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cs242. An Introduction to Monads. Kathleen Fisher. Reading: “ A history of Haskell: Being lazy with class ”, Section 6.4 and Section 7 “ Monads for functional programming ” Sections 1-3 “ Real World Haskell ”, Chapter 14: Monads.
cs242 An Introduction to Monads Kathleen Fisher Reading: “A history of Haskell: Being lazy with class”, Section 6.4 and Section 7 “Monads for functional programming” Sections 1-3 “Real World Haskell”, Chapter 14: Monads Thanks to Andrew Tolmach and Simon Peyton Jones for some of these slides.
Notes on the Reading • “Monads for functional programming” uses • unit instead of return • ★ instead of bind But it is talking about the same things. • “Real World Haskell”, Chapter 14, uses running examples introduced in previous chapters. You don’t need to understand all that code, just the big picture.
Reviewing IO Monad • Basic actions in IO monad have “side effects”: • “Do” combines actions into larger actions: • Operations happen only at the “top level” where we implicitly perform an operation with type getChar :: IO Char putChar :: Char -> IO () isEOF :: IO Bool echo :: IO () echo = do { b <- isEOF; if not b then do { x <- getChar; putChar x; echo } else return () } runIO :: IO a -> a -- Doesn’t really exist
“do” and “bind” • The special notation is “syntactic” sugar for the ordinary expression where >>=(called bind) sequences actions • The value returned by the first action needs to be fed to the second; hence the 2ndarg to >>= is a function (often an explicit lambda). do {v1 <- e1; e2} e1 >>= \v1 -> e2 (>>=) :: IO a -> (a -> IO b) -> IO b
More about “do” • Actions of type IO()don’t carry a useful value, so we can sequence them with >>. • The full translation for “do” notation is: (>>) :: IO a -> IO b -> IO b e1 >> e2 = e1 >>= (\_ -> e2) do { x<-e; es } = e >>= \x -> do { es } do { e; es } = e >> do { es } do { e } = e do {let ds; es} = let ds in do {es}
Explicit Data Flow • Pure functional languages make all data flow explicit. • Advantages • Value of an expression depends only on its free variables, making equational reasoning valid. • Order of evaluation is irrelevant, so programs may be evaluated lazily. • Modularity: everything is explicitly named, so programmer has maximum flexibility. • Disadvantages • Plumbing, plumbing, plumbing!
Plumbing • The IO monad allowed us to hide the plumbing required to handle interacting with the world. • Can we use the same ideas to hide other kinds of plumbing? YES!
An Evaluator data Exp = Plus Exp Exp | Minus Exp Exp | Times Exp Exp | Div Exp Exp | Const Int eval :: Exp -> Int eval (Plus e1 e2) = (eval e1) + (eval e2) eval (Minus e1 e2) = (eval e1) - (eval e2) eval (Times e1 e2) = (eval e1) * (eval e2) eval (Div e1 e2) = (eval e1) `div` (eval e2) eval (Const i) = i answer = eval (Div (Const 3) (Plus (Const 4) (Const 2)))
Making Modifications... • To add error checking • Purely: modify each recursive call to check for and handle errors. • Impurely: throw an exception, wrap with a handler. • To add logging • Purely: modify each recursive call to thread logs. • Impurely: write to a file. • To add a count of the number of operations • Purely: modify each recursive call to thread count. • Impurely: increment a global variable.
Adding Error Handling data Hope a = Ok a | Error String eval1 :: Exp -> Hope Int -- Plus, Minus, Times cases omitted, but similar. eval1 (Div e1 e2) = case eval1 e1 of Ok v1 -> case eval1 e2 of Ok v2 -> if v2 == 0 then Error "divby0" else Ok (v1 `div` v2) Error s -> Error s Error s -> Error s eval1 (Const i) = Ok i • Modify code to check for division by zero: Yuck! A lot of ugly plumbing!
Adding Error Handling data Hope a = Ok a | Error String eval1 :: Exp -> Hope Int -- Plus, Minus, Times cases omitted, but similar. eval1 (Div e1 e2) = case eval1 e1 of Ok v1 -> case eval1 e2 of Ok v2 -> if v2 == 0 then Error "divby0" else Ok (v1 `div` v2) Error s -> Error s Error s -> Error s eval1 (Const i) = Ok i • Modify code to check for division by zero: Note: whenever an expression evaluates to Error, that Errorpropagates to final result.
