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A Woman's Game - Investment Strategies eBook

Did you know that women control 51% of the wealth in the US? And the trend is accelerating. In fact, by 2030, women will control a full two-thirds of the nationu2019s wealth.<br><br>Itu2019s interesting that women have traditionally been taught that we are less capable than men and that controlling wealth is not their domain. Some women were socially conditioned to believe that their own money will likely come from their fathers or husbands.

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A Woman's Game - Investment Strategies eBook

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  1. INVESTMENT STRATEGIES Making it A Woman's Game

  2. Women Bring a Unique Perspective to Investing We all know that women just aren’t into investing, right? We’re not as bold as men, and we don’t bring the killer instincts to the table that are required for such a dog-eat-dog pursuit… Well, maybe it’s time to bust a few myths about women and investing and explore what a difference it makes when investing is viewed from our unique perspective. Like most things in life, women bring their own touch to investing, and while it may look different than a man’s approach, it can be every bit as innovative, bold, and ultimately – successful. For women, serious investing… and we’re not talking about the run-of-the-mill 401K here… begins with something that brings us joy. It may be a cup of coffee, an idea generated over a conversation with a friend, or a fulfilling hobby.

  3. Our joys spark our dreams, and from there we pull inspiration to pour our resources into the world and support ideas that further these dreams. In the process, we attract like minds, pay forward positivity, and reap prosperity as the process comes full circle. From these dreams, goals are hammered out, and short and long-term plans start to take shape. We do our homework, turn to trusted voices, and team up with others who share our vision. And that is when we realize the power of our energy when it is brought to the world of investing. That energy plays out in how we carry ourselves, how we speak, and how we ultimately approach each big decision and turning point. The secret behind it all is that money is energy as well, and the sooner we tap into that, the sooner we realize its power to help us create whatever we want in our lives. To create prosperity, to create good in the world, and to create beauty in our lives. Ready to let go of the stereotypes and myths and put the power of investing to work for you? You’re in the right place, and there is no better time than now.

  4. Gambling... or Chess? You’ll often hear gambling metaphors when it comes to investing: play to win, roll of the dice, spin of the wheel, know when to hold… And while there is some undeniable truth behind these ideas, many successful women investors consider chess a more apt metaphor. Why? Simple… chess is about strategy, planning, critical thinking, knowing strengths and weaknesses, and using the rules of the game to your utmost advantage. Chess involves studying the moves of others and thinking several steps ahead. It means keeping an eye on what is happening on the board and nimbly adapting when necessary. And not coincidentally, this kind of thinking is an area of strength for women investors.

  5. So what lessons can women investors take from chess? Every move has a purpose, and every action should be aligned with a strategy. Keep an eye out for patterns that point to successful strategies. Don't get stuck in a formula. Use lateral thinking to gain new insights. Remain aware of threats as well as opportunities. Decide precisely when it's time to cut your losses and move on. Avoid emotional decisions, especially when made in anger or desperation. Expect to make some mistakes. Dust off and move on. Stay on the lookout for moves that improve your position. Ignore meaningless threats and have a plan for serious ones. Learn to be able to appraise your position accurately. Don't get caught up in distractions. Timing is everything.

  6. Money... A Difficult Conversation It’s natural to avoid hard conversations – we all do it. But going forward with investing does involve some of these very conversations we may be avoiding needlessly, even if we are only having them with ourselves. You see, so many of us were raised to believe that money matters should stay out of polite conversation, and this has set up a paradigm where we ignore some vitally important talks. But money is like oxygen… all around us… and utterly essential. When there’s not enough, we suffer. So it’s no big surprise that money conversations can get emotional and touch upon sore spots. It’s time to accept the fact that we need to give ourselves permission to experience those emotions as we talk about financial needs, goals, and the role investments will play for us. As women, we’ve been led to believe that we need to make conversations and interactions as comfortable as possible for others. So as we learn to accept our own discomfort with money topics, we need to allow that others will experience some discomfort in these conversations as well.

  7. It helps to think of money as a tool, a tool to meet needs, plan ahead, and achieve our dreams. It is a tool that represents our choices, options, and limitations. It is also a symbol of how far we have come in achieving our goals and plans. So as you look towards investing, think of some of the conversations you need to have about debt, obligations, and where you are with your career. If you have a significant other, what will happen if one of you dies or is disabled? If you are a parent, how do your children’s needs affect your financial bottom line? What are short-term needs and goals compared to long-term? How prepared are you for some of the unexpected changes that will inevitably come along? Some of these conversations may necessitate the involvement of a neutral third party, such as a trusted financial planner. They are used to walking people through bigger picture issues and putting together realistic investment and savings strategies. Another potentially hard conversation involves looking into investments and accounts you already have. For example, have you been dutifully setting aside funds in savings and a 401K without asking whether these are the best use of your money? Do you even know where these accounts currently stand?

