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AR6200 FUEL MODIFICATION COMPLEX Combustion catalyst AND burn rate modifier

AR6200 FUEL MODIFICATION COMPLEX Combustion catalyst AND burn rate modifier . Features and Benefits . Increases available BTU yield (Combustion Catalyst) SAE J1321 testing documented MPG improvement over 8% Reduces harmful emissions CO, NOx , SO, SO2, & HC.

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AR6200 FUEL MODIFICATION COMPLEX Combustion catalyst AND burn rate modifier

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  1. AR6200 FUEL MODIFICATION COMPLEX Combustion catalyst AND burn rate modifier

  2. Features and Benefits • Increases available BTU yield (Combustion Catalyst) • SAE J1321 testing documented MPG improvement over 8% • Reduces harmful emissions CO, NOx, SO, SO2, & HC. • Separates water from fuel (Demulsifier) • Controls bacteria growth in fuel (Biocide) • Prevents sludge build-up • Separates pre-existing solids in the fuel (Polymerization Retardant) • Lubricates the fuel system (Lubricant) • Cleans the fuel system of built up carbon and varnish (Detergent) • Inhibits corrosion, protects key systems (Corrosion inhibitor) • Prevents catalytic oxidation (Metal Deactivator) • EPA registered #13720012 per 40 CFR 79.24 • Contains no alcohol to interfere with water separation • Restores and maintains fuel integrity for many years (Stabilizer) • Concentrated- 1 ounce treats 80 gallons-Gas and Diesel • Increase horsepower, torque, and fuel economy • Helps keep EGR valve cleaner • Improves the quality of combustion & can reduce the propensity for pre ignition/detonation • Helps reduce DPF regeneration cycles • Maintaining a cleaner CAT is the result of our more complete burn of the fuel

  3. Inefficient combustion is the greatest cause of carbon buildup which causes the deterioration of the fuel system, loss of performance, increased emissions and MPG loss

  4. AR6200 improves the combustion by slowing down the ignition point of the fuel allowing for a more complete combustion. A more complete combustion minimizes the unburned hydrocarbons while maximizing energy improving overall performance while greatly reducing emissions.

  5. AR6200 is a complete fuel treatment and catalyst Compatible with all combustion fuels including diesel, gasoline, two stroke, home heating fuel, etc. Fuel immediately breaks down losing available BTU’s and needs to be stabilized for the best performance and protection Power and torque are increased As a burn modifier a more complete combustion is realized

  6. Detergent: Cleans injectors and pumps and as a polymerization retardant eliminates sludge With AR6200 Without AR6200

  7. Fuel Water Bacterias Sludge Oxygen Tank Profile Without AR6200

  8. Fuel Oxygen Your Tank with AR6200

  9. Without AR6200 After AR6200 Corrosion Inhibitor Protects against corrosion and rust in the fuel system and tank

  10. Controls Bacteria • Yeast • Fungus • Aerobic • Anaerobic

  11. Cleans Diesel Particulate Filters and Maintains a Clean Catalytic Convertor and EGR Valve An EGR valve, or exhaust recirculation system is a primary component of an engine’s emission system to reduce NOx. In time carbon builds up resulting in engine hesitation, stumbling, higher emissions and engine warning light may go on. Diesel Particulate Filters (DPF) build up deposits which causes the regeneration cycle. Some ReGen cycles are very frequent which can result in downtime or high repair costs. AR6200 will extend time between these cycles as a result of maintaining a cleaner DPF.

  12. Treatment Rates • Diesel and gas: 1 ounce treats 80 gallons • Home heating fuel: 1oz per 120 gallons • Two stroke: 1 ounce treats 40 gallons • Packaging: • .5 oz / 15ml bottle • 4.2 oz / 125ml bottle • 8 oz / 236ml bottle • 16 oz /473ml bottle • 32 oz / 944ml bottle • 1 gallon / 3785ml bottle • 5 gallon pail • 55 gallon drum

  13. ARCHOIL 115 Hurley Rd. Building 1AOxford, CT 06478 203-265-5700 www.archoil.com

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