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Jet inflated bubbles: facts (and fiction). Manfred W. Pakull, Observatoire de Strasbourg coll. Roberto Soria, Christian Motch, and others. S26 in NGC 7793: Chandra/ESO press release. HEPROIII, Barcelona, June 27-July 1, 2011. Outline. -- bubble nebulae around Ultraluminous X-ray sources
Jet inflated bubbles: facts (and fiction) Manfred W. Pakull, Observatoire de Strasbourg coll. Roberto Soria, Christian Motch, and others S26 in NGC 7793: Chandra/ESO press release HEPROIII, Barcelona, June 27-July 1, 2011
Outline -- bubble nebulae around Ultraluminous X-ray sources -- microquasars and interaction with IS medium -- Rosetta Stone S26 in NGC 7793: micro FRII-type source with reliably measured jet power
Ultraluminous X-ray sources (ULX) Lx > 3 1039 erg/s = Ledd (20 Mo) X-2 • Various hypotheses (XRB) • super-Eddington • beamed emission • IMBH (100 - 104 Mo) NGC 1313 I will show: ULX also emit winds/jets with Lmech ~ Lx
* HVLT NGC 1313 X-2 bubble diameter ~ 26’’ = 400 pc (!) Optical spectra: shock ionised Vs ~ 100 km/s Pakull & Mirioni 2002, Pakull et al. 2006
ULX IC 342 X-1 • "Tooth" nebula situated in spiral arm has a diameter of 220pc (Pakull & Mirioni 2002; Roberts et al. 2003; Grisé et al 2006) • SNR-like spectrum: [SII]/H=1.2 [OI] 6300/H=0.4 • X-ray or shock ionization ? • see poster of D. Cseh CFHT, H from Laurent Mirioni’s thesis
The ‘SNR’ around HolmbergIX X-1 Subaru Ha[OIII]B 30 " = 500 pc SE Holmberg IX X-1 = M81 X-9: Lx ~1040 erg/s; Grisé et al 2011 Miller (1995): X-ray superluminous SNR; but X-ray variable point source! SE: shock breakout (?)
Estimate: >~ 25 % ULX blow observable bubblesIf ULX photon emission strongly beamed, than there should be many ULXB with ULXs that are beamed away from us, are presently inactive or have not yet been discovered ULX ! Chandra (200x300) pc ‘SNR’ #1 in NGC 5585 (Matonick & Fesen 1997) is optically selected ULX !
Holm IX NGC1313 X-2 H [NII] 6584 IC 342 X-1 Holm II Kinematics of ULX bubbles NS NS NS Vexp = 80 – 150 km/s >> 10 km/s (cs for T~104 K)
Energetics of ULX Bubbles wind/jet driven bubble with power Lw (Weaver et al 1977) R = 0.76 (Lw/)1/5 t3/5; t = 3/5 R/v Lw = 5 1039 erg/s R1002 xv1003 x n fully radiative shock with vs implies for total radiative lumisosity & H Luminosity Lrad= 27/77 x Lw ; L= f(vs) x Lw t~106 yrs; Lw~1039-40 erg/s ~ Lx (ULX); Eo~1053 erg/s (SS433/W50 - like; Pakull & Mirioni 2002; Pakull & Grisé 2006) • Bubble radii R ~200 pc (i.e. >> SNR) • Expansion velocity vs ~ 80 – 150 km/s • IS densities n ~ 0.1 - 1 cm-3
Galactic QSO: Cyg X-1 100x smaller than W50 ~100x weaker jet 5pc [OIII]: Gallo et al. 2005:thermal radio emission Russell et al. 2007 PJ ~ 4 x1036 – 1037 erg/s PJ ~ 30 – 100 % Lbol; compact source too radio faint: . ‘’dark’’ outflow
QSO SS433 & W50 radio-image mechanically inflated Bubble W50 (SNR??) with ‘ears’ due to v = 0.26c jets Lmech = LJ ~ 1039 erg/s 200 pc ASCA image (Kotani 1998) Begelman’s ‘beambags’ i.e. linear triple XRS SS433 seen from far away…