  8. Perhaps you are uncomfortable with all the documentation and fine print that seems to surround investing and finance. Just the passwords and security hoops can be intimidating! While these things can be overwhelming, they are not insurmountable… and you are just as capable as anyone else in getting a handle on them. The good news is that these conversations get easier as you build your fluency around the issues of money and investing. The more you do it, the greater your confidence will be about the subject, and the more solid will be the dreams and goals you aspire to. Some Hard Conversation Topics that Women Investors Must Consider: You will likely live longer than your spouse and should prepare for widowhood and more future medical expenses You are more likely to be a caregiver to an elderly relative You may have had career and earnings disrupted by parenthood You may not have given much thought to an emergency fund Factors like divorce and single parenthood may mean that you carry debt

  9. Investing... A Final Frontier for Women “There remains a frontier that women have yet to truly conquer: investing. A recent study by Merrill reported that while women's confidence in nearly all other financial matters is equal to or greater than men's, when it comes to investing, we dramatically underestimate ourselves. Just 52 percent of women say they are confident about investing, compared to 68 percent of men. The study also notes that failing to invest is the top financial regret among women. These statistics are especially troubling when you consider that when women invest, they outperform their male counterparts, according to a new study by Fidelity that analyzed more than 5 million customers over the last 10 years.” – Mia Taylor Women Regularly Outperform Men in the Stock Market— So Why Are We Still So Afraid to Invest?

  10. Myths about Women and Investing After the hard conversations are out of the way, it is important to face some myths that may be hindering your approach to investing. These myths are just as pervasive as the idea that talk of money does not belong in polite conversation. A little look at history is interesting at this point… While we tend to think of Victorian women as prim and proper and imagine that money conversations were something that they left firmly within the grip of the men in their lives, it turns out that economic education was a standard part of their academic diet. In their era, more men were independent business owners, and having a wife with a head for financial matters was considered an important asset. Such a wife could better understand, support, and inform his economic and financial choices. She was likewise more equipped to take on some monetary chores for the business such as bookkeeping and billing.

  11. It wasn’t until the 1920s that the idea of women purely as housewives took hold. Prior to that time, a woman whose only job was keeping house and raising children was a luxury. Thus for families in the 20s, it was a status symbol. From there, the concept took hold for several decades, cementing some of the myths and stereotypes we have carried of women since that time. Myth #1 – We are not Confident Investors We as women tend to have some hesitancy about our own financial savvy. While it would appear as a lack of confidence, it is actually a measured awareness of our ongoing need to learn more. We tend to want to do our homework before weighing in with a strong opinion. That and our natural tendency to be a little self-deprecating can make us appear to lack confidence. We may also grapple with imposter syndrome. Men may be more likely to bluff their way through a situation and appear overconfident, whereas women will back up and appear less so.

  12. Myth #2 – We aren’t Good at Investing In reality, women are competent investors, even though we may not project it through words and actions. It’s true that fewer women are professional investors, but the day-to-day reality is that we control a vast amount of wealth and assets, and are making important financial decisions daily. Similarly, women are often thought of as being less financially literate, when in fact we are quicker to admit when we don’t know something than men are. That pairs with our willingness to do the homework to inform ourselves when needed, and works out as a strength in the end. Myth #3 – We are Afraid to Take Risks Some tend to hold the view that women are afraid of taking the risks necessary in order to really get ahead in the investing world. While it may be true that we don’t jump as quickly into risky situations as men, it is because our awareness of risks guides us. In fact, women take risks, but we tend to be more studied and deliberate about the process. We are quicker to take risks when a financial opportunity aligns with our values.

  13. Myth #4 – We are Simply not Interested in Investing Much of the investment world is filled with charts, graphs, and even sports metaphors. It’s been packed to the brim with male-oriented content and draws us in less. But that is not to say we aren’t interested. When financial advisors and gurus talk to us in the language and format that appeals to men, is it any wonder we tune out and appear less interested? We, on the other hand, tend to be more interested in stories centered around what individuals accomplish, and presentations grounded in approaches that reflect our families and lifestyles.

