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The Black Tuesday. 9 th Grade, English, Chapter 2. Why is the chapter named «The Black Tuesday » ?. Does that mean all other Tuesdays are white in color? Do you think that the title indicates that the sun failed to rise on that particular Tuesday ?
The Black Tuesday 9th Grade, English, Chapter 2
Whyis the chapternamed «The Black Tuesday » ? • Does that mean all other Tuesdays are white in color? • Do you think that the title indicates that the sun failed to rise on that particular Tuesday ? • The adjective black here indicates that the turn of events on that Tuesday were very sad and it is a disgrace to the society. Hence the author calls that Tuesday The Black Tuesday. • When you assign the qualities of a person to something that isn't human or, in some cases, to something that isn't even alive then the figure of speech used is called as Personification. • Other Examples 1. Time flew and before we knew it, it was time for me to go home. 2. The moon winked at me through the clouds above.
History of the World Trading Centre • The World Trade Center, New YorkBuilt between: 1970 - 1977Construction group: Minoru Yamaski & Associates, Architect, with Emery Roth and Sons • For three decades the twin towers of New York's World Trade Center stood as the symbol of American economic might, as powerful an icon for capitalism as the Statue of Liberty is for freedom. • Earlier terrorists tried to bring the buildings down in 1993 by planting bombs in a parking garage beneath them, the business world reeled at the notion that it could be the target of a new kind of war. That bombing killed six people and injured more than 1,000, but after extensive renovations -- and with greatly increased security -- the towers reopened. April 7, 1974:Tightrope walker Philippe Petit successfully traverses a rope from one tower to the other -- more than half a dozen times in succession.
It wasindeed The Black Tuesday ! • The sun rose on 11 September 2001 promising the people of Newyork a new day but everythingchangedafter a few hours. The World Trade Centre and The Pentagonwereattackedwith four Jet airlinerswithperfectprecision. • At 10.28am the twintowers came down justlike a house of cardssending a giantwall of dust and smoke. TheTuesdayeventswere more cruel thanDec 7 1941 attack on Pearl Harbour thatkilled 2300 soldiers. The American War in 1862 killed 23,000 people. Though the abovetwotragediesin Americakilledsoldiersthat Tuesday witnesseddeath of innocent people. • Jeremy Davids, a pedestrian whowaswalkingnear the WTC saidthathesawatleast 15 people jump in fear. Each time hewouldhear a gaspamong the crowdthen look up and still look for a period of 10sec at the sight of a personfalling down.
Collapse of the WTC What Caused the Twin Towers to Fall? Impact from the Terrorist Planes Heat from the Fires Collapsing Floors Why did the collapsed towers look so flat?Before the terrorist attack, the twin towers were 110 stories tall. Constructed of lightweight steel around a central core, the World Trade Center towers were about 95% air. After they collapsed, the hollow core was gone. The remaining rubble was only a few stories high. Could the towers have been made stronger?No building we can construct today would have been able to withstand the impact of the terrorist airplanes that struck the World Trade Center Towers on September 11, 2001. We can, however, learn from the collapse of the towers and take steps to construct safer buildings and minimize the number of casualties in the event of a disaster.
Future Ahead • Father Bob McLaughlin of Holy Nance Cathedral declared that our illusion of invincibility, security, power and self sufficiency were shattered. • The change in the psychology of the entire nation was very pronounced. Trauma specialist Terrence Real says that buried under the ash and wreckage in lower Manhattan, our long held sense of ourselves as safe in an otherwise dangerous world. From now on we can no longer deny that we are vulnerable. • The security provided by the two vast oceans surrounding America promised safety it proved to be too fragile and the oceans are reduced to no greater than a small water body of insignificance. New One World Trade Center under construction on September 21, 2012
ComprehensionAnswers • On September 11 when the sun rose in the dawn people would have expected a new happy day but the things turned worse for them. • It was an iconic symbol of American capitalism. • They turned four jet airliners in to guided missiles. • The nerve center of American military might. • The first tower was 1,347ft tall and the second one was 1341 ft. • The attack on Pearl Harbor and the American civil war. • The jet fluid burning at a temperature greater than 1000◦ C. • 1993 • He said that he would have destroyed it if he had more money. • They prayed to God to protect the world from such untoward events.
Solution B) Read the extracts and answer the question that follow • “Look down there. They are still standing” a) The FBI commando b) To the man who master minded the first attack on WTC c) The speaker meant that in spite of the attempt to destroy it the WTC stood tall. 2) “ They wouldn’t be if I had enough money and explosives” a) To the man who master minded the first attack on WTC b) The FBI Commando c) The speaker meant that if he had enough money and explosives he would have brought down the WTC
3) “ But from now on we cannot deny that we are vulnerable” a)Trauma specialist Terrence Real. b) After the attack on WTC. c) The terror threat across the world has made the life of every individual vulnerable. 4) “ We became aware of our need to pray” a)Father Bob McLaughlin. b) The effect of the attack on WTC. c) The word ‘We’ refers to Americans.
A) Match the words with their meanings VOCABULARY
D) Choose idioms and phrases 1. The explosion brought the skyscrapers to the ground like house of cards. 2. The refugees go through hell in the make of shift camps. 3. The western nations look up to India to provide spiritual guidance. 4. The disaster of September 11 is worse than any the world can dream of. 5.We look forward to a world in which nations respect each other and people love their brethren. 6.The terrorists used passenger planes as flying bombs and destroyed the building. 7. We have to bring in changes in order to establish a healthy society.
E) Replace the verbs with phrasal verbs • He read the letter half a dozen times but could not take in the message. • The man tried to enter the bank but seeing the watchman he gave up the attempt. • The Taliban fought long and hard but at last they gave in. • The director expected great things from his staff but they failed to live up to his expectations. • The sensitive electronic equipment picked up the message.
A) LanguageExercises Example Sentences
B) Use appropriateprepositions to complete the passage givenbelow The Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) added one more chapter to its list of successes when its Polar Satellite Launch vehicle (PSLV) placed one of its three payloads on a markedly higher orbit than that of the other two satellites. Seventeen minutes before the take off. ISRO’s third operational launch vehicle, the PSLV first ejected the Technology Experiments Satellite. But 40 seconds later, it was the bi-spectral Infra-red Detection Satellite’s turn to wing away. As the next significant manoeuvre PROBA was placed 70kms. Away from the two satellites, a few seconds after the lift off through an apogee of 638km. And a perigee of 568km. Dictionary Work 1. A Himalayan blunder is a very serious mistake or error. 2. AnAchilles' heel is a deadly weakness in spite of overall strength, that can actually or potentially lead to downfall