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Trends in Poultry Production and Consumption

Trends in Poultry Production and Consumption. George Brant. Where Is the Production?. Are the same states/regions important for egg, broiler, & turkey production? Why is production located where it is located?. Where Is Production Going?. Is production increasing, decreasing, or flat?

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Trends in Poultry Production and Consumption

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Trends in Poultry Production and Consumption George Brant

  2. Where Is the Production? • Are the same states/regions important for egg, broiler, & turkey production? • Why is production located where it is located?

  3. Where Is Production Going? • Is production increasing, decreasing, or flat? • When or has production peaked?

  4. How Valuable is the Production? • What poultry product is most valuable? • What is the dollar ratio between broilers, turkeys, and eggs

  5. How Much Do We Eat? • How many eggs do we eat? • Do we eat more processed eggs or shell eggs? • How does poultry consumption compare to red meat and fish consumption?

  6. Where in the World are Eggs Produced?

  7. World Production of Eggs in 2000 (percent)

  8. Who Produces Chicken Meat?

  9. World Production of Chicken Meat in 2000 (percent)

  10. Does Anybody Produce Turkey Meat Besides the U. S.?

  11. World Production of Turkey Meat in 2000 (percent)

  12. Does Anybody Eat Duck Meat?

  13. World Production of Duck & Goose Meat in 2001 (percent)

  14. Rate of Lay in the United States

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