Discovery of a 2ndS433/W50- type objectPakull & Grisé 2008 in “Population explosion”Pakull, Soria, Motch 2010 Nature Soria, Pakull, et al 2020 MNRAS after ~ 30 years of effortfrom many people…
“SNR” S26 in NGC 7793 (d=3.9 Mpc) H R 300 pc S26: Blair & Long 1997; faint ROSAT source: Read & Pietsch 1999
“SNR” S26 in NGC 7793 = triple XRS X-ray Chandra archive; 50 ks; PI: Pannuti
0.3- 1 .0 keV 1.0 - 2.0 keV 2.0 – 8.0 keV Contours: H
Lx ~ 5E36 erg/s kT ~ 0.3-0.8 keV Lx ~ 7E36 erg/s ~ 1.5 Lx ~ 1.1E37 erg/s kT ~ 0.3-0.8 keV Mx ~ few 100 Mo Pakull, Soria & Motch, 2010 Nature
S26: Vexp ~ Vs ~ 250 km/s >> cs 23 mag counterpart night-sky night-sky ESO VLT long-slit spectro HST H (Soria et al. in prep) Optical spectra: complete shocks fully radiative bubble with R~100 pc, vs ~ 250 km/s t = 2 105 yrs; LJ = 5 x 1040 erg/s (>> Lx)
+ 9 GHz radio contours = 0.7; opt. thin syn. S26: X-ray/ radio image X-ray Hot Spots lead radio HS
S26 and FR II radio galaxiessimilar morphologyities 1 : 1000 O – X-ray sources ATCA 9 GHz Soria et al. 2010 MNRAS
S26 and FR II radio galaxiesimportant difference warm ISM hot IGM: cluster gas S26: highly supersonic expansion of cocoon into ISM i.e. M >> 1 radiative shock radio galaxies: M~1 expansion into hot (kT ~ keV) IGM pdV work (4pV cavity enthalpy)
What about the radio lobes of S26? In hot spots, jet energy transferred to: relativistic electrons (g ~ 1—1E5): = 1 radiating relativistic protons and He nuclei : = k non-radiating B2/8 thermal gas radiating = E (rel + B) / E(total) (<< 1) Assume magnetic field ~ in equipartition with relativistic energy density Calculate synchrotron emission and radio flux density fromPJ, n, t Compare with observed radio flux density S26 radio flux S = 2.1 mJy 5–0.7; 5 = 5 GHz predicted:S = 1020 {1.85 /(1+k)} mJy 5–0.7 (see also Heinz 2002, Bordas et al 2009) only a fraction { } = a few E(-3) of the jet power is . transferred to relativistic electrons
S26 and radio galaxies Calibration of { } = f (k, is long-standing problem, also for AGN (eg, Willott et al 1999) S26 is a rare object with direct estimates of both proxies S26
{ } =1 S26 Cavagnolo et al (2010): relation between radio lobe luminosity P(1.4GHz) and power injected into the bubble, for a sample of AGN Power into relativistic electrons ~ (1/100) of the total jet power
Conclusions ULX bubbles indicate mechanical power ~ 1E39 - 1E40 erg/s ~ Lx t ~ 1E6 yrs ; Etot ~ 1E53 erg (Beware of fake jets/shocks) S26 in NGC 7793: super-SS433/W50 system with hot spots (->jets) Largest and most powerful microquasar system (160 x 290 pc) Linear size ~ 2.5 x SS433 Radio luminosity ~ 3 x Cas A Jet power ~ a few E 40 erg/s (>> Ledd of accr. BH.) Much of the jet power used to inflate fully radiative bubble, (Lrad = 27/77 LJet); only ~ 1% goes into synchrot-emitting electrons Rare example of kinetically-dominated high state BH in the local universe; analogy with recently discovered/advocated (Punsly 2007, 08, 11) sample of kinetically dominated quasars ?