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HM Enlisted Community Management. Objectives. Training Objective: Provide a brief on the duties and responsibilities of Enlisted Community Managers (ECM) and how they work with in relation to Detailers, Placement/Rating Specialist and Production Management Officer (PMO). Enabling Objectives:
Objectives Training Objective: • Provide a brief on the duties and responsibilities of Enlisted Community Managers (ECM) and how they work with in relation to Detailers, Placement/Rating Specialist and Production Management Officer (PMO). Enabling Objectives: • Develop an understanding of ECM chain of command, relationship to other resources in Millington, and ECM responsibilities in community management. • Introduce resources and tools provided by the ECMs for use in Hospital Corpsman development. • Explain ECM community management processes and basic force shaping tools.
HM Enlisted Community Management LCDR Angela Webster Angela.webster2@navy.mil (901) 874-3781 HMCM (SW) Timothy Perkett Timothy.perkett@navy.mil (901) 874-2079 HMCS (FMF/SW/AW) Tony Lark anthony.lark1@navy.mil (901) 874-2981 HMCS(EXW/SW/FMF) Randle Groves Randle.groves@navy.mil (901)874-3206 HM1 Bobbi Coleman-Johnson bobbi.coleman@navy.mil (901)874-2077 Phone (901)874-2079 DSN PREFIX 882 BUPERS 325 5720 Integrity Drive Millington, TN 38055-4011 HM_ECM@navy.mil http://www.public.navy.mil/bupers-npc/Pages/default.aspx (COMMUNITY MANAGERS WEBSITE UNDER NPC)
Military Community Management Aligned in Echelon II to Increase Effectiveness DCNO for MPT&E / Chief of Naval Personnel (N1) Echelon I N1B/BTO N10 N11 N12 N13 N14 N15 N16 Deputy Chief of Naval Personnel (DCNP) Echelon II BUPERS-3 Community Management BUPERS 31 (OCM) / BUPERS 32 (ECM) / BUPERS 33 (CCD) / BUPERS 34 (Analysis) Community Flag Sponsors & Enterprises PMO NETC Echelon III NAVAL PERSONNEL CODES CNRC RTC NETC N7
Enlisted Community Manager • Detailer represents the Sailor • PERS 4013 represents the Command • ECM is the advocate for the HM Rating • Our concern is the health and readiness of the Hospital Corpsman Rating in meeting the operational needs of the Navy, constrained by fiscal resources and the legal requirements of Title 10. • Responsible for sustaining the quality of the HM Rating and 36 skill groups (NECs) in order to meet the Navy’s current and future requirements. • Goal is to match skills and experience with funded requirements through accessions, advancement planning, schools planning, and retention.
Community Overview • Every month, Community Managers post detailed information regarding the status of your rating. • Click Community Overview to view a “big picture” snapshot of your rating’s overall health. • Click Career Path to view a typical career path, from Navy enlistment as E-1 to 30-year retirement as E-9.
Specific Community Management Accession planning Quality, quantity, policy Lateral conversions/Re-designations Training Initial (‘A’) school requirement Advanced/career (‘C’) school requirements Policy advisor to NETC/NMETC Review billet changes for impacts on community health Sea/shore rotation Adv/Promotion impacts Career progression Geo Stability Information dissemination Fleet Engagement Link, web pages, PAO efforts POM Analysis and Mitigation Force structure management Advancement/Promotion Planning Career paths Retention Retirements Separations (early, hardship) Sea/shore tour lengths CAREER WAYPOINT-Reenlistment (Formerly PTS) CAREER WAYPOINT-PACT Designation (Formerly REGA) NEOCS Incentives Pay Bonuses (SRB Plan) Special duty assignment pay (SDAP) Training incentives (STAR/HPSP) Metrics and Analysis Reports, ad hoc queries Active, FTS, & Reserve SRB & SDAP NAVADMIN Updates released in MAR 13 Assess, monitor, inform, develop, review impacts—limited execution
Reduced Accessions Selected Reenlistment Bonuses Short-Term Extension Policy Selected Time In Grade Waivers Selected Early Out Career Waypoint-Reenlistment (Zones A/B/C) High Year Tenure E7-9 >20 Continuation Board Special and Incentive Pay Reviews Selective Reserve Affiliation Temporary Early Retirement (TERA) Force Stabilization Tools ENLISTED Force Management Lever Working Group Initiated
All Enlisted Active Duty LOS Data Source: NMPBS Cut Date: 17 May 2013
Community Manager – HM Rating • Rating balanced at 101%. Reduced convert in opportunity except for critical NECs and undermanned year groups. • Specific NEC’s experiencing inventory shortages. • Targeted SRB’s being used to attract qualified HM’s to operational and undermanned NECs. • Sea/Shore Flow is NEC specific. • NECs 8427, 8401, 8708, 8753, and 8765 are critically undermanned. These NECs are a priority for conversions, HYT waivers for OBLISERV, and other incentives.