A Useful Abstraction • We can abstract how Errorflows through the code with a higher-order function: ifOKthen :: Hope a -> (a -> Hope b) -> Hope b e `ifOKthen` k = case e of Ok x -> k x Error s -> Error s eval2 :: Exp -> Hope Int -- Cases for Plus and Minus omitted eval2 (Times e1 e2) = eval2 e1 `ifOKthen` (\v1 -> eval2 e2 `ifOKthen` (\v2 -> Ok(v1 * v2))) eval2 (Div e1 e2) = eval2 e1 `ifOKthen` (\v1 -> eval2 e2 `ifOKthen` (\v2 -> if v2 == 0 then Error "divby0" else Ok(v1 `div` v2))) eval2 (Const i) = Ok i
A Pattern... • Compare the types of these functions: • The similarities are not accidental! • Like IO, Hopeis a monad. • IO threads the “world” through functional code. • Hopethreads whether an error has occurred. • Monads can describe many kinds of plumbing! ifOKthen :: Hope a -> (a -> Hope b) -> Hope b Ok :: a -> Hope a -- constructor for Hope (>>=) :: IO a -> (a -> IO b) -> IO b return :: a -> IO a
Monads, Formally • A monad consists of: • A type constructor M • A function >>= :: M a -> ( a -> M b) -> M b • A function return :: a -> M a • Where >>=and returnobey these laws: (1) return x >>= k = k x (2) m >>= return = m (3) m1 >>= (\x->m2 >>= \y->m3) = (m1 >>= \x->m2) >>= \y->m3 x not in free vars of m3
Verifying that Hope is a Monad e `ifOKthen` k = case e of Ok x -> k x Error s -> Error s First Monad Law: return x >>= k=kx Ok x `ifOKthen` k = case Ok x of Ok x -> kx Error s -> Error s = kx Second Monad Law: m >>= return = m m `ifOKthen` Ok = case m of Ok x -> Ok x Error s -> Error s = m Third Monad Law (left as an exercise) m1 >>= (\x->m2 >>= \y->m3) = (m1 >>= \x->m2) >>= \y->m3
Recall Type Classes • We can overload operators to work on many types: • Type classes and instances capture this pattern: (==) :: Int -> Int -> Bool (==) :: Char -> Char -> Bool (==) :: [Int]-> [Int]-> Bool class Eq a where (==) :: a -> a -> Bool ... instance Eq Int where (==) = primIntEq instance Eq a => Eq [a] where (x:xs) == (y:ys) = x==y && xs == ys ...
Recall Type Constructor Classes • We can define type classes over type constructors: class HasMap f where map :: (a->b) -> f a -> f b Instance HasMap [] where map f [] = [] map f (x:xs) = f x : map f xs instance HasMap Tree where map f (Leaf x) = Leaf (f x) map f (Node(t1,t2)) = Node(map f t1, map f t2) instance HasMap Opt where map f (Some s) = Some (f s) map f None = None We can do the same thing for monads!
The Monad Constructor Class • The Prelude defines a type constructor class for monadic behavior: • The Prelude defines an instance of this class for the IO type constructor. • The “do” notation works over any instance of class Monad. class Monad m where return :: a -> m a (>>=) :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
Hope, Revisited • We can make Hope an instance of Monad: • And then rewrite the evaluator to be monadic instance Monad Hope where return = Ok (>>=) = ifOKthen eval3 :: Exp -> Hope Int -- Cases for Plus and Minus omitted but similar eval3 (Times e1 e2) = do { v1 <- eval3 e1; v2 <- eval3 e2; return (v1 * v2) } eval3 (Div e1 e2) = do { v1 <- eval3 e1; v2 <- eval3 e2; if v2 == 0 then Error "divby0" else return (v1 `div` v2)} eval3 (Const i) = return i
Compare -- Div case, non-monadic case eval1 (Div e1 e2) = case eval1 e1 of Ok v1 -> case eval1 e2 of Ok v2 -> if v2 == 0 then Error "divby0" else Ok (v1 `div` v2) Error s -> Error s Error s -> Error s -- Div case, monadic case eval3 (Div e1 e2) = do { v1 <- eval3 e1; v2 <- eval3 e2; if v2 == 0 then Error "divby0" else return (v1 `div` v2)} The monadic version is much easier to read and modify.
Adding Tracing • Modify (original) interpreter to generate a log of the operations in the order they are done. evalT :: Exp -> [String] -> ([String], Int) -- Minus, Times, Div cases omitted, but similar. evalT (Plus e1 e2) s = let (s1,v1) = evalT e1 s (s2,v2) = evalT e2 s1 in (s2++["+"], v1 + v2) evalT (Const i) s = (s++[showi], i) expA = (Div (Const 3) (Plus (Const 4) (Const 2))) (traceTA,answerTA) = evalTexpA [] -- (["3","4","2","+","/"],0) More ugly plumbing!
