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Looking after your building

Training for new Churchwardens Saturday 22 July 2017. Looking after your building. Paul Broadhurst, DAC Secretary. Your church building: inspiration or tragedy?. Scope of today’s presentation. Understanding significance Faculties and the DAC Health and safety Quinquennial inspections

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Looking after your building

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Training for new Churchwardens Saturday 22 July 2017 Looking after your building Paul Broadhurst, DAC Secretary

  2. Your church building: inspiration or tragedy?

  3. Scope of today’s presentation • Understanding significance • Faculties and the DAC • Health and safety • Quinquennial inspections • Metal theft • Environmental initiatives • Wider community use

  4. Architectural/technical and legal advice: DAC www.chester.anglican.org/Support & information

  5. Significance: buildings Unlisted Grade 2 Grade 2* Grade 1

  6. Significance beyond the buildings Artistry, not just obvious artwork Items in churchyard can be separately-listed Scheduled ancient monument Social significance: fluffy, intangible but valued

  7. The Faculty System An “approved system of control” Replaces: • Listed Building Consent • Conservation Area Consent But does notreplace: • Local Planning Consent • Building Regulations

  8. From Jan 2016 lots of work doesn’t need a faculty: • List A: no authorisation required (but need to record) • List B: must be authorised by Archdeacon • You need to: • familiarise yourself with the Lists and their exclusions • register for the Online Faculty System • submit/record List A/B work via Online Faculty System

  9. Faculties are a legal requirement for any work beyond “Lists A and B” Church Higher grade listing = greater sensitivity Churchyard • Walls • “Fancy” memorials • Sundials • Other structures • Closed churchyards Contents Significance may not always be obvious

  10. Diocesan Advisory Committee (DAC) Clergy, architects, other experts: • Understandworship and mission • Balancechurch needs and heritage

  11. DAC informal advice Ecclesiastes 1:9 - There is nothing new under the sun! • Specialist technical advice • Get on right track early • Save time and money • Longer view

  12. DAC formal advice Formal recommendation on each faculty application: • Recommend • Not object • Not recommend Best to have DAC support if possible

  13. Faculties ensure proper: • Design • Consultation • Response to objections • Legal authorisation • Records

  14. Faculty applications: who does what? • Need – PCC define and document their needs • Understand – PCC research the building / fabric • Solution – PCC take advice from architect / DAC / etc. • Consult – Normally PCC • Apply – PCCsubmit application • Assess – DAC makes formal recommendation • Notices – PCCdisplay notices • Complaints – PCC respond to Chancellor • Faculty – Issued by Chancellor Most input is by the PCC!

  15. Faculty timescales Normally takes 10 weeks: 2 weeks – Initial DAC review 2 weeks – DAC Office processing but can prioritise if you explain why 4 weeks – Display of public notices 2 weeks – Residual legal action But it can take a lot longer: Miss monthly DAC submission deadline = extra 4 weeks Queries = weeks or months Consultation problems = weeks or months Formal complaints / Consistory Court = maybe manymonths

  16. Faculties: PCC needs to plan ahead If planning a new heating system: • start ball rolling in early spring (quotes/architect/faculty) • then do the work over summer (circumvent weddings) • avoid winter panic!

  17. Faculties: PCC needs toprovide sensible supporting details • Clear • Comprehensive • Concise

  18. Unsatisfactory supporting informationThisdidn’tget recommended … Application for handrails at chancel steps in Grade II building Materials? Fixings? Ends of rails? Panels? Colour? Building Regs? Visual context?

  19. … but the architect’s drawing did ...

  20. ... with clear supporting photos so that the DAC and Chancellor could understand the context

  21. Online Faculty System Required for: • For submitting faculty and “List B” applications • For recording “List A” work Benefits: • Online help • Tracking • Archive • No postage

  22. Consultation Potential consultees: • Historic England – Grade 1 or 2* • Amenity societies – All listed buildings • The Victorian Society • The Georgian Group • Other specialist groups - e.g. historic organs • Church Buildings Council (referral by DAC) • Local planning authority for external work Chancellor always requires sight of relevant, professional opinion

  23. Wardens / PCC need to: • Research and listen • Explain and justify • Focus on the best outcome for everyone

  24. Emergencies Immediate permission for such emergencies as: • dangerous masonry • failed heating during cold weather But PCC still needs to supply clear information

  25. Quinquennial inspections Inspection of church every 5 years: • Identify issues and plan to address them • Some jobs can be done in-house, e.g. gutter cleaning • Diocese pays for the report • Foster relationship with your architect • You can change architect if you wish

  26. Health & Safety Issues to consider include: • Trip hazards (e.g. bases of fonts) • Fire risk (old electrics / lightning conductor) • Asbestos • Trees / memorials No mystery: common sense Lots of help on DAC web pages

  27. Plemstall St Peter June 2012 Warmingham St Leonard May 2015 Thieves used cherry picker and low loader Metal theft Risk assessment available via DAC web pages

  28. Environment initiatives What do you want? • to act responsibly? or • to save money? Be clear what you’re aiming for Beware “eco bling” – simple measures often best: • Service boiler(s) • Reduce draughts - but keep “good” ventilation • Smart heating control See DAC web page on “saving energy”

  29. What does your building say … … to possibly thousandsof passers-by every day of the week?

  30. Wider community use • DAC encourages (sensible) boldness! • Focus on specific needs

  31. “O still, small voice of calm!”

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