Community Manager – HM Rating Career Waypoint-Reenlistment PERFORM-to-SERVE (PTS) 2003 2012 June, 2013… 2 # of Choices 3 1 0 # of Choices 3 1 0 Orders negotiation Orders negotiation 13 15 10 6 3 End of Contract 15 12 6 3 End of Contract Months Months CHOICE CHOICE In-Rate In-Rate 8 “Looks” 13-6mo 7 “Looks” 12-6 mo Conversion Conversion SELRES SELRES • Concerns with current system: • Limited time for Sailor decision to convert • Limited time for orders negotiation • Limited time to plan (Navy & Sailor) • Significant workload on Command • Unclear distribution signal • Improvements • New terminology • Aligns Career Waypoint with orders negotiation • Sailors receive reenlistment decision sooner • Sailors negotiate orders sooner • Builds in time for Sailors to submit conversion requests • Command workload reduced • Clear distribution signal Sailors never asked to convert and were separated
NEC ARCHIVE/CHANGE NEC Archive: You should be in your rotation (PRD) window when requesting to archive an NEC. If we archive while you are still serving in a billet requiring the NEC, it shows as poor placement (fit) here at PERS. (The exception is if your command intends to move you into a new NEC or 0000 position prior to your PRD.) • Prior to making an NEC archive request you need to contact your detailer and often the detailer for the NEC/0000 you are requesting; many times your assignment options are better within your current NEC. • Next, make sure you have completed any OBLISERV required for your NEC training (i.e. 53 weeks of training = 60 months OBLISERVE), then review the NECMAN published at http://www.public.navy.mil/bupers-npc/enlisted/community/medical to determine your NECs current manning and compare to HM0000 or other NEC you may be requesting. • A well manned NEC would be at least 95%; best case is going from overmanned NEC to an undermanned NEC. • After considering these factors, submit a NAVPERS 1221/6 via your CCC requesting to archive your NEC with amplifying remarks on your reasons; manning changes constantly so you will not know for sure whether or not your request can be granted unless you ask in writing. • OBLISERV is the minimum amount of time you owe the Navy for the training you receive. You should expect to serve at least two tours in an NEC once selected and possibly more if your NEC is critically undermanned; until the manning improves or your advance yourself beyond the rank of the billets the NEC supports.
HM ADVANCEMENT HM advancement is a top concern! All advancement is to vacancy = opportunity is created by loss (separation/retirement) and promotion. Contributing factors affecting HM advancement in addition to retention rate: • Accelerated advancement to E-6 for some IDC School grads with 91% grade = 100 plus per year • E5 STAR program promotions = 20 plus per year • Meritorious Promotions (CAP) = 60 plus per year to various ranks *** 20% of all E6 advanced is through IDC accelerated advancement ***
SRB & SDAP Selective Reenlistment Bonus (SRB) NAVADMIN 077/13 Special Duty Assignment Pay (SDAP) NAVADMIN 076/13 There are other SDAPs available for special programs (RDC, recruiting, etc.)
Conversion In/Out of Rate • Conversion in/out of rate depends significantly on Year Group (YG) manning. • If manning is level in a Sailor’s YG then special circumstances are considered. (Critical Rating, NEC, Specialized Training) • We do release HMs to other rates depending on YG manning and need in other ratings. • We do consider converting Sailors even if overmanned in YG if they intend to apply for a critical HM NEC after ‘A’ school. (8427, 8493, or other NECs that are difficult to fill) • All convert in Sailors must complete HM ‘A’ School. This generally drives us toward E5 and below Sailors from other rates. • In the future you will only be able to apply for conversion through Fleet Ride.