Tracing Monad • We can capture this idiom with a tracing monad,avoiding having to explicitly thread the log through the computation. data Tr a = Tr [String] a instance Monad Tr where return a = Tr [] a m >>= k = let (trace, a) = runTr m (trace’, b) = runTr (k a) in Tr (trace++trace') b -- runTr lets us "run" the Trace monad runTr :: Tr a -> ([String], a) runTr (Tr s a) = (s,a) -- trace adds argument to the log trace :: String -> Tr () trace x = Tr [x] ()
Eval with Monadic Tracing evalTM :: Exp -> Tr Int -- Cases for Plus and Minus omitted but similar evalTM (Times e1 e2) = do { v1 <- evalTM e1; v2 <- evalTM e2; trace "*"; return (v1 * v2) } evalTM (Div e1 e2) = do { v1 <- evalTM e1; v2 <- evalTM e2; trace "/"; return (v1 `div` v2) } evalTM (Const i) = do{trace (show i); return i} answerTM = runTr (evalTM expA) -- (["3","4","2","+","/"],0) Which version would be easier to modify?
Adding a Count of Div Ops • Non-monadically modifying the original evaluator to count the number of divisions requires changes similar to adding tracing: • thread an integer count through the code • update the count when evaluating a division. • Monadically, we can use the general state monad ST, parameterized over an arbitrary state type. Intuitively: • The IO monad can be thought of as an instance of the ST monad, where the type of the state is “World.” type ST s a = s -> (a, s) IO = ST World type IO a = World -> (a, World)
The ST Monad • First, we introduce a type constructor for the new monad so we can make it an instance of Monad: • A newtypedeclaration is just like a datatype, except • It must have exactly one constructor. • Its constructor can have only one argument. • It describes a strict isomorphism between types. • It can often be implemented more efficiently than the corresponding datatype. • The curly braces define a record, with a single field named runST with type s -> (a,s). • The name of the field can be used to access the value in the field: newtype State s a = ST {runST :: s -> (a,s)} runST :: State s a -> s -> (a,s)
The ST Monad, Continued • We need to make ST s an instance of Monad: newtype ST s a = ST {runST :: s -> (a,s)} instance Monad (ST s) where return a = ST (\s -> (a,s)) m >>= k = ST (\s -> let (a,s') = runSTms in runST (k a) s') return :: a -> ST s a a a return s s
The ST Monad, Continued • We need to make ST s an instance of Monad: newtype ST s a = ST {runST :: s -> (a,s)} m k a instance Monad (ST s) where return a = ST (\s -> (a,s)) m >>= k = ST (\s -> let (a,s') = runSTms in runST (k a) s') >>= :: ST s a -> (a -> ST s b) -> (ST s b) result a s s s’
Operations in the ST Monad • The monad structure specifies how to thread the state. Now we need to define operations for using the state. -- Get the value of the state, leave state value unchanged. get :: State s s get = ST (\s -> (s,s)) -- Make put's argument the new state, return the unit value. put :: s -> State s () put s = ST (\_ -> ((),s)) -- Before update, the state has value s. -- Return s as value of action and replace s with f s. update :: (s -> s) -> State s s update f = ST (\s -> (s, f s))
Counting Divs in the ST Monad evalCD :: Exp -> State Int Int -- Plus and Minus omitted, but similar. evalCD (Times e1 e2) = do { v1 <- evalCD e1; v2 <- evalCD e2; return (v1 * v2) } evalCD (Div e1 e2) = do { v1 <- evalCD e1; v2 <- evalCD e2; update (+1); -- Increment state by 1. (\x->x+1) return (v1 `div` v2) } evalCD (Const i) = do{return i} -- The second component is the final "state” ie, the count. answerCD = runST' (evalCD expA) 0 -- (0,1) The state flow is specified in the monad; eval can access the state w/o having to thread it explicitly.
