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The USDA Customer Statement provides farmers with quick access to various USDA services and programs in one report. It includes features such as farm bill conservation contracts, commodity payments, and interactive maps, enhancing efficiency and convenience for agricultural producers.
U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program eGovernment Working Group Electronic Customer Statement Release March 10, 2004
Agenda • Welcome • Customer Statement Demonstration • Q&A and Next Steps
“The computer has already taken its place next to the plowshare and tractor as indispensable to farmers.” • -Anne Veneman, Jan 12, 2004 • Farm Bureau Convention, Honolulu, HI USDA Customer Statement
Secretary Veneman on January 12th in her Remarks to The American Farm Bureau Federation 85th Annual Conferencedescribed the Customer Statement as: "Another feature [of my.USDA] will put a whole range of USDA services and programs into a single report at the fingertips of individual farmers. "For instance, farmers will be able to view their contracts in various conservation programs, their payments under commodity programs and information on loans and crop insurance. "Data can be cross-referenced with interactive maps of farm operations using geographic information systems, or what is commonly referred to as GIS technology with overlays for roads, soil types, water and other geographic features. "Producers will also have quick and easy access, in a single gateway, to the volumes of maps and geospatial data generated by USDA.” What is the Customer Statement?
Veneman Launches eGOV Initiatives To Meet The Needs Of USDA Customers - USDA Web site Gets New Look WASHINGTON, January 12, 2004 – Agriculture Secretary Ann M. Veneman today announced that eGovernment initiatives would be a special focus of the U.S. Department of Agriculture in 2004. • "Veneman said that beginning today, visitors to the USDA website, www.usda.gov, will begin to see a new design, which is the first phase in efforts to make the website a more powerful and improve access to USDA information and science. • The new look will be followed by improved functionality," Veneman said. "We will continue adding features for users, culminating in August with the launch of 'MyUSDA.gov' to provide a customized version of the USDA homepage for individual users based on their unique needs."Other features that users will see soon include a "customer statement." Customer statements will put a whole range of USDA services and programs into a single report at the fingertips of agricultural producers. For instance, farmers would be able to view their contracts in various conservation programs, payments under commodity programs and information on loans and crop insurance.Veneman said that farmers and ranchers will even be able to cross-reference that data with interactive maps of their operations using geographic information systems, or GIS, technology with overlays for roads, soil types, water and other geographic features. "Producers will have quick and easy access in a single gateway to the volumes and volumes of maps and geospatial data generated by USDA," Veneman said. "Instead of traveling to a county office, farmers and ranchers will be able to log on from a computer to apply for loan deficiency payments over the Internet. The goal is to provide integrated service around customer needs…..
Goals--to provide integrated service around customer needs • Integrate with my.USDA portal • Provides USDA customers’ “One-Stop” access to USDA program participation information – their Bank Statement with USDA • Leverage USDA investment in eGovernment and support more efficient operations (uses eAuthenication User ID and password) • Provide quick and easy access to data from multiple USDA agencies in a single report • Look and Feel of new USDA.gov
Features of the Summary Statement • Address or contact information (USDA ID) • Farm Bill Conservation Contracts (limited number of programs) (FSA and NRCS) • Commodity Payments from FSA Data Warehouse (FSA) • Links to Conservation Plan data (NRCS) • Drill down capability for some components of Statement into contract and Payment Data warehouses • Address and contact information for Service Centers
Additional Features • “Maps and Data” link for simple interactive viewing of Ortho maps in Geospatial Data Warehouse • Conservation Plan Data from NRCS’s National Conservation Planning Database • Farm Loan Data (FSA) • PDF Version of Customer Statement Report
Target Features for April-June (3rd Quarter) Releases • User profile management • Customize content • Allow producer to grant access to other parties based on USDA ID • Crop Insurance Summary • Farm Bill Conservation Contracts (additional programs) • RESNOD Collection (pending approval)
Target Features for July-September (4rd Quarter) Releases • Integrate with My.USDA.gov • Enhanced Maps and Data links • Integrated Tools such as Farm Loan Calculator • FSA Enhanced DOQ’s and Land Unit • More TBD
Customer Statement Home Page In January, Agriculture Secretary Ann M. Veneman today announced that e Government initiatives would be a special focus of the U.S. Department of Agriculture in 2004. The USDA Customer Statement is part of this effort and brings to the farmer un-precedented access to their business activities with USDA 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The Customer Statement, "will put a whole range of USDA services and programs into a single report at the fingertips of agricultural producers.“ The Customer Statement allows farmers to view (a) their participation and application status in various conservation programs, (b)payments associated with commodity and conservation programs, (c)information on farm loans and crop insurance, and (d) conservation plan and land unit information. The Customer Statement will be a focal point for providing farm producers access to their USDA information and facilitate doing online business with USDA. New USDA “Look and Feel”
Customer Statement will be accessed using secure login/password In January, Agriculture Secretary Ann M. Veneman today announced that e Government initiatives would be a special focus of the U.S. Department of Agriculture in 2004. The USDA Customer Statement is part of this effort and brings to the farmer un-precedented access to their business activities with USDA 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The Customer Statement, "will put a whole range of USDA services and programs into a single report at the fingertips of agricultural producers.“ The Customer Statement allows farmers to view (a) their participation and application status in various conservation programs, (b)payments associated with commodity and conservation programs, (c)information on farm loans and crop insurance, and (d) conservation plan and land unit information. The Customer Statement will be a focal point for providing farm producers access to their USDA information and facilitate doing online business with USDA. In the future, Veneman said that farmers and ranchers will even be able to cross-reference that data with interactive maps of their operations using geographic information systems, or GIS, technology with overlays for roads, soil types, water and other geographic features. New features will be added to the Customer Statement weekly as they are developed. Confidentiality is a key feature of the Customer Statement. Just link your bank, only you or someone your authorize (using your USDA ID) will be able to see your Statement and your business transactions with USDA. Customer uses eAuthentication login/password
Customer Statement (CS) Process Diagram Customer Service Center Customer Statement and Agency Systems Learns about Customer Statement from USDA Home Page Email Confirming Level 2 Account Identity Checks Customer and activates Level 2 Account Completes Online Level 2 eAuthenication request for User Id and password Service Center links eAuth account to customer database (ie SCIMS) Customer Statement system issues USDA ID Goes to USDA Office for identity check Email to Customer confirming account activation Logs into Customer Statement from CS Home Page FSA Payment Data Warehouse USDA ID Database Geospatial Data Warehouse Sets up Customer Profile NRCS POINTS Data Warehouse Views Statement FSA Farm Loans
Statement Components • Address and Contact Information • Conservation Contract Information • (ie EQIP, AMA, EQIP) • Account Summary of Payments • Crop Insurance • Land Unit Data • Customer Loans • Service Center Contacts
Customer Statement • Provides Conservation Program data: • Contract amounts • Payments • Contract balances
Customer Statement (more) • Commodity and Conservation Payments (FSA Data Warehouse)
Customer Statement (more) • Conservation Plan Data • Farm Loan Program data
Maps and Data linked to Customer • Farm Map Data
U.S. Department of Agriculture James Smith 123 Peighton Place Jefferson City, MO 20406 USDA Customer Identifier for Online Systems: 184-FHT When to use this Customer Identifier: 1. When you first establish you’re My.USDA personal web site, you will be asked to enter this USDA Customer Identifier. 2. When beginning to do business with a USDA agency or participating in a new USDA program, you should provide this USDA Customer ID. If the agency/program records your USDA ID, the information from that program can be accessed through your My.USDA web account. 3. If you want to grant permission in a USDA online system for another customer (spouse, employee, partner, bank loan officer, etc.) to be able to view your data, you will need to enter that person’s USDA ID on the appropriate screen. The USDA ID provides a means for you to identify a USDA customer without having to ask for personal information such as Social Security Number or Tax ID number. 4. If your USDA Customer Identifier is attached to a particular agency or program, changes you make online to your personal data (name, address, phone number, email address, etc.) using your My.USDA web site, can be automatically communicated to all attached systems. USDA ID Business Cards • Contains User ID (License Plate Coding) • Facilitates exchange of USDA ID with offices, partners, Technical Service Providers for data tracking • Provides incentive to keep information current USDA-id: 437-FXB Sandy Farmer Sandy Farmer 123 Shady Lane Eden, ID 70523 907.721.1538 (day) SFarmer@hotmail.con
Additional Maps and Data Features August March March 2005
In August Customer Statement will leverage My.USDA.gov Portal August
USDA Customer Declare RSNOD Common Customer Statement Application LINK MGR Bind USDA ID to Agency-Specific ID’s Agency Business Applications Service Center FS NASS ProTracts Census Natl Fire Plan Customer Accessible Applications State ID County ID Cust ID Forest ID Timber Statistics FSA W/H State ID County ID SSN Cust ID Relationships Statement Specs STATEMENT MGR Customer RSNOD USDA ID USDA ID Rltn Type USDA ID Agencies Programs USDA ID Race(s) Gender Natl Origin Disability Record Agencies and User Program Participation. Store User Statement Customization Statement Personalization Agency User Databases USDA Customer NASS FS Service Center RSNOD MGR USDA ID Customer Customer Customer Business/Individual USDA Customer Database SCIMS NASS-Cust APHIS-Pharm WebCAAF Cust ID Cust ID Cust ID Updates and Access to RSNOD Data Affiliate Affiliate Affiliate USDA ID Affil ID Affil ID Affil ID Search Criteria eAuth eAuthID
USDA ID Business Cards A: License plate like coding of the USDA Customer ID B,C,I: optional information (Company Name, slogan), D: Customer name E,H,G: Customer declared contact information, F: USDA provided picture B USDA-id 437-FXB Opt Card owner line 1 C OPT card owner LINE 2 Sandy Farmer 123 Shady Lane Eden, ID 70523 907.721.1538 (day) Optional Line 3 A D E H SFarmer@hotmail.com F G I
Agenda • Welcome • Customer Statement Demonstration • Q&A and Next Steps
Next Steps New EGWG Schedule: 2nd and 4th Wednesday of every month • Next EGWG Session Date: March 24, 2004. Time: 11:00 AM – 12:00PM EST Location: S107 Topic: Smart Choice Strategic Initiatives Update • eAuthentication - Release 2 Screens Review Meeting Date: Monday, March 22, 2004 Time: 2:00 PM EST Location: S107