PACT • REGA/PACT: Professional Apprentice Career Tract (PACT) • Due to excellent manning in Year Groups (YG) 07 thru 12, we post very few quotas for REGA/SPACT Sailors. The current plan is 3 per month for YG 12 will be advertising YG 13 in April 2014. Check the published plan each month on the BUPERS Web Site, http://www.public.navy.mil/bupers-npc/career/careercounseling. • The intent of requesting quotas despite excellent manning is to provide an opportunity to outstanding REGA/PACT Sailors who strongly desire work in the HM Community and more specifically, an avenue for candidates interested in our Special Amphibious Reconnaissance Corpsman (SARC) and Medical Deep Sea Diving Technician programs. • Best applicants are top performers that stack well in FLEET RIDE, have no discipline issues, are security clearance eligible, meet ASVAB requirements, and usually have notes on OJT training with ships medical/clinics and/or special medical qualifications. • The chances of being selected for the HM community are slim; there are few quotas and we will only take the best applicants. Applicants should consider many rates and have a backup plan.
STAR • Career School Listing (STAR PROGRAM): NAVADMIN 031/09 contains the current Career Schools Listing and establishes specific eligibility requirements for automatic advancement from E4 to E5 via the Selective Training and Reenlistment (STAR) Program. • An update of this NAVADMIN has been routed for approval. • The current HM STAR program NECs are: (If you are considering a ‘C’ School, don’t miss the opportunity provided by this program) • HM 8410 Biomedical Repair Technician • HM 8427 Special Amphibious Reconnaissance Corpsman • HM 8467 Occupational Therapy Technician • HM 8493 Dive Medicine Technician • HM 8753 Advanced Dental Laboratory Technician • Note: Automatic advancement is applicable to the STAR program IAW MIPERSMAN 1160-100 and SCORE program per MILPERSMAN 1160-090. To be eligible for automatic advancement under either of these programs, the “C” school or course that the member has completed or will complete, must be listed on the Career School Listing on the date the member reenlists.
High Year Tenure (HYT) • IAW MILPERSMAN 1160-120, the High Year Tenure (HYT) Program is a vital and effective force shaping tool to properly size and shape the Navy. This policy establishes standardized length of service gates by pay grade balanced with a waiver process that allows the Navy to retain the right Sailor and keep the enlisted force progressing through careers at an acceptable pace. IAW NAVADMIN 030/12 Active and Fulltime Support pay grade HYT gates effective 1 JULY 2012 are; • E3 : 5 Years E4 : 8 Years E5 : 12 Years E6 : 20 Years • E7 : 24 Years E8 : 26 YearsE9 : 30 Years • Request to continue on active duty beyond established HYT gates will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Examples of request which will be given favorable consideration: • In support of urgent, immediate operational requirements in a deployed or soon-to-deploy unit. • Undermanned Year Group, pay grade, or NEC in rating. • Note: HYT waivers for Retirement eligible Sailors are considered on a case by case basis for the convenience of the government to fill operational billets; they are not based upon the service member's personal gains. These requests must be vetted through leadership and the detailer to validate bonafide need to fill an operational manning shortfall. If you are a retirement eligible Sailor seeking a HYT waiver, DO NOT contact the HM ECM team directly. ONLY command representatives are to contact the HM-ECM team regarding HYT Waivers for retirement eligible personnel.
HM Summary HYT REQUESTS FLEET RESERVE (FRRA) ***IAW MPM 1160-120*** E-2 4 YEARS E-3 5 YEARS E-4 8 YEARS E-5 14 YEARS E-6 20 YEARS E-7 24 YEARS E-8 26 YEARS E-9 30 YEARS WAIVERS ON CASE BY CASE BASIS FOR C-SCHOOLS AND OPERATIONAL SEA DUTY 1 OF 1 • ***IAW MPM 1830-040*** • Submit to PERS823 6 to 24 Months from desired date • Be sure of your date. Once submitted and approved, will not be allowed to cancel. • FRRA date changes are rarely approved and usually only when going earlier. • FRRA at HYT are still eligible for ADV boards. NEC ACTION REQUESTS FLEET RIDE - PERFORM TO SERVE (PTS) • *** IAW MPM 1220-021*** • Submit NAVPERS 1221 to ECM to award or archive NEC. • Requests to remove NEC due to loss of confidence or competence to perform in occupation may follow MPM 1910-156 for ADMINSEP. • Any requests for change in rating should follow MPM 1440-010. • More stringent measures are required for IDC NEC removals. Contact ECM for guidance. Refer to: • MPM 1306-604, OPNAVINST 6400.1C, and 1616-010. • PERFORMANCE-BASED program designed to keep the best Sailors. • Submit in Fleet Ride BY YEAR GROUP • Refer to NAVADMIN’S • Once issued, expire in 13 months. • Any change to SEAOS will utilize an approved PTS quota. • Not advancing on time is directly related to performance.