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ITALIAN COOPERATION ROSS Emergency Program. Strengthening social cohesion in the post-conflict reconstruction process of the country. ROSS/L06-B2211/AID 8479. A Project co-funded by the Italian Cooperation – ROSS Emergency Program and
ITALIANCOOPERATION ROSS Emergency Program Strengthening social cohesion in the post-conflict reconstruction process of the country ROSS/L06-B2211/AID 8479 A Project co-funded by the Italian Cooperation – ROSS Emergency Program and Implemented by CRIC – Centro Regionale d’intervento per la Cooperzazione (Regional Center of Intervention for Cooperation) In partnership with: Association for Peace International Civil Service – Italy
Local authorities and Organizations involved ITALIANCOOPERATION ROSS Emergency Program • Youth associations • Palestinian Youth Organization • Union of Democratic Lebanese Youth • Al Ahed Youth Union • Local Authorities • Municipalities of: • Ayta ash-Sha’ab • Bint Jubayl • Sryfa • Dibil • Popular commitee of Burj ash-Shamali STRENGTHENING SOCIAL COHESION IN THE POST-CONFLICT RECONSTRUCTION PROCESS OF THE COUNTRY
Target areas and villages of the intervention ITALIANCOOPERATION ROSS Emergency Program • Caza of Bint Jubayl • Ayta ash-Sha’ab • Bint Jubayl • Dibil • Caza of Tyr • Srifa • Palestinian refugee camp of Burj ash-Shamali STRENGTHENING SOCIAL COHESION IN THE POST-CONFLICT RECONSTRUCTION PROCESS OF THE COUNTRY
Objectives and results ITALIANCOOPERATION ROSS Emergency Program OBJECTIVE To contribute to the restoration of the social, educative and cultural life of the youth of 5 villages in southern Lebanon struck by the war, restablishing services and activities of the Youth Cultural Centres BENEFICIARIES 1800 adolescents and youth attending the 5 Youth Centres STRATEGY To rehabilitate, both in terms of reconstruction and capacity building, 5 Youth Centres as a place where training and educational possibilities are available but also as an opportunity for exchange, social cohesion and intercultural and interreligious co-existence, a place where to discuss the issues of rights, democracy, and participation in a peaceful and non-violent way. STRENGTHENING SOCIAL COHESION IN THE POST-CONFLICT RECONSTRUCTION PROCESS OF THE COUNTRY
Objectives and results ITALIANCOOPERATION ROSS Emergency Program • EXPECTED RESULTS: • 1500 adolescents and youth resumed the cultural and socio-educational activities in their 5 villages • 675 adolescent and youth contributed to the improvement of socio-environmental conditions of the population living in their 5 villages • 1025 adolescent and youth are sensitized on dialogue, conflict prevention, resilience • At least 30% of the participants are women STRENGTHENING SOCIAL COHESION IN THE POST-CONFLICT RECONSTRUCTION PROCESS OF THE COUNTRY
Activities ITALIANCOOPERATION ROSS Emergency Program Reconstruction Rehabilitation and refurbishment of 3 Youth Centres in the villages of Bint Jubayl, Dibil and the Refugee Camp of Burj ash-Shamali Construction of a Youth Centre in the village of Srifa Rehabilitation of a public garden in Ayta ech-Sha’ab STRENGTHENING SOCIAL COHESION IN THE POST-CONFLICT RECONSTRUCTION PROCESS OF THE COUNTRY
ITALIANCOOPERATION ROSS Emergency Program The rehabilitation of the Youth Centres has been carried out with the active involvement of the youth and the local community in order to create both a sense of ownership and a welcoming and nice place STRENGTHENING SOCIAL COHESION IN THE POST-CONFLICT RECONSTRUCTION PROCESS OF THE COUNTRY
Activities ITALIANCOOPERATION ROSS Emergency Program Capacity building and education Training of 25 social workers on centre management, financial management, community profiles, PCM Organization of 10 Courses of Computer Organization of 5 English courses STRENGTHENING SOCIAL COHESION IN THE POST-CONFLICT RECONSTRUCTION PROCESS OF THE COUNTRY
The training for the 25 social workers was held in the Refugee Camp of El Bass and gave the opportunity to the Lebanese youth to have a first-hand experience of the difficult situation the Palestinian communties are living.
Activities ITALIANCOOPERATION ROSS Emergency Program Capacity building and education Training of 25 social workers on environmental education and protection in conflict-ridden contexts Training of 250 youth on environmental issues STRENGTHENING SOCIAL COHESION IN THE POST-CONFLICT RECONSTRUCTION PROCESS OF THE COUNTRY
Awarenss session on environmetal issues in Dibil Awareness session on environmental issues in Dibil
Activities ITALIANCOOPERATION ROSS Emergency Program Capacity building and education Training of 25 social workers on dialogue, conflict prevention, self- education and resilience Awareness activities for 1000 youth on dialogue, conflict prevention, self education and resilience STRENGTHENING SOCIAL COHESION IN THE POST-CONFLICT RECONSTRUCTION PROCESS OF THE COUNTRY
….Resilience is the ability to use an experience learned during a difficult event in order to build the future….
Activities ITALIANCOOPERATION ROSS Emergency Program Exchanges • Work camps for 100 Lebanese, Palestinian and Italian youth on: • socio-educational issues • environment as an element of dispute in conflict- ridden context • a theatre play involving the social workers of the 5 Youth Centres was held in Tyr, Bint Jubayl and Beirut • Videos, photos blog have been taken • All the works have been showed during 2 exhibition and an online presentation through youth centers’ blog) STRENGTHENING SOCIAL COHESION IN THE POST-CONFLICT RECONSTRUCTION PROCESS OF THE COUNTRY
Work camp on socio-educational issue The theatre has been used as a way to enhance mutual understanding and dialogue between youth coming from different backgrounds
Work camp on environment as an element of dispute in conflict- ridden context ITALIANCOOPERATION ROSS Emergency Program
Objectives and results ITALIANCOOPERATION ROSS Emergency Program • RESULTS ACHIEVED UNTIL NOW: • 1742 adolescents and youth resumed the cultural and socio-educational activities in their 5 villages • 465 adolescent and youth contributed to the improvement of socio-environmental conditions of the population living in their 5 villages • 525 adolescent and youth are sensitized on dialogue, conflict prevention, resilience • As an average, 60% of the participants are women STRENGTHENING SOCIAL COHESION IN THE POST-CONFLICT RECONSTRUCTION PROCESS OF THE COUNTRY
CRIC - Tyre – Lebanon Contact persons: Lebanon Sara Giorgi – Project Coordinator E-mail: criclebanon@gmail.com Landline/Fax: +961 07 34 71 67 Mobile: +961 70 81 45 96 Italy Carla Pagano – Desk Officer for Middle East E-mail: carla.pagano@cric.it