  14. The Stock Market is a Woman’s Game What does it take to win in the stock market? Simple: a little discipline, a little homework, and a little pragmatism. This can look like the basic shopping savvy that we bring to the household purchasing decisions we make all the time. We have a lot of practice looking for value at various price points. Capitalizing on these strengths, we should keep the following in mind when stepping into the stock market: We need to set “entry” rules for ourselves for purchases. Stocks should not be purchased on impulse, or just because they seem like the latest hot trend. Treat them as you would any household purchase – focus on value and get as much of a bargain as possible. Quality goes a long way when considering stock purchases. Does the company we are considering have a solid foundation, structure, and background? How has this company been successful or dealt with failure in the past? The old golden rule of investments applies to our stock purchases: diversify. Just because one stock looks like a winner, we don’t want to put all our eggs in one basket, or even one sector. This step will help to cushion and offset inevitable losses. Finally, it is important to keep an eye on changes, progress, and any threats to the value of our stock. If there are weaknesses apparent in a stock, it is time to reevaluate and decide if a different action is warranted.

  15. Some Important Thoughts as you Consider Investing in Stocks Whether you are looking to achieve financial independence, want to make some quick money, or have a goal of long-term wealth creation (and why not all of the above?) the stock market is a great place to dip your toes in. Money can be made in the market at any time, whether the economy is hot or cold. Take the time to learn the rules and lingo of stock trading Partner with a stockbroker Find a user-friendly online trading program Start slow and small and build from there Do a little research before buying Avoid emotional attachments or brand loyalty Consider whether your investment needs include hiring a financial advisor

  16. Maria Bartiromo – Stock Market Superhero With her stunning Sophia Loren-like good looks, New York University grad Maria Bartiromo caught the male-dominated trading world off guard when she became a stock market pioneer. Her career is proof that a woman can be completely at home in the stock market. In 1995, she was the first journalist to report live from the New York Stock Exchange and became one of the building blocks of the CNBC cable financial network. At the time, she was dubbed “The Money Honey” by the men who surrounded her who hesitated to take her seriously. Instead of letting the deprecating label get her down, Bartiromo made a name for herself and has enjoyed a 30-year-plus career as one of the most respected names in stock market reporting. In addition to reporting on the markets and broader financial coverage on cable television, she is an author, columnist, gives of her time to numerous worthy organizations, and has won numerous awards, including an Emmy and a Gracie award. She has also moderated a presidential debate. These days, you can catch her on Fox Business Network, and Fox News Channel hosting highly rated shows such as Sunday Morning Futures and Mornings with Maria. You can read more about Maria at http://bartiromo.com/

  17. The Undeniable Appeal ...of Gold What holds its value in even the most turbulent times and provides a hedge of protection amidst volatile global risks? Gold, of course. And what holds true for gold translates to many other precious metals as well. Women investors are diversifying their portfolios by including gold as EFTs (exchange-traded funds), bonds, or tangible gold. EFTs offer the advantage of being an easier and more affordable starting point, since entry is allowed at most any price. Additionally, EFTs do not involve the concern of storage of physical gold. In these days of rampant inflation, gold is considered a hedge against this destructive market force and tends to retain its value, gaining steadily over time. While you don’t want all of your funds or assets tied up in gold, it is a great piece of a well-rounded investment portfolio with the benefit of providing added insurance if you lose in other areas. Some of the pros of investing in gold are that it has intrinsic value, offers investment security, is easy to buy and sell, and holds its value in even the most turbulent of market conditions. There are a few cons as well. These include finding a reputable gold dealer and avoiding hidden fees, any expenses and risks of storing physical gold, and the lack of interest or dividend payments. With all the options and advantages for owning gold, it is well worth your time to look at adding this asset to your investment portfolio. Putting a little homework into finding a company you can trust to work with is your most important first step, and from there, you can confidently consider which avenue into gold and other precious metals best serves you.

  18. Are You Ready to Take on Cryptocurrencies? New to cryptocurrencies? If you are considering dipping your toe in, you may find yourself intimidated and overwhelmed. The terminology, the tech, the new rules... Years ago, only the savviest tech types could navigate the cumbersome process of buying and selling cryptocurrencies. While the rest of us weren’t even sure what the term blockchain meant, they tossed around lingo that intimidated even seasoned investors. Fortunately, times have changed, and the process has been streamlined significantly. In fact, buying bitcoin can be as simple as downloading an app and clicking “buy.” We are rapidly nearing the day when every bank and major financial institution will offer cryptos alongside savings accounts and brokerage accounts. Many believe that cryptos are the future of money, dubbing it “digital gold”, and caution hesitant investors that they may get left behind if they don’t jump on board. But while keeping in mind that this is perhaps the most volatile investment sector of all, it is eye-opening to realize that it has yielded millions for countless investors.

