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Looking After Yourself

Looking After Yourself. Learning objectives. Be aware of the challenges of working in rural and remote areas Understand the importance of looking after yourself Learn some strategies to assist with self care and survival Understand the personal attributes that can assist with survival.

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Looking After Yourself

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Looking After Yourself

  2. Learning objectives • Be aware of the challenges of working in rural and remote areas • Understand the importance of looking after yourself • Learn some strategies to assist with self care and survival • Understand the personal attributes that can assist with survival

  3. New experiences working in rural and remote areas • Geographic isolation • Social isolation • Professional isolation • New community • New culture • New group of friends / colleagues • New work environment

  4. Geographic isolation • Establish some recreational activities • Get to know the local area • Set up systems for accessing supplies • Plan trips out in advance

  5. Social isolation • Establish support networks within and outside of the community • Record experiences in a journal

  6. Professional isolation • Establish professional support networks within and outside of the community • Participate in learning by utilising a variety of learning tools.

  7. New community and culture • Learn about the community and culture • Make an effort to meet community leaders • Find a local mentor Edwards T, Smith JD, Smith RJ, Elston J in Smith, JD (2007

  8. New friends / colleagues • Get to know the people in the community • Join in community activities • Maintain professional and personal boundaries.

  9. Separating personal and professional roles • Develop clear boundaries • Maintain confidentiality • Ensure respect

  10. Ensuring confidentiality • Set initial boundaries and standards for care for all clients • Ensure consults occur in a private location • Keep records • Learn to manage sensitive conversations

  11. New work environment • Orientation is essential • Be prepared to ask for information • Take the time to get to know the environment and your colleagues. • Clarify your role in the team

  12. Attributes for success • Client welfare • Contextual knowledge and interpersonal skills • Professionalism • Personal attributes • Accountability Office of Chief Nursing Officer – Rural and Remote Nurses Orientation Program

  13. Attributes for success • Flexibility • Experience • Willingness to learn and develop • Adaptability • Ability to make decisions

  14. Attributes for success • Ability to prioritise • Good team player • Recognising and acknowledging expertise in others

  15. Learning Activity Please complete the learning activity

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