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AMEDD BATTLEFIELD RULES (FM 4-02.6) 1. Maintain medical presence with the soldier

AMEDD LESSONS LEARNED. PRINCIPLES OF CHS (FM 4-02.6) 1. Conformity 2. Continuity 3. Control 4. Proximity 5. Flexibility 6. Mobility. 9 – LINE MEDEVAC REQUEST (FM 8-10-6) Line 1 - Location of pickup site Line 2 - Radio call sign & frequency

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AMEDD BATTLEFIELD RULES (FM 4-02.6) 1. Maintain medical presence with the soldier

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  1. AMEDD LESSONS LEARNED PRINCIPLES OF CHS (FM 4-02.6) 1. Conformity 2. Continuity 3. Control 4. Proximity 5. Flexibility 6. Mobility 9 – LINE MEDEVAC REQUEST (FM 8-10-6) Line 1- Location of pickup site Line 2- Radio call sign & frequency Line 3- # of patients by precedence a. Urgent b. Urgent (surgical) c. Priority d. Routine e. Convenience Line 4- Special equipment needed a. None b. Hoist c. Extraction equipment d. Ventilator Line 5- # of patients by type L- # of Litter patients A- # of Ambulatory patients Line 6- Security of pickup site (war) N- No enemy troops in area P- Possible enemy troops in area E- Enemy troops in area X- Enemy troops in area Line 6- Number and type of wound injury or illness (peace) Line 7- Method of marking at HLZ a. Panels b. Pyro c. smoke d. None e. Other Line 8- Patient Nationality & Status a. US Military b. US Civilian c. Non US Military d. Non US Civilian e. EPW Line 9- NBC (war) N- Nuclear B- Biological C- Chem Line 9- Terrain description (peace) CHS Leaders’ Reference Card https://lessonslearned.amedd.army.mil/ TROOP LEADING PROCEDURES (FM 7-8) 1. Receive mission 2. Issue warning order 3. Make a tentative plan 4. Start movement 5. Reconnoiter 6. Complete the plan 7. Issue the plan 8. Supervise AMEDD BATTLEFIELD RULES (FM 4-02.6) 1. Maintain medical presence with the soldier 2. Maintain health of the command 3. Save lives 4. Clear the battlefield 5. Provide state-of-the-art care 6. Return soldiers to duty as soon as possible SPOT REPORT S- Size A- Activity L- Location U- Unit/Uniform T- Time E- Equipment CHS FUNCTIONAL AREAS 1. C4I (FM 4-02.6) 2. Medical Treatment 3. Evacuation & Med Regulating 4. Hospitalization 5. Combat Health Logistics 6. Dental Services 7. Veterinary Services 8. Preventive Medicine 9. Combat Stress Control 10. Medical Laboratory Services METT-TC ANALYSIS (FM 7-8) 1. Mission 2. Enemy 3. Terrain 4. Troops 5. Time 6. Civilians MILITARY ASPECTS OF TERRAIN (OCOKA) (FM 7-8) 1. Observation & Fields of Fire 2. Cover & Concealment 3. Obstacles 4. Key Terrain 5. Avenues of Approach OPORD FORMAT (FM 101-5) TASK ORGANIZATION: 3. EXECUTION: (Intent) 1. SITUATION: (Enemy/Friendly) Concept of Operation / Concept of Support 2. MISSION: (Task & Purpose) 4. SERVICE & SUPPORT: who, what, when, where, why 5. COMMAND & SIGNAL:

  2. “INVERTED - Y” HLZ(FM 90-4) HLZ LANDING CRITERIA (FM 90-4) 1. Clear of debris / obstacles marked 2. Land heading into the wind 3. VS-17 Panels / bean bag lights properly secured 4. Cleared diameter for UH-60 = 50m Cleared diameter for CH-47 = 80m 5. Avoid landing down-slope 6. Do not land on slope >16 degrees *To determine ground slope use the following math computation V x 57.3 H “V” is found by subtracting lowest point on HLZ from highest point “H” is the entire length of the HLZ Left leg light Direction of Flight 7 meters TOUCHDOWN X 14 meters 7 meters Base Directional light 7 meters Direction of Wind Right leg light V = Vertical Distance H = Horizontal Distance EVAC CAPABILITIES (FM 8-10-6) TypeLitterAmb M996 2 6 M997 4 8 M113 4 10 5-ton 12 16 2 ½-ton 12 16 UH-60 (w/o hoist) 6 7 (w / hoist) 3 4 CH-47 24 31 C-130 74 92 C-141 48 170 C-5 70 C-17A 36 54 AAR FORMAT (TC 25-20) 1. What was the plan 2. What actually happened 3. Why did it happen 4. Unit strengths and weaknesses 5. How can we improve FIVE-POINT CONTINGENCY PLAN ( handbook) 1. GOING- Where LDR or element is going 2. OTHERS- Others going 3. TIME- Time to be gone 4. WHAT- What to do if LDR or element does not return in time 5. ACTIONS- Actions on enemy contact, you and me NBC-1 CHEM REPORT (FM 3-3) Line B- Position of observer Line D- DTG of detonation Line E- DTG end of attack Line F- Location of attack Line G- Means of delivery Line H- Type of burst (air or surface) & agent RISK MANAGEMENT (FM 100-14) 1. Identify Hazards 2. Assess Hazards to Determine Risks 3. Develop Controls and Make Risk Decisions 4. Implement Controls 5. Supervise & Evaluate WPNs (FM 7-8) Max E Range(m) M-4/16A2 580 (pt) 800 (area) M-249 600 (pt) 800 (area) M-203 150 (pt) 350 (area) M-136 (AT-4) 300 (pt / area) M-9 (9mm pistol) 50 (pt) M-2 (50 Cal) 1,800 (grazing) EPWs 1. Search 2. Segregate 3. Silence 4. Speed 5. Safeguard Tohelp you- Conserve theFighting Strength MSG Gerald Ecker, ADLER24A - Project Warrior Medical NCO, Jan 00-Jan 04

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