  19. This, like gold, is not something that you will want to put all your money in, but has earned its place as a segment of a well-diversified portfolio. And while it has traditionally been viewed as having a techy male appeal, women are jumping on board as fast as they can. With the advent of trading platforms and apps making buy-in as easy as a click, cryptos are simpler to own than ever, providing the security that was notoriously lacking in this sector in the past. We are quickly moving into the space in which even mainline investment firms are offering crypto investment options. Hindrances to women getting into cryptos follow along the lines already discussed. Women may not always find the information they are looking for when in the investigational and homework phase, and women may simply find cryptos a risk they don’t want to take. But women are keenly interested, and jump on board in greater numbers every day, aware of the growth opportunities, and appreciative of the newer platforms that streamline the process. Crypto appeals to globally-minded women as well and is said to be a force in democratizing the global financial industry. Anyone with a smartphone can buy or sell crypto with no bank account required. Crypto can be traded anonymously and without regard for national borders or laws. Thus, women from all walks of life can store and accumulate wealth through this means. Be sure to do your homework before signing on to buy or trade with any platform. Numerous reputable such platforms exist, so the choices are getting easier.

  20. Crypto Insider Lingo Ever heard crypto discussed and been utterly confused by the lingo and buzzwords flying by? Just learning basic crypto vocabulary will not help you in this situation – you need the scoop on what the insiders are talking about… HODL – Someone made a simple typo, and it achieved viral meme status among crypto insiders. It simply means hold. Whale – Just like the amazing marine mammal from which the term is borrowed, crypto whales are the oversized movers and shakers whose actions can have a ripple effect in value and trends in the crypto space. FUD – This abbreviation simply means fear, uncertainty, and doubt. When you experience FUD, it is probably just best to HODL your crypto. No emotional decisions allowed – stick to your strategy! Blockchain – This is essentially a vast information file that records every crypto transaction that has ever been made for a given cryptocurrency. Think of it as an online electronic ledger, viewable by all.

  21. Sats – An individual Bitcoin is worth a lot, and people rarely buy whole coins (unless you're a whale). Instead, they may buy in Sats, a small fraction of a Bitcoin. Some insiders even refer to Bitcoin value in terms of Sats, not dollars. Pump and Dump – a scheme in which a group conspires to buy into a given crypto to artificially pump up the value so that they can dump it at a high profit. Altcoins – Short for alternative coins. This refers to any of the thousands of coins available that rely on blockchain technology. Centralized Crypto Exchange (CEX) – An online trading platform that allows the buying, selling, and exchange of cryptocurrencies. Digital Address – A coded sequence of 24 to 37 alphanumeric characters. Each is unique and represents a cryptocurrency wallet. Market Cap – Short for market capitalization, this term refers to the current price of a given crypto multiplied by the number of coins in circulation. Mining – The process of creating new Bitcoins. Many altcoins have adopted this process as well. Private Key – While digital addresses are public information, private keys are required to access the funds they represent. These are long alphanumeric codes.

  22. Don't let anyone make you feel bad for not having gotten into Crypto or Bitcoin sooner. After all, they reason, look how much money you could have made by now if you'd jumped in early… That's called Bitshaming, and it's a waste of your time. The field remains wide open, crypto is still young, and the opportunities abound. In fact, this is a good opportunity to slip in terms like To The Moon and Mooning – references to new value peeks and profitable selling points. While thousands of altcoins vie for position and relevance, a Bitcoin Maximalist is someone who is staking it all on Bitcoin with the belief that it is ultimately the only coin worth serious consideration. When considering your own crypto investment options, you would do well to be aware of whether or not you are getting your advice from a Bitcoin Maximalist. Does their view line up with your goals? And as more and more businesses are accepting crypto, the dreams of the crypto enthusiasts are one step closer to coming true, an idea known as hyperbitcoinization. This concept refers to the vision of a world in which fiat currencies are devalued and give way completely to Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.

  23. Women Should Consider Real Estate Investing One investment vehicle alone has created more millionaires and more generational wealth than any other. And it’s not gold, stocks, or crypto… It’s real estate, a tangible asset that continues to appreciate in value over time and can be enjoyed and used to leverage more cash flow. You can improve on its value by putting a little work into it, using it as collateral for a loan, and wielding it in any number of ways to bring in profits. Just think of the average home in Anywhere, USA. You can live in it, flip it, rent it out, or turn it into an Airbnb – no matter, it will grow in value over time. Pave the driveway, redo the kitchen or baths, put in new flooring, or add some curb appeal… it all only drives up the value. Overall, real estate value has tended to go up over time, and as an investment, it is less volatile than the stock market, an appealing prospect in these uncertain times. As a starter, real estate will add diversity to your existing portfolio and has the potential to be your main source of income. Given our current economy, it is wise to look for a hedge against inflation, and real estate steps up to the bat beautifully in this regard as well. Much inflationary pressure can be passed along to buyers and renters as the market dictates, and this protects you and ensures your income steadily rises to offset inflationary pressures.

