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New Orleans District. Morganza to the Gulf. Carl Anderson, Senior Project Manager, USACE. 23 May 2008. Morganza to the Gulf Purpose. Reduce flood damages (10,000 homes flooded during Hurricane Rita, 3,000 severely damaged) Reduce coastal wetlands loss
New Orleans District Morganza to the Gulf Carl Anderson, Senior Project Manager, USACE 23 May 2008
Morganza to the GulfPurpose • Reduce flood damages (10,000 homes flooded during Hurricane Rita, 3,000 severely damaged) • Reduce coastal wetlands loss • Minimize adverse impacts on navigation and industry Hurricane Flood Damage
Morganza to the Gulf • Authorized by Congress in WRDA 2007 • Total Project Cost = $912M (Oct. 2007 price levels) • Cost-sharing 65%-35% • LADOTD will be construction sponsor • TLCD will sponsor OMRRR
Morganza to the Gulf Project Features • 64 Miles of Earthen Levee • 13 Sector Gate Structures for Flood Control • 13 Tidal Exchange Structures • Houma Navigation Canal Lock Complex • Mitigation for direct impacts would require creating 1,352 acres of new marsh
Houma N Recommended Alignment Work in Kind (WIK) Levees Houma Navigation Canal Lock and Sector Gate Sector Gates Larose GIWW Presquile GIWW Bourg REACH L Ashland 56 REACH A Montegut Chauvin REACH K REACH B REACH J-2 Boudreaux 315 B. Petit Caillou B. Terrebonne REACH J-1 Dulac REACH J-3 REACH E Lafourche Parish REACH I REACH F 55 B. Lafourche 57 REACH H REACH G B. Grand Caillou Terrebonne Parish Cocodrie Morganza to the Gulf of Mexico Project
Proposed Houma Navigation Canal Lock Complex Proposed Access Road Proposed Floodgate • Provides flood control, salinity control and enhanced navigation opportunities • Currently in detailed design of the lock complex which consists of a 110’ x 800’ lock and 250’ floodgate Proposed HNC Lock B. GRAND CAILLOU Proposed Bypass Channel Proposed Closure Proposed Flood Gate Right-of-Way Boundary
Louisiana Coastal Area • The Multi-purpose operation of Houma Navigation Canal (HNC) Lock is listed as a near term critical restoration feature in the final programmatic EIS for Louisiana Coastal Area Ecosystem Restoration Study for Subprovince 3. • A Record of Decision for this FPEIS was signed in January 2005 and was authorized in Water Resources Development Act of 2007.
LaCPR Draft Technical Report • Lists the two primary structural alternative strategies considered for this area as the Morganza to the Gulf alternatives which are variations on the currently proposed 100-year Morganza to the Gulf project • Also includes a set of GIWW alternatives, which would provide a second line of defense further inland along the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway
Summary of Benefits • Flood Protection • 100-yr level of protection to be provided • Safeguard approximately 150,000 residents • Safe Harbor • System would reduce damages, transportation and storage costs and increase navigation opportunities
Summary of Benefits • Ecosystem Protection • Reduce saltwater intrusion and the frequency of wetland flooding for 83,000 acres of existing wetlands • Potential for managing freshwater flow and improving rapidly deteriorating wetlands • Water Supply • Reduce annual water treatment costs, equipment replacement and maintenance costs • Reduce the need for capital projects • Dredging/expansion of current reservoir or purchasing purification systems
Current Efforts • Hydraulic Modeling • System wide analysis • Storm surge and wave modeling • Design • HNC Lock Complex & adjacent features (50% design by summer 2008)
Current Efforts • Revised Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (RPEIS) • Includes lock as constructible feature • Completion expected in summer 2009 • Post Authorization Change Report (PAC) • Completion expected in summer 2009
Work by Sponsor • Construction of Levee Reach J-1 • Design of Levee Reaches J-2, H-2, H-3, & Point aux Chenes • Design of access road for lock • Coordinating with federal and state agencies
Project Web Page http://www.mvn.usace.army.mil/prj/mtog/