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February 15, 2011. Sponsored by Story PTA. STORYTELLER. Principal’s Corner
February 15, 2011 Sponsored by Story PTA STORYTELLER • Principal’s Corner • Please join us at the annual Allen Eagle Run on Saturday, March 5. All proceeds benefit teacher/staff scholarships through the Foundation for Allen Schools, Allen ISD campuses and campus PTA's, and the student scholarship fund of the Allen Council of PTA's. It is a fun family event that benefits our students! • Since we are so close to the deadline for registration, I would like to add a reward for having 40 or more entrants. If we reach 40 entrants or more, Mrs. Coffman will give all students a day without homework. If we reach 60 entrants or more, Mr. Rupert will perform in the talent show. • Allen Eagle Run • Saturday, March 5, 2011 • 7 a.m. Registration • 8 a.m. Fun Run/Walk • 8:30 a.m. 5K Run • 10 a.m. Awards Ceremony • Location: The Heritage Center, 100 E. Main St. • Registration: • $15 Through Allen ISD School PTA's (deadline extended to - Feb. 16 10 A.M.) – Forms have been sent home in Tuesday Folders, and there is a link available on the story website to access the registration form. All entrants who register by February 16 will receive a t-shirt in the requested size. After Feb. 16, sizes may be limited. • $15/SLEEP IN! For our non-runners; receive a t-shirt, but sleep in the morning of the race! • $20 Online Registration at www.alleneaglerun.com (closes at midnight on March 1) – There is a link available on the Story website. • $25 Race Day Registration (starting at 7am at Registration Booth) • Please make checks payable to Foundation For Allen Schools • Thank you for TEAMing with us! Judith Coffman, Principal NO SCHOOL MONDAY, FEB. 21!!! The Counselor’s Couch Sixth Grade Parents – Registration for classes at the middle school will begin in late February. The counselors from Ford Middle School will be presenting registration information to your students on Wednesday, February 23. The Parent Information meeting will be held on Monday, February 28at Ford Middle School gym from 6:30 – 7:30 PM. If you have any questions about this meeting, please do not hesitate to contact me at michelle_gilbert@allenisd.org or 972-727-0570 ext. 123. Parent Workshop – There will be an internet safety workshop for parents and kids at the Lowery Freshman Center on Thursday, February, 17 from 6:00 – 8:00 PM. There will be a speaker and booths for parents plus a separate program for kids in kindergarten through fifth grade. You can register online through the link on Story’s webpage. Admission is free! Watch D.O.G.S - Thank you to all the Dads who have signed up for this spring semester! We still have several dates available and would love to have you. Your presence is greatly appreciated!! Please e-mail gerri_elsing@allenisd.org to reserve your day. Rachel’s Challenge - Story is continuing their kind and compassionate acts towards each other. Keep up the good work Falcons! We are nearing 4400 links for our chain of kindness! Mark your calendars for May 10, 2011! The end-of-the-year Rachel’s Challenge rally will take place on that date at the Allen High School stadium. Rachel’s father, Darrell Scott, will be the keynote speaker. Gates will open at 5:30 and the rally will start at 6:00pm. We need you there to represent Story Elementary School! Michelle Gilbert Story Elementary/AISD Testing Dates 2010-2011 Parents please be aware of these testing dates and try not to schedule appointments. Please, no visitors or volunteers on these dates. February 16 Math Simulation – grade 3,4,6 March 1 TAKS Writing – grade 4 April 4 TAKS Math – grade 5 April 5 TAKS Reading – grade 5 April 26 TAKS Math – grades 3,4,6 April 27 TAKS Reading – grades 3,4,6 April 28 TAKS Science – grade 5
Box Top News! Hello, Story Falcons! This the last week to get those Box Tops and Labels for Education in for the 4th six weeks!!!! Let’s help our school earn those bonus points. The Box Tops and Labels can be exchanged for items, including school supplies and playground equipment. Come on Falcons – you can do it!!! “Always do your best. What you plant now, you will harvest later.” Og Mandino Valerie Brown Jones Label for Education Coordinator CogAt Testing Interested 2nd and 4th grade elementary students and 7th-11th grade secondary students may register and participate in CogAT testing for Gifted and Talented placement consideration. Spring testing will be held on Saturday, March 26, 2011. Online registration forms will be available on the Gifted and Talented website January 28 – March 9. Students MUST be registered to participate. K-2 students CogAT testing will be held at Olson on March 26, 2011. Grades 3-11 students CogAT testing will be held at Curtis on March 26, 2011. Science Fair Winners Congratulations to Eric Tang for winning Grand Prize in Story’s Science Fair. He will move on to the Regional Science Fair in March. Congratulations to Kerryann Ptacek for winning First Place in the 4th -5th grade division. Both students had great projects! Got Plastic Bags? The Environmental Club needs your plastic shopping bags. They are participating in an AISD wide project to raise environmental awareness and service contest called Help our Planet Earth (H.O.P.E.) campaign. They are making jump ropes out of shopping bags to donate to local shelters for kids. Please drop off any unwanted bags in the large box labeled Plastic Shopping Bags in the lobby. Re-Use-A-Shoe Contest Re-Use-A-Shoe contest is back at Story! March 28th – April 15th we will be participating in this contest. Start saving your used (but good condition) children’s shoes, men’s dress shoes and adult athletic shoes to participate in the Re-Use-A Shoe contest. The school with the most shoes wins a prize from the city! (Can you say ice cream party!) Look for a box in the lobby soon! Elementary AIM Student - Grades K-5 “Camp Invention”- A summer enrichment camp will be offered for gifted students entering grades 1-6 in 2011-2012. Camp will be held June 13-17, 2011. Flyers will be sent home to all gifted students via their AIM classroom in February. Camp participation is on a first come, first served basis as space is limited. Camp information can be found at campinvention.org. AIM teachers will be hosting, directing, and facilitating camp. Mark your calendar! - Saturday, April 16, in honor of Earth Day, we will team up with the Environmental Club for a Road Side Family Clean up on our adopted portion of Malone Drive. More details to come soon. Allen Community Outreach ACO donation items to be collected for February: Trash Bags Items will be collected in your child's classroom. You may send them with your child anytime. Help your child's class become the "Class of the Month" for the most items collected for February! Mark Your Calendar Feb 15 PTA Meeting – 2nd Grade P.E. Program 7 PM Feb 16 Math Simulation – Grades 3, 4, 6 Feb 17 End of 4thSix Weeks Feb 21 Staff Development – No School Mar 1 TAKS Writing – grade 4. No Visitors Mar 10 Open House 5:30 PM Mar 14 – 18 Spring Break Story Elementary School Judith Coffman, Principal : Adam Rupert, Asst. Principal 1550 Edelweiss 75002 * School: 972-727-0570 * Fax: 972-727-0573 *Absentee Hotline: 972-7270320 School Website: http://www.allenisd.org/storyes/site/default.asp