  24. The Benefits of Owning Real Estate ✔Provides Cash Flow – Rent, lease, or flip ✔Gives You Options – Buy, sell, enjoy, use it as a money-maker ✔Is a Tangible Asset – An investment that can be lived in ✔Loaded with Tax Benefits – Write-offs, depreciation, and deductions ✔Affords Power – Control your own wealth

  25. Real Estate is a Woman’s Game Real estate investing is an option uniquely suitable and beneficial to women. In fact, women can bring a special touch to it that brings distinct advantages. Realtor.com reports that “While men might assume they’re the masters of wheeling and dealing on a house (and much more), some research suggests that women might be more naturally gifted at hammering out favorable terms.” Women can be tough, sharp, and savvy in the investment world just as men have the reputation of being, but those are not the top traits that seal the deal. The advantages that women bring to real estate investing rest in strengths that bear out in research again and again – women have a greater desire and drive to form human connections and reach consensus. Because while men may make the mistake of jumping straight into business with a set of hard-and-fast goals, women will tend to want to form a human connection with the people they are doing business with.

  26. Women also tend to be strong when it comes to problem recognition, research and homework, being realistic about pricing, and knowing when to make final decisions. Additionally, real estate investing lends itself well to a woman’s compassionate voice. Women are less likely to bring ego issues to the negotiating table and can let go of the “need to win” attitude that can get in the way of men reaching satisfactory deals. Likewise, women don’t cling to non-negotiable ideas and absolutes as strongly as men do, nor are they as likely to react in anger if there is pushback to their negotiating points. Women tend to be stronger active listeners. This helps to build the human connection and more readily come to an understanding and satisfactory accord between negotiating parties. And even the old stereotype of women as nesters holds true: women get what it takes to run a household, and they tend to have a sharp eye to the advantages and disadvantages that a particular property has to offer. Women may also do a better job of picking up subtle signals, body language and otherwise, in those they negotiate with. Combined with a woman’s natural empathy and greater flexibility in negotiation style, it’s no wonder women so often come out as winners in the real estate world. A final advantage? Women tend to have strong support systems that can propel them to success in this area of investment. This support can play out in many ways from those who are excited to see a sister succeed.

  27. So You Own a Property – Now What? Once you take ownership of a property, you have a number of decisions to make. Do you sell it right away to a flipper? Do you do some renovations to add to its value? And finally, do you want to consider whether this property would make a good rental or Airbnb? Let’s consider these options… Many of these homes will need some renovation, paint, and flooring. Some will frankly be in bad shape due to hoarding, weird smells, and neglect. Some people simply stop caring about their property if they are deep in debt, have medical issues, or become too old to properly care for it. In fact, you may be in a situation where you need to pay someone to help the former homeowner move out. Your own personal touch and kindness will go far in this situation. If the house is in decent condition and only requires a few cosmetic improvements, it may be a good candidate to be turned into a rental or Airbnb. By doing this, you will create a steady stream of income to move forward with and expand your business. A house in poor and neglected condition is one that you will want to get into the hands of a flipper who is more willing to renovate and sell at a further profit. It is up to you as to how much sweat you want to put into a home that needs to be fixed up, or if it is more your style to leave that work to someone else.

  28. What is Your Next Step? Stocks, gold, cryptos, real estate… these make for a solid start for any woman interested in taking her investments and financial future into her own hands. These vehicles alone offer excellent diversification and a solid starting point from which to explore other options. One unique advantage we all have at our fingertips today is the internet. From your computer or via apps on your smartphone, you can bank, buy, sell, and invest to your heart’s content in any number of opportunities. Explore the options available to you for apps and online platforms, and even ask trusted friends and colleagues what they are using. When you find the right trading platform, you’ll be amazed at the ease with which they facilitate your path to prosperity. A word of caution… be sure to look over fees, terms, and conditions before signing onto anything. It’s also a good idea to seek out third-party reviews from actual users, and learn the pros and cons. A quick internet search can also bring up numerous rankings and breakdowns of the features of each platform. Many offer remote support from financial and investment advisors, and perhaps you want to go a step further and meet with someone in person. Often, these individuals are incentivized to sell you on certain funds – this is to be expected. Just be sure to research the performance of these funds and any fees or commissions you will be required to pay.

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