa Miami, FL, US Miami, FL, US

  24. 2010 ICC CAMAD Globecom EFSOI Symp. on “Comm. QoS, Reliability and Performance Modeling” Co-Chair: M. Devetsikiotis Papers: 293 Paper selection in progress Symp. on “Comm. QoS, Reliability and Performance Modeling” Co-Chairs: N. FonsecaH. Skianis Papers selection in progress Officially IEEE GeneralChairs: C. DouligerisF. Granelli TPC Chairs: H. SkianisJ. Rodrigues CFP is open: May 31th, 2010 In conjunction with GC’10 Co-Chairs: M.Devetsikiotis G.Michailidis B.Callaway CFP is open: July 2nd, 2010 Cape Town, South Africa Miami, FL, US Miami, FL, US

  25. 2011 ICC CAMAD Globecom EFSOI Symp. on “Comm. QoS, Reliability and Performance Modeling” Co-Chair: H. Skianis Expression of interest by George Michailidis (U. Michighan) GC2011 TPC Chair: Xi Zhang ProposedCo-Chair:S. Giordano To be checked Kyoto, Japan Houston, TX, US

  26. 2012 ICC CAMAD Globecom EFSOI Early stage Symp. on “Comm. QoS, Reliability and Performance Modeling” Co-Chair: H. Skianis To be checked To be checked To be checked Ottawa, Canada

  27. Agenda 1. Welcome and Introductions 2. Minutes of GC’09 meeting 3. Reports from ComSoc 4. CSIM Status and Activities 5. Sponsored Events 6. Actions for the next period 7. Open Discussion

  28. Urgent Actions • Open call for secretary • Elections at Globecom 2010 • Need to appoint a new standards liason • F. Granelli took the interim role • Preferably from U.S. • Need to appoint a new membership development responsible

  29. Interested in participating? Volunteer! Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 • TPC member • SiG proposals • Volunteers • Contributions to the enewsletter • Organizing committee member • Contribution to initiatives • CSIM Officer • Symposium Chair Increasing effort, increased visibility, increased responsibilities

  30. Some ideas… • For volunteers: • Volunteer for sub-committees • Propose contributions for eNewsletter • Other suggestions?

  31. Agenda 1. Welcome and Introductions 2. Minutes of GC’09 meeting 3. Reports from ComSoc 4. CSIM Status and Activities 5. Sponsored Events 6. Actions for the Next Period 7. Open Discussion

  32. Thanks for attending! For contacts: • Fabrizio Granelli: granelli@disi.unitn.it • Harry Skianis: cskianis@aegean.gr • Stefano Giordano: s.giordano@iet.unipi.it

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