The “Real” ST Monad • The module Control.Module.ST.Lazy, part of the standard distribution, defines the ST monad, including the getand putfunctions. • It also provides operations for allocating, writing to, reading from, and modifying named imperative variables in ST s: • Analogous to the IORefs in the IO Monad. -- From Data.STRef.Lazy data STRef s a newSTRef :: a -> ST s (STRef s a) readSTRef :: STRef s a -> ST s a writeSTRef :: STRef s a -> a -> ST s () modifySTRef :: STRef s a -> (a -> a) -> ST s ()
Swapping in ST s • Using these operations, we can write an imperative swap function: • And test it... Swap :: STRef s a -> STRef s a -> ST s () swap r1 r2 = do {v1 <- readSTRef r1; v2 <- readSTRef r2; writeSTRef r1 v2; writeSTRef r2 v1} Testswap :: Int testSwap = runST (do { r1 <- newSTRef 1; r2 <- newSTRef 2; swap r1 r2; readSTRef r2}) -- 1
A Closer Look • Consider again the test code: • The runST :: ST sInt -> Int function allowed us to “escape” the ST s monad. Testswap :: Int testSwap = runST (do { r1 <- newSTRef 1; r2 <- newSTRef 2; swap r1 r2; readSTRef r2}) Result act Discard World Invent World
But Wait!!!! • The analogous function in the IO Monad unsafePerformIObreaks the type system. • How do we know runST is safe? -- What is to prevent examples like this one? -- It allocates a reference in one state thread, -- then uses the reference in a different state. let v = runST (newSTRef True) in runST (readSTRef v) This code must be outlawed because actions in different state threads are not sequenced with respect to each other. Purity would be lost!
But How? • Initially, the Haskell designers thought they would have to tag each reference with its originating state thread and check each use to ensure compatibility. • Expensive, runtime test • Obvious implementation strategies made it possible to test the identity of a thread and therefore break referential transparency. • Use the type system!
Typing runST • Precisely typing runSTsolves the problem! • In Hindley/Milner, the type we have given to runSTis implicitly universally quantified: • But this type isn’t good enough. runST :: \/s,a.ST s a -> a
A Better Type • Intuition: runSTshould only be applied to an ST action which uses newSTRefto allocate any references. • Or: the argument to runST should not make any assumptions about what has already been allocated. • Or: runST should work regardless of what initial state is given. • So, its type should be: which is not a Hindley/Milner type because it has a nested quantifier. It is an example of a rank-2 polymorphic type. runST :: \/a.(\/s.ST s a) -> a
How does this work? • Consider the example again: • The type of readVarvdepends upon the type of v, so during type checking, we will discover • To apply runSTwe have to give (readSTRefv) the type \/s.STsBool. • But the type system prevents this quantifier introduction because s is in the set of assumptions. let v = runST (newSTRef True) in runST (readSTRef v) -- Bad! {...,v:STRef s Bool} |- readSTRef v : ST s Bool A foreign reference cannot be imported into a state thread.
How does this work? • In this example, v is escaping its thread: • During typing, we get • But we still can’t apply runST. To try, we instantiate its type with STRef s Bool to get: v = runST (newSTRef True) -- Bad! Env |- newSTRef True :: ST s (STRef s Bool) which generalizes to Env |- newSTRef True :: \/ST s (STRef s Bool) runST :: \/s,(\/a.ST s a) -> a -- instantiate a runST ::(\/s’. ST s’(STRef s Bool) -> STRef s Bool A reference cannot escape from a state thread.
Formally • These arguments just give the intuition for why the type preserves soundness. • In 1994, researchers showed the rank-2 type for runSTmakes its use safe. • They used proof techniques for reasoning about polymorphic programs developed by John Mitchell and Albert Meyer. • Consequence: we can write functions with pure type that internally use state. The rest of the program cannot tell the difference. Lazy Functional State Threads by John Launchbury and Simon Peyton Jones
The Implementation • The ST monad could be implemented by threading the state through the computation, directly as the model suggests. • But, the type system ensures access to state will be single threaded. • So the system simply does imperative updates. • The safety of the type system ensures that user code cannot tell the difference (except in performance!)
Mutable Arrays • In addition to imperative variables, the ST monad provides mutable arrays with the API: -- Allocate a new array, with each cell initialized to elt. newArray :: Ix i => (i,i) -> elt -> ST s MArray(s i elt) -- Read an element of the array a[i] readArray :: Ix i => MArray(s i elt) -> i -> ST s elt -- Write an element of the array a[i] := new_elt writeArray :: Ix i => MArray(s i elt) -> i -> elt -> ST s ()
Imperative Depth First Search • Problem: Given a graph and a list of “root” vertices, construct a list of trees that form a spanning forest for the graph. • With lazy evaluation, the trees will be constructed on demand, so the this construction corresponds to depth-first search. • We can use the ST monad to give a purely functional interface to an imperative implementation of this algorithm. type Graph = Array Vertex [Vertex] data Tree a = Node a [Tree a]
Imperative Depth First Search dfs :: Graph -> [Vertex] -> [Tree Vertex] dfs g vs = runST( do{ marks <- newArray (bounds g) False; search marks vs}) where search :: STArray s Vertex Bool -> [Vertex] -> ST s [Tree Vertex] search marks [] = return [] search marks (v:vs) = do { visited <- readArray marks v; if visited then search marks vs else do { writeArray marks v True; ts <- search marks (g!v); us <- search marks vs; return ((Node v ts) : us) } }
Using DFS -- Is Vertex b reachable from Vertex a in Graph g? reachable :: Graph -> Vertex -> Vertex -> Bool reachable g a b = b `elem` (toPreOrder ( dfs g [a])) toPreOrder :: [Tree Vertex] -> [Vertex] toPreOrder Lazy evaluation means e1 will start executing as soon as b is emitted, and dfs will stop, imperative state and all! dfs g [a] a c b d if reachable g [a] b then e1 else e2 e ... c, b, a
Quicksort qsort :: (Ord a Bool) => [a] -> [a] qsort [] = [] qsort (x:xs) = qsort (filter (<= x) xs) ++ [x] ++ qsort (filter (> x) xs The problem with this function is that it's not really Quicksort. ... What they have in common is overall algorithm: pick a pivot (always the first element), then recursively sort the ones that are smaller, the ones that are bigger, and then stick it all together. But in my opinion the real Quicksort has to be imperative because it relies on destructive update... The partitioning works like this: scan from the left for an element bigger than the pivot, then scan from the right for an element smaller than the pivot, and then swap them. Repeat this until the array has been partitioned.... Haskell has a variety of array types with destructive updates (in different monads), so it's perfectly possible to write the imperative Quicksort in Haskell. [The code is on his blog] -- LennartAugustsson
A Monad of Nondeterminism • Like many other algebraic types, lists form a monad: • The bind operator applies f to each element x in the input list, producing a list for each x. Bind then concatenates the results. • We can view this monad as a representation of nondeterministic computations, where the members of the list are possible outcomes. • With this interpretation, it is useful to define: instance Monad [] where return x = [x] (x:xs) >>= f = (f x) ++ (xs >>= f) orelse = (++) -- contatentation bad = [] -- empty list
Example: Pairs of Factors • This code returns a list of pairs of numbers that multiply to the argument n: • Lazy evaluation ensures that the function produces only as many pairs as the program consumes. multiplyTo :: Int -> [(Int,Int)] multiplyTo n = do { x <- [1..n]; y <- [x..n]; if (x * y == n) then return (x,y) else bad } fstMult = head (multiplyTo 10) sndMult = head (tail (multiplyTo 10))
type Row = Int type Col = Int type QPos = (Row,Col) type Board = [QPos] safe :: QPos -> QPos -> Bool safe (r,c) (r',c') = r /= r' && c /= c' && (abs(r-r') /= abs(c-c')) pick :: Int -> [Int] pick 0 = bad pick n = return n `orelse` pick (n-1) add :: QPos -> Board -> [Board] add q qs | all (safe q) qs = return (q:qs) | otherwise = bad nqueens :: Int -> [Board] nqueens n = fill_row 1 [] where fill_row r board | r > n = return board | otherwise = do { c <- pick n; board' <- add (r,c) board; fill_row (r+1) board'; } queenResult = head (nqueens 8) -- [(8,5),(7,7),(6,2),(5,6),(4,3),(3,1),(2,4),(1,8)] Example: Eight Queens
Monad Menagerie • We have seen many example monads • IO, Hope (aka Maybe), Trace, ST, Non-determinism • There are many more... • Continuation monad • STM: software transactional memory • Reader: for reading values from an environment • Writer: for recording values (like Trace) • Parsers • Random data generators (e.g, in Quickcheck) • Haskell provides many monads in its standard libraries, and users can write more.
Operations on Monads • In addition to the “do” notation, Haskell leverages type classes to provide generic functions for manipulating monads. -- Convert list of a actions to single [a] action. sequence :: Monad m => [m a] -> m [a] sequence [] = return [] sequence (m:ms) = do{ a <- m; as<-sequence ms; return (a:as) } -- Apply f to each a, sequence resulting actions. mapM :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> [a] -> m [b] mapM f as = sequence (map f as) -- “lift” pure function in a monadic one. liftM :: Monad m -> (a -> b) -> m a -> m b -- and the many others